Tara Mohr from Wise Living is determined to help change the lives of girls through The Girl Effect. I'm determined to help her.
What would your life look like if you didn’t receive an education? What would your life look like if you didn’t know how to read or write? How would your life be different?
Having an education is a priviledge. You have options, opportunities and the freedom of choice.
The Girl Effect is about educating girls in developing countries. By getting involved, we have the opportunity to help eliminate poverty, physical and sexual abuse, sexually transmitted disease and hunger. That's powerful.
To be in a position of helping girls further their goals is an honor and privilege. Each time we serve others and share our resources, we add more love, light, hope and promise to the world.
My wish for the girls:
May you know peace and fulfillment.
May you have water, food, clothing, shelter and education.
May you have the opportunity to own your power and share your wisdom.
May you have an education that leads to the ability to know and express your unique talents and gifts.
My you be free to participate in the beauty and joy of existence.
Action Plan:
Let us see each other as one. Let’s wrap our spiritual arms around girls everywhere.
Let us send The Girl Effect a torrent of love, compassion and monetary gifts.
Let us take a stand, be a difference maker and spread the word.
Let’s see each other as sacred.
Again, I invite everyone to fall in love with giving your time, energy, talents, skills and financial resources…grow your heart.
All acts of loving kindness, compassion and generosity of heart take us from “me” to "we."
Watch the video below and take action. Give, I am. The girls thank you in advance!
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{ 19 comments… read them below or add one }
That video was powerful. It is true that when you empower a girl you empower the world.
Yes, the video was powerful. I am in tears. Thank you, Tess for carrying this torch and lighting the way for all of us.
.-= Sandra Lee´s last post…Blogging Insight – Make new friends- endlessly! =-.
Dear Tess,
This is a powerful video
i am from delhi, india and involved with teaching children from the lower income group at a local missionary school. the girls( some just 7yrs) work very hard, they attend the government school in the morning, afternoon they come to study with us( double reinforcement is essential) and in the evenings they cook food for the entire family, besides helping care for siblings. their parents are only able to earn enough to keep food on the table, clotheson bodies and shelter above them, Yet i see them smiling and putting in their best in the afternoons.
Another point, girls and women should be taught to be financially independent so that they can be emotionally independent and have a say in how to bring up their children. if this is done I think the economic situation can be changed in just one generation.
thanks to you for writing about this. Cheers to you and others like you who feel so deeply about this
Thanks for sharing this. That video is a powerful statement to the change that IS possible, just by helping girls to have a life filled with promise.
And know that I see you as a shining example of someone out there, doing this – touching the lives of many. What a gift you are!
.-= Lance´s last post…Sunday Thought For The Day =-.
Thanks for lending your voice to this important cause!
Thank you for sharing this. There is plenty of research that shows working through girls is the answer. And we don’t have to go far to find the need.
What a moving video on such an important topic. Women do nurture and carry the world on their shoulders. When we help women – we help the future of our world.
.-= Angela Artemis´s last post…Unleash The Power of the Joy Magnet Effect! =-.
Tess, I agree with everyone’s comments. I believe this is why 90% of my clients are women. Mary and Mary Magdalene talked to me about healing mothers and girls many years ago. I believe spirit is in charge of my marketing.
You’re pretty awesome. With great love, Simon.
.-= Simon Hay´s last post…Im Home! =-.
Very moving video, Tess
I think education is definitely the best way to help women in developing nations. When people are able to read and are exposed to information that will help them in all facets of their lives, they are able to not only help themselves, but everyone around them. There’s a ripple effect that can’t be denied. Education gives opportunities that were not available before. When I think back over my own life and the multitude of education I’ve taken (university, college, certificates, night courses, etc) I know that I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t have the information available to me.
.-= Karen´s last post…What Can You Do When You’ve Lost Your Way =-.
Hi Tess,
Thanks for sharing this , It is very powerful. yes we can all be part of the answer
.-= Suzie Cheel´s last post…Suzie’s Oprahgeous Dream =-.
This really pulls at your heart strings… I can hardly write … my eyes are filled with tears. Thank you reminding us of the plight of females in our world!!
May all be free to live the life of their dreams…
.-= Brenda´s last post…Thoughts on Forgiveness =-.
I can only say WOW!
We all know that somewhere far far away things like that happen and people need our help, but seeing it like so really changes perspective. Global era really makes us closer to the rest of the world. Including understanding of other people problems, I hope.
Hi Tess,
Thank you for lending your voice to this Awareness…You inspire me greatly–to stretch, to share more, to shine…You are one very gracious, generous, *bold* woman..thank *you* for empowering me and others!
Thanks for sharing this info, Tess. It is so important for uplifting humanity that all people are empowered and educated. The greatest hope for this planet is building awareness of the unlimited potential that we all possess …
A very powerful video Tess! I love the Central Asia Institute which is the name of author Greg Mortenson’s foundation (Three Cups of Tea). They are helping many girls to go to school (and boys, too).
Oops! Sent that before I included the website of the Central Asia Institute:
Just love what they’re doing!!
I LOVE you, Tess!!!
You have enriched MY life with your inner joy and fun.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I notice Lance had this Girl Effect up too. Beautiful loving project to help others.
.-= Jannie Funster´s last post…Over Three Years Now =-.
have a great thanksgiving Tess — thank you for you!
Tara inspired me to write a girl effect post too —
Amazing what a big difference one person can make!
.-= Satya´s last post…On building a juicy container for getting amazing sh done extreme gratitude =-.
The girl ‘effect’ is eyes opening. I saw their video on youtube, and it shaked my mind.
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