This may look like a short and sweet post but answering these questions can make a huge difference in how you experience 2010.
I want you to spend more time reflecting than reading so here goes:
What was the most important thing you've learned in 2009?
What did you absolutely love about 2009?
What do I want to do more of that I didn't do enough of in 2009?
What did I do in 2009 that I'll never do again?
Please share with us an answer or two!
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{ 38 comments… read them below or add one }
Hi Tess.
Wow, what a gorgeous sunflower! These are all excellent questions and I’ll share an answer to one: What did I absolutely love about 2009? I loved testing myself about going with the flow and taking risks. I prefer thinking before I leap and like to feel that everything is under control. That’s been less the case this past year and I’m managing it much better than the “old me” would have.
.-= Davina´s last post…Poem #2: Grandmother’s Spark =-.
The answer to the first one was quite a revelation to me so I’ll share it: to take my development one step at a time. If I try to do it all at once, my progress is slower than if I actually take my time with each piece. Interesting how my most important lessons in the last couple of years are mostly about growth and attitude
.-= Ideas With A Kick´s last post…Personal development ideas I can do without =-.
I’m sorry, Tess. I didn’t reflect. It’s all just there, right at the surface. Here’s what I’m choosing to share: “What I want to do more of that I didn’t do enough of…” is give myself more of what moves me, deep within. To do that, I will need to cement into place more of “…the most important thing I learned…”, which is that it’s okay to set aside what seems so important on the surface.
For me, this means that I’ll do more being outside in Nature, spend more time reading for escape, devote more time to working with my horses (so we can actually ride them!); this “alone” time allows me to open the floodgates, allowing me to feel all manner of inspiration that flows…and I’ll actually get more writing done on my book. It’s just how it works for me. I need to give myself space to “hear.” To do that, I need to remember that blogging and social networking isn’t a competition, that I don’t have to “keep up,” and that the more I give mySELF, the more I have to contribute. I tried doing it all, and it just doesn’t work for me. My motor moves more slowly, I guess. Or else I just have a different one.
.-= Julie´s last post…A Different Thanksgiving =-.
You are on such a roll right now with your writing! You keep it up girl.
Was it Mark Twain who said, “If I’d had more time, I would have written less.”? I think today’s thoughts are more powerful for me because they are pure and to the point. There is no fat and no fluff; just simple and focused. Very nice!
.-= Erin´s last post…Advent =-.
How brave and fun for you! Giving up control takes letting go of fear and there’s real freedom in that. Yeah for you.
There is wisdom in that…I think all real change is slow. That’s why people who lose weight so fast put it back on quickly.
I think we can all take a lesson from your plan…to do more of what moves me deep within. I think the things that seem so important on the surface is ego stuff, telling us we don’t have enough, do enough or aren’t enough as we are. Oh and can I come and ride horses…I can even help you get them ready!
All of our motors could use a gentle, slower pace.
I’ve never heard that about Mark Twain. I’ll have to ponder that as I write more and more. Thanks Erin for your comments and time.
PS, Tess: I’m back from my morning chores, a walk in the 37-degree air, with camera in hand. THANK YOU.
Although I knew what to do, YOU reminded me. So thank you. And yes you can come play with the horses and me. I’d be delighted. I just thought it was too far for you to drive. Consider it an open invitation!
.-= Julie´s last post…A Different Thanksgiving =-.
What was the most important thing you’ve learned in 2009?
- who my real friends are
What did you absolutely love about 2009?
- not 100% sure
What do I want to do more of that I didn’t do enough of in 2009?
- more time on the water coaching and or paddling.. was sidelined a bit this year cause of surgery
What did I do in 2009 that I’ll never do again?
- had my gallbladder removed… emergency surgery
.-= Kimm´s last post…Farewell Midwest, Hello Westcoast =-.
Hello, my little buttercup, I mean my little sunflower!
What was the most important thing you’ve learned in 2009?
– that relinquishing control is really pretty easy to do, and makes for a much happier and healthier Jannie and folks around her.
