
IMG 0485rz 210x300 AboutTess Marshall is a wife, mother, entrepreneur, speaker, author, workshop and retreat leader, spiritually-based, fear shattering, calculated risk taker, obsessed with being happy, courageous and bold, witty, big-hearted, loving, passionate, runner, world traveler and ADHD hyper human being.
Her life experiences and work as a counselor and coach combined with her intuition and has led to great wisdom. She shares it openly with you.

The Bold Life is a delicious and juicy mix of inspiration, spirituality and personal development.

The Mission

I lovingly push you out of your comfort zone.
I Encourage You To Do More Bold. To Begin. Now.
I model boldness by showing up, speaking my truth, and doing as much good as possible for as many people as possible every day.
If there’s anyway I can serve you or help you please let me know!

The Passion

I’m passionate about writing and speaking my Truth. If I make your life easier today I’ve done my job. If I made a difference in the world today I’ve done my job.
I’ve always been on a spiritual path and I have a Masters Degree in counseling psychology have recently worked as a life coach. I’m very intuitive and allow my gut and heart to lead me in everything I’m involved in.

The Bold

I live boldly in the present moment. I take action on my dreams. I am willing to take risks and move forward no matter what the outcome. I encourage others to do the same.
I know that I have all of the talent, passion and resources I need to succeed. I thrive! I help you excel and thrive as well.

The Love

I believe we’re here on planet earth to grow in kindness and love. Nothing is more important than learning to love on a deeper level. In the end it’s all we take with us when we die. I believe we’re all connected and every moment matters. There are no mistakes.
I believe in donating my time, talent and money. I volunteer, I mentor and serve others. You matter to me.

The Integrity

I speak and write my truth. I’m very direct. I’ve written about this at length in my book, “Flying by the Seat of My Soul.” You can purchase it here.

The Connections

I’m interested in life-long friendships. I want to know all about you. If there is any thing I can help you with please let me know.
If you have bold ideas and would like to talk about partnering with me on a project, let me know. If you want to hire me to help you with a project or as a speaker or coach let me know. I’d be delighted. I’m in this for the long haul!


I’m fun and I love being out in nature. I like to play, hike, and travel, explore and laugh. I fill my life with the best values, experiences and people. I’ve met several of my blogging friends in person and I’m planning on traveling to meet many more.
I have a daughter who flies with Southwest which means I fly free! This also allows me to speak and do workshops and retreats in other cities with no additional travel cost!

My Recommendation

Look at things you’ve never seen. Go places you’ve never been. Do things you’ve never done before. “What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.”
Don’t worry about who doesn’t like you, who has more or who’s doing what. Release desperation. It’s the ego voice attempting to distract you from your own success. Relax and live with patience, persistence and peace of mind. Be bold, be brave and move forward and make your life matter!

Thanks for visiting The Bold Life. We have a magnificent future you and I. Anything is possible at anytime! Together we’ll accomplish great things!

    { 14 comments… read them below or add one }

    Keith July 17, 2010 at 5:25 am

    Hello Tess,

    I love this page. You have done such a remarkable job with describing who you are, what you stand for, and what you do with it all! I am so very impressed and I know you will make an even larger impact. I feel a new energy flowing coming from you and flowing out of this blog!

    I am proud to have you has a Blogging Friend!!
    If there is anything I can do that will help you on your path, please do not hesitate to ask.

    :-) Smiles to you!


    Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord July 18, 2010 at 5:26 am

    Tess, I got chills reading this! Simply awesome!


    Evita July 18, 2010 at 7:02 am

    Hi Tess

    Your new site and look is OUTSTANDING! I feel like I just landed on the site of one of the Hay House people.

    And all that you wrote here is so beautiful! I love, love, love it!


    Robin Easton July 20, 2010 at 7:40 pm

    Awww dear Tess you look soooooo beautiful. You have an amazing child-like energy and look that makes you look eternally youthful. Just to open and endearing I wanted to hug you. Love, Robin. Just loving the photos of you. SO MUCH!!!


    Faye Riley August 12, 2010 at 11:31 am

    Tess, I am touched by what you have said on your page. Really strong, incredibly positive. I like the bold part. Great writing, too. I downloaded your book and am really excited. Thanks so much.


    elizabeth August 16, 2010 at 5:42 am

    was looking for the interview with Anne Lamott and Elizabeth Gilbert and came upon your site – what a lucky find. Will be back.


    Shaukat Charania August 21, 2010 at 11:56 pm

    Tess! You are a wonderful write. Your write ups are very inspiring and have simple words to go deep into the hearts of readers. May God bless you and your loved ones with love, peace, joy and light. Amen


    Angela Artemis August 27, 2010 at 5:32 pm

    Tess, if you get a chance can you email me? I couldn’t find your email. I thought I’d saved it.
    I’m writing a post and I wondered if I could include a quote from you on a question I’m writing about.
    Thank you! No hurries – it is the weekend.


    Barbara Badolati September 20, 2010 at 5:44 am

    Love ya girlfriend. You live Boldly in so many ways. Thank you for your shining example of having fun while reminding us of what is most important…oh yeah – to have FUN! xoxo Barb


    Nea | Self Improvement Saga September 27, 2010 at 5:16 pm

    Tess, I couldn’t find a contact form on your site, so can you email me please.


    Danielle September 27, 2010 at 10:50 pm

    Hi Tess,
    It makes me happy to read you…such a lively, ongoing and creative being…I love people like that, because I am not so far away as you, I know it, that’s why I am reading….
    Keep going doing what you love doing, honouring your being and all the gifts that has been given to you…
    I love when you write that you are ADHD, cause sometimes I do feel the same, always on the go, making things happen, quick minded, exhuberant…and you may know also that sometimes the pace seems going slow…
    Anyway, so far, I am enjoying each moment that life is giving me, knowing it is meant to be so, for the right reason….
    Be bold and beautiful Tess….


    sushe October 12, 2010 at 3:44 am

    Hi Tess,
    Myself is sushe,I am a blogger on blogger on blogger.com.I am a getting blogs from Susie under the heading NEW DAY NEW LESSON . Today when I was reading latest lesson, I read her views about THE BOLD LIFE and I could not stop me reading about you. You are really a wonderful writer. I am touched by what you have written in your blog.
    It made me happy to read your blog…such a lively,and well organised.I love people like you, because I am not so far away as you, I know it, that’s why I am reading….Anyway, so far, I am enjoying each moment that life is giving me, knowing it is meant to be so, for the right reason….Tess, if you get a chance would you email me please?Be bold and beautiful Tess….



    Randa Kluver October 21, 2010 at 9:18 pm

    You are awesome!!! I had an awesome night of laughs and deep conversation from a truly gifted friend. It is always rewarding and a pleasure spending time with you……you are on my favorite list! Love ya, Randa


    daddyshonyock November 26, 2010 at 3:33 pm


    the actual painting what does it really look like?


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