I just returned from a 10 day trip to visit family. Instead of a lengthy post I'm posting this video. I first became aware of it through Mary Jaksch, at Good Life Zen.
Charity Tillman-Dick sings for her life after a double lung transplant. Watch this video and be inspired. If you've ever had a dream, if you've ever wanted to give up or quit, you'll feel differently after viewing this. You'll never be the same. Guaranteed!
Please share your thoughts with us below!
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Oh Tess, sitting here in my car crying at that beautiful video and singing.
To say that I’m inspired, humbled and in awe of the human spirit only begins to scratch the deep deep surface of my feelings.
And I had no idea lungs were even able to be transplanted. That’s just amazing!!
Thank you so so much for posting this. I am changed.
Jannie Funster´s last post…Funny Typos — 20
Hi Jannie,
I felt the same as you and I’m not a singer. I think it has an impact on anyone who watches it. It’s the reason I posted it after seeing it at Mary’s blog.
Thank you for sharing, Tess! I really needed that. I’m in a difficult time, having a lot of adjustments in a new country and culture, plus I’m trying to find my way where I fit in. Times like these, sometimes it’s easier just to give up and let go of our dreams. We need all the help we could get to keep our hopes up and carry on.
Joyce at I Take Off The Mask´s last post…How Taking Off Your Mask Can Lead To Greater Productivity
I understand. A new country and culture can be very lonely. Don’t give up. Reach out to anyone and everyone you can to help. Check out Jen from
http://jensmilingheart.wordpress.com/. She is in China and has went from struggling to blooming. I’ll email this as well to make sure you get it.
Don’t give up! Take care and take a break but don’t give up.
Wow, that made me cry! What an amazing woman, and such an inspiring story!
Yes amazing…we all are and sometimes stuff happens in order for us to reach within, dig deep and find out how strong and resilient we can be.
Tess, I hope you had a truly divine visit with your family
Thank you for sharing this incredible video. There’s so much amazing goodness in this world, and miracles happen when we are truly open to surrendering to whatever life may bring us – surrendering with complete acceptance.
Aileen | Kaizen Vision´s last post…Do You Take Your Recommended Daily Dose of Vitamin M
I’m right beside you nodding my head with each word I read. Cheers to goodness and strength. Thanks for being in my life.
This story of Charity is just so moving (and reached right into my heart). What a beautiful story and inspiration…
Lance´s last post…The Sabbatical
Yes don’t ya just love Ted Talks and inspiring stories. I could fill my free time with it 24/7. Enjoy your break!
Hi Tess
Welcome back!
It is amazing what people can achieve or accomplish given the will, the intention or drive within to make a change, or make something happen.
Thank you for sharing this moving video!
Yes it is and it sounds like her family has been an amazing support. Charity blesses us with hope, resilience and love.
Welcome back, Tess! Thanks for sharing this truly inspiring story of Charity’s life. I’m finding symbolism in her heart being literally too big, her being able to thrive after a difficult surgery and sing again. I guess a big heart wins out in the end. Science combined with faith (and a very good surgeon!) can work some out-of-this-world miracles.
You always have such deep insight. Thanks for sharing them with the rest of us. It’s an amazing world we live in, science and faith combined is powerful.
Hi Tess,
Beautiful and inspiring. What persistence and determination to go for your dreams no matter what life serves you. And on top of that she is funny and cute.
Great to have you back!
Thanks for sharing this. Loving blessings
Andrea DeBell – Britetalk´s last post…Change how you feel- choose happiness
Yes all of that and funny and cute! Oh did we forget inspiration. A wise soul bringing happiness to the rest of us.
What a wonderful video! Also, just read your interview at POWER BY INTUITION. Planning on downloading your new book and getting you ebook, too.
Hope you had a wonderful trip!
“Life is about living, not about avoiding death.” What a great story of how one dosen’t let adversity take over their life, but keeps living in spite of it. Amazing performer and women!
Marci | Liberating Choices´s last post…3 Ways to Hug a Life-Changing Choice