Today I would like to introduce to you Dragos Roua, a serial online entrepreneur from the personal development blog, "Brilliantly Better."
What I like about Dargos is his authenticity, direct approach and desire to help others become brilliantly better. A couple of months ago he graciously allowed me to be his guest blogger.
Dragos is also generous and openly shares with his readers the same tools he uses to succeed. When you have a role model that is willing to lead the way the only thing you have to do is take direction and action. Success is inevitable!
Welcome Dragos!
I know you live in Romania, will you tell us a bit about yourself and your country?
I grew up in Romania, during communism. The regime went down when I was 18 and I was witnessing it pretty close, being in the army at that time. Growing up in communism is a huge challenge. You can't talk, you can't have genuine values you can't compete.
I think a very deep part of my life was – and still is – influenced by my first half of my life. I may write too much but this might be a compensation for the fact I wasn't able to express myself as a teenager.
I may be too honest at times but this might be a compensation of the fact I couldn't speak up for years. I may have strong values and principles, but this might be a compensation for the fact I didn't have any role models while I was younger.
Communism pushes your life in secrecy and fear, I thrive for open fields and joy. I have two kids, a boy and a girl. I live my relationships not taking anything for granted.
What led you to blogging and writing?
I was writing a lot when I was younger. I even had a few poems and short stories published in literature magazines back when I was a teenager. I continued to write during my first job as a radio host, I had to write down my spoken interventions. I also continued to write as an online entrepreneur for the last 11 years.
You'd be surprised how much you have to write if you start your own business online: you write code, you write specs, contracts, employees evaluations, invoices, predictions, documentations.
So it seems I wrote a lot for my entire life. Blogging came up as a structured way to do this and structure is good if you want to build a business, it gives you handles.
My personal development blog is also a business and I'm treating it like that. I'm mixing things I love to do, like writing about self-improvement and personal challenges with a business oriented approach. So far, it works pretty well.
How do you make a difference in the world?
I create and share. I help and support. I fight my own demons and sometimes I win. I accept gifts and hints from the Universe, so it won't get clogged by a false approach to altruism. I try to be in sync and provide the best value I can. But in the end, I don't really know how I make this difference. I'm not the one to tell that.
Can you recommend one of your books above the others?
Nope Each book is different. I enjoyed writing them all.
Note: He has written four books! I've recently read Dragos' book, "30 Sentences for a Millionaire Mindset."
This book is anything but fluff and is filled with practical actions steps to take to get out of your own way on the road to success. The focus isn't about getting rich. Its about acquiring the mindset that allows you to succeed with ease.
With that mindset you can choose to become a millionaire if that's what you wish to be.
If you were written up in Mashable what would the headlines say?
Ex-workahoolic to become personal development pro blogger: the exclusive story
Where do you see yourself and your blog in 5 years from now?
For me it's pretty simple: I would continue my digital nomadic lifestyle, living on 2-3 continents at once. For my blog, I can't predict it. But as long as I will try to be brilliantly better, the blog will be around.
What is the best advice you can give us?
Don't take advice blindly. Do your research. Look in the mirror. See if it applies. Be yourself.
What is the best risk you taken last year?
Deciding to make major changes in my personal relationships. Every time I took a major risk in some part of my life that part was in the end reborn. I'm sure it would be the same with this part too.
What I don't know for now is what parts would be left behind. But that's part of the game, I guess, not to know everything in advance.
If you want to learn from an expert and take your blog to the next level sign up for Dragos' RSS feed, follow him on Twitter and Facebook.
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I love this..”every time I took a major risk in some part of my life that part was in the end reborn.” Exactly. A truth written so very well. One that I wish people would understand and not fear. Each risk taken is a sort of transformation–a chance to re-invent yourself, to let go of your old skin as you grow into your new skin.
I’m glad that you take risks, that you embrace change, that you encourage others to be brilliant:) From the bit you shared here, I can see that your chhildhood experiences would have allowed you to make the choice to drastically close down, or to fully open; I’m glad that you chose to fully open. And to share with others as you do. Thank *you*!
