A guest post by awesome friend, Dani, at Positively Present.
On a daily basis, we’re not inundated with positive images, thoughts, and ideas. In fact, quite the opposite is true. In mainstream media, negativity is the norm. Just watch the nightly news and look to see how many stories have a positive theme. Negativity is an attention-grabber. Worry and fear keep people tuned in. With negativity swirling around us, it’s no wonder that so many of us gravitate toward it, filling our minds with doubt and stress.
The truth is:
Negativity is easy.
It’s the default setting. To focus on what could go wrong or dwell on what did go wrong makes sense. We want to make sure we don’t make the same mistakes we’ve already made; we want to avoid future mistakes by considering what could go wrong. Oddly enough, focusing on negativity aspects of life seems to make sense. It seems like it will keep us from harm and prevent us from facing situations laced with fear or uncertainty.
And I get that. Having been a negative person for so long, I understand completely why one would want to—or find it easier to—focus on the negative. It seems smart, in some ways, to consider all that could go wrong so that it doesn’t occur again. But, despite how it might seem at times, negativity thinking—worrying about the future or dwelling on the past—does much more harm than good. It might seem easy at times, but the truth is:
Positivity is the bold choice.
Assuming a positive attitude is definitely not the easy route, more often than not. It can seem nearly impossible sometimes. But, from experience , I've found that it's always the best way to go.
Sometimes it seems wild and reckless—seeing the good in everything—but its boldness is what makes everything better. Here are the benefits that come along with making the bold choice to be positive:
1. Positive thinking makes you stronger.
2. Positive thinking makes you happier.
3. Positive thinking makes you fear less.
4. Positive thinking makes you love yourself more.
5. Positive thinking makes you braver.
6. Positive thinking makes you excited about life.
7. Positive thinking makes you freer.
8. Positive thinking makes you take action.
9. Positive thinking makes you believe.
10. Positive thinking makes you more you.
These are just ten of the many reasons why choosing a positive outlook—that bold choice in the face of the negative that surrounds us—makes sense. Thinking positively will rarely be easy. It will constantly be challenged (maybe even sometimes by your own mind). But, even with difficulty that sometimes comes with choosing a positive attitude, the benefits always outweigh the struggles. So make the bold choice. Stay positive!
Click on the image below!
Dani launched PositivelyPresent.com in 2009 when she decided to turn her life around and start focusing on the positive while living in the present moment. Positively Present focuses on living positively in the present moment, and since its launch Dani’s personal development site as grown and it continues to touch lives around the world. Dani recently published her first book, Stay Positive: Daily Reminders from Positively Present,To learn more, visit StayPositive365.com.
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Thanks so much for featuring this post, Tess!
Wild Sister! You’re so welcome. I’m not sure I know another blogger as sincere as you. xo
We all think that being positive is better than being negative, so I wonder what the attraction is toward negativity. You identified it as a default position–I think you are right. It is our habitual perspective. Maybe because of anxiety and fear. I think sometimes it is, oddly, the way we connect to each other. It’s easy, for example, in the Pacific Northwest this time of year to start complaining about the rain. It is our bond here, the rain. So one thing to ask ourselves is how do we satisfy our desire to bond and connect by focusing on the positive rather than the negative. For example, we could focus on one of the reasons we love living here–the lush greenness. And where does that come from? The rain!
When we can understand where our negativity comes from and become more aware of it, we can begin to really take to heart your excellent suggestions and shift our perspective to a positive one. Thanks!
Galen Pearl´s last post…What Is Your Favorite Word?
I agree with negativity as a default position. We only need to learn how to flip the switch. Once we learn it, we then become willing and committed to turn the negative to positive as often as it takes throughout the day.
Hi Dani and Tess,
Positive thinking can make all the difference in our lives. When we embrace our reality, life seems to flow a little easier. Love this line – “Positive thinking makes you braver.” So true!
Yes I love that line as well and the first thing that comes to mind is the Olympians!
Hi Dani and Tess,
What a wonderful reminder to be positive all weekend! I love to see the world as filled with possibilities rather than obstacles. I’ll check out your website this weekend.
Great post!
Betsy at Zen Mama´s last post…Be Your Own Super Hero With The Beginner’s Mind
HI Betsy,
Obstacles are in our mind, our thinking…illusions at best. Thanks for chiming in!
Thanks for this Dani and Tess – as someone who used to have a tendency to focus on what I didn’t want, this is oh so familiar. I learned that it came from fear, or insecurity, and the difference that looking on the bright side of things can make is phenomenal.
Great stuff.
Love Elle
Elle, motivational blogger´s last post…Breaking The Habits Of Hurts And Hangups Volume 1.
My positive attitude has saved me from a life time of worry, doubt and misery!