Joy´s last post…Raw and tender….
Hi Tess and Dragos! It’s great to read another interview with Dragos!
I could resonate with so many things he has written about growing up in a communistic country. Even though I was about 10 years younger than you, Dragos, when the regime went down, the people still stayed the same for awhile, so not much changed.
Deciding to make a major change in my personal relationships was also a major risk I took last year. Not everything is figured out yet, but I am glad I did it.
Thanks Tess for your great questions, really enjoyed reading the interview!
Hi Tess and Dragos!
I’ve been following Dragos and his blog for quite a while. So, it’s great to get to know him better. The material that Dragos shares is always filled with so much insight.
I love the answer about making a difference in this world. It really is about helping and supporting others. And also – the realization that it’s a journey for ourselves too – and one in which we sometimes stumble along the way, and that’s okay – as that all can help us to truly soar!
Lance´s last post…Sunday Thought For The Day
@Joy Thanks for the comment and yes, taking risks is a sort of a quantum leap. You never really know where you’ll land. But it’s definitely exciting.
@Lana So many points in common, Lana, that’s true. growing up in such a restrictive environment surely creates a certain behavior. I can see some common points. I think we do have a bigger potential for being enthusiastic, like a kid who’s discovering the world for the first time. And, in a way, we’re discovering the world for the very first time, in many aspects.
@Lance Thanks for being around, Lance and for the great comment. Making a difference in the world always start with yourself
Dragos Roua´s last post…How to Deal With Rejection: 5 Fresh Ways to Look at Getting Rejected
Thanks for the interview!
It was fascinating to read about Dragos growing up in Romania during communism. There is such contrast between the first 18 years and the time since then. What an incredible life experience.
And this just might have been my favorite part of the interview:
“I fight my own demons and sometimes I win.”
It seems like no matter what you accomplish, there are still battles in life that must be fought. Personal development is definitely a continuous process.
Greg Blencoe´s last post…Letting go of certain relationships
Thank you for the interview with Dragos. I have been benefiting from reading his blog for awhile now – very good information and easy to use.
I would just add to this….don’t take the news or commercials as true until you do you research and homework. I think in our fast paced world – people short cut too often on thinking!
Thank you for sharing
Patricia´s last post…Not Wanting to Appear Foolish
Hi Dragos and Tess .. it’s good to know a little more – as I spent 3 years working with East Europeans in the 70s .. and so ‘met you’ and often wondered what they felt when they visited the west – tried to ask .. nothing was forthcoming – like you said .. clam like. It must have been very difficult .. our ‘export sales agents’ were ex nationals .. from Romania, East Germany, Russia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Czech etc etc .. I went to Brno the Trade Fair they used to hold .. perhaps still do.
You’ve done brilliantly well and I love how you’ve put it all together .. I heard your podcast the other day .. and that’s the thing I admire – how you’ve managed to learn good written and spoken English .. (not like that!) .. the snow post .. loved it!
Good to see you here .. all the best .. Hilary
Hilary´s last post…Who would have thought Barbary Apes would be eating our greens?
Hey Dragos, wow you’ve been through a lot in your life, especially the part where you had to grow up under communism in Romania. It’s good that you were able to express yourself through writing back then and how you have used that writing to influence the world today on your blog. Thank you for sharing this Tess and Dragos.
Hi Dragos and Tess,
What an enjoyable read, Dragos! It’s great to learn more about you in an interview format. I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now and aside from your awesome posts, you’ve also built a reputation as a great guy.
Back in high school, my class was administered a test to determine where we stood politically. I was the one kid who tested on the far left with very strong communistic tendencies. Looking back, I see it now as the most bizarre tests I’ve ever taken. We in the U.S. can only comprehend communism in theory. In practice, we can’t possibly know the first thing about it.
One of my favorite people being interviewed – Dragos, you rock and I for one love ya! I am so happy to learn more about you here. Your “About” page doesn’t give away all these great scoops so thank you Tess for making him share more. Growing up in the revolution of Iran, I can resonate and relate with the communism era. No freedom and living in constant fear. I am in one big rebellion for as long as I live, celebrating freedom to the fullest and never forgetting what we went through as a family before I came to the US. Thank you for sharing!
My favorite line from the interview was, “I fight my own demons and sometimes I win.”
Too many people try to pretend they have it all figured out. We never do and I’m glad Dragos talked about this.
We can only give as much as our energy allows each day. It’s difficult to keep reaching out to others, but that’s the best way to learn.
Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last post…Are Friendships the Key to Workplace Happiness?
I love his answers, they’re all very inspiring. I need to research on how communism was in Romania but in China it isn’t all that bad. We had maybe 90% freedom and the 10% that we didn’t have felt fair enough to me. Anyway, that wasn’t the point of the interview – I had a good time reading this interview.
My life would be very dull if I hadn’t risked change at all. In fact I probably would be like the living dead. Even today I think I only want to risk and grow and Dragos is what my blog is all about. Boldly stepping out and inviting others to do the same.
Making changes in personal relationships is a process and those who do it are brave and open up a whole new world for themselves. It doesn’t matter if the changes are made to stay in a relationship or to leave it a whole new world opens for all involved. You decide how that world will be. You go girl!
You too are an example of doing for others and making the best out of life for yourself and all you come into contact with. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your light!
That’s why I like his blog and book I read…because he is honest about his ups and downs. He shares through it all and gives us an opportunity to feel like it’s OK when we make our own mistakes.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment. I think one wonderful thing about blogging is meeting people from other countries and forming our own opinion instead of being fed what to believe. I’ve yet to meet an enemy online!
Yes it goes to show we can turn around any situation for the better. He’s a great example to anyone who is going through a difficult situation and those of us who aren’t as well.
Well isn’t that the truth. I’m so glad we can also read about it and learn about it from others who have lived it. Yet even then we don’t get the full effect.
Wow it’s so good to hear from you on this. I’m coming over to check out your blog. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience.\
That’s what I love about you and Dragos both…you share your failures or struggles as well as your success. Life would be boring if we figured it all out, wouldn’t it? Why would we even be here? Or would we be enlightened beings helping others along. Karl, don’t ever change we need more like the two of you.
It’s weird how we all have different perceptions of the same thing isn’t it? Thanks for sharing your opinion and experience as well!
Hello Dragos and Tess,
Wonderful interview!!!
Having parents who went through communism, I can greatly relate Dragos. To this day, I don’t think they can really express themselves well. Those were different times and it makes me feel so blessed to live in a world where I can speak out openly and honestly.
Love all your advice too
Evita´s last post…Book Review: How To Thrive In Changing Times
Thanks for sharing your find and this interview. I was unaware of this author, I will be checking his writing out. Thanks again!
Mark´s last post…The Long View
I definitely feel the same way about how and whether I’m making a difference in the world — because of how complicated and unpredictable the world is, all I can know is the place I’m coming from, and what I intend for the world, and the challenge is accepting that as enough.
Your wonderful voice in the world certainly has changed your family patterns. Keep talking girlfriend because we all need to continue to hear what you have to say. Thank you for being you.
You’re very welcome! Happy Wednesday;)
Great plan and thanks for sharing it. It shows you take responsibility in your life and in our world. Amazing way to state it and share it. I’m grateful.
Tess Bold Life´s last post…Dragos Roua Entrepeneur and Author That Rocks!
Wow, what a guy and what an interview! I think my favorite part (besides getting to know Dragos a bit better) was what he said about not really knowing or taking credit for the way he’s impacting the world. Let others be the judge of that. Man, that’s just so wise — and I think, for me, detaching from the ownership aspect, keeps me open and connected to the Divine in more situations.
I think I need to re-read this whole thing again right now… It’s just so good!
Thanks, Tess, and thank you, Dragos; wishing you both well!
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