– coffee makers work much better if you put the filters in BEFORE adding the coffee.
What did you absolutely love about 2009?
– I was alive and muchly loved.
–all the new donut shops I found, family owned and operated seem to be the best.
What do I want to do more of that I didn’t do enough of in 2009?
– call home
What did I do in 2009 that I’ll never do again?
– have a PA in a room already set up nicely by design for acoustic concerts.
– wear thong undies
.-= Jannie Funster´s last post…Getting To Know Him… Getting To Know All About A Wonderful Blogger. =-.
Hi Tess.. 2009 has been a pretty odd year .. too many challenges – not of my making, a sad death, and much fun and support ..
You can do it ..
I loved my blog and the friends I met – it has given me a life outside of caring – my mother and my uncle
Have a life – but that’s not down to me .. I must support my mother til her time comes
Sadly I’ll never talk to my uncle, never find out his stories .. don’t let people go, who can tell their stories to you
Do my best, be open, learn to meditate, get this life sorted .. my space within my house – declutter, ENJOY LIFE!!
Love to all -
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
.-= Hilary´s last post…What Christmas memory comes back to you at the beginning of December? =-.
“What did I do in 2009 that I’ll never do again?”
Move into someone else’s home, even with the best of intentions!
.-= Hayden Tompkins´s last post…Engage Your Life, Rock the Universe =-.
What was the most important thing you’ve learned in 2009? Relationships matter deeply. We are not an island, and when we can connect more deeply and authentically with others, it touches our own core.
What do I want to do more of that I didn’t do enough of in 2009? Take more risks.
.-= Lance´s last post…RAOKA: Beauty =-.
When you assume things (driving) you say no before I have a chance! Did you decide on the hiking plan yet? Let me know.
Oh yuk, I had that done like 25 years ago. I was young. An back in those days they slice you open. My scar is at least 12 inches long. I’m glad you’re patched up and ready for 2010.
Please pass the donuts. I like Long Johns with CUSTARD filling. Hard to find in AZ. And if you really want to wear thongs. Try Hanky Panky brand (why didn’t we think of that;) They’re expensive but hey it’s all about comfort!
You are so amazing. You just never give up and keep on movin’ forward inspite of all you’ve been through. You must have strong bounce back muscles! Thanks for being you and sharing with all of us!
You go girl! Or should I say you stay girl;)
You sure are clear. Watch Lance soar in 2010…..Lance wait for meeeeee….
The most important thing I learned in 2009 is that I have gathered around me a very strong support system. 2009 has been a very challenging year for me, and my friends have seen me through. My gratitude is immense as is my awe of the power of friendship. I am filled with hope for 2010.
Hi Tess…
I wandered over from Megan Bord’s blog…lucky, lucky me!
Before I answer any of your questions, I have to tell you that one of my very favorite questions is “What would you do if you were 10 times bolder?” And if you don’t have an answer, pretend you do!
What did I love most about 2009?
I started to question long held beliefs and cast aside those that were worn out. I’ve started listening to my soul and trusting myself. AND I started writing almost daily.
What did I do in 2009 that I’ll never do again?
Oh…there are lots of possibilities as this year had more than it’s share of really hard things. My dad was diagnosed with multiple myeloma cancer in April – it’s treatable but not curable. I will never again take for granted that my parents will be here forever. I will never again miss the chance to show them how much I love them.
.-= Sandi Delia´s last post…Running With Scissors =-.
How wonderful for you and the people in your support system are blessed by you also. If there is anything I can do for you let me know as well. I’ll be the first to say Happy, Healthy, Wealthy 2010!
I love my emotional development. I used to get very angry over little things, but I’ve curbed this impulse. Instead I take time to feel these feelings and just be with where I am at. It hasn’t been easy, but it’s been a great journey.
I want to start creating products on my blog. I feel that I’m reaching a point where I can help more people on a deeper level.
Great questions. I might have to use something similar on my blog.
.-= Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last post…I Can Solve Your Problems – Cartoon =-.
Thanks for stopping by. If I can help you with your products let me know. God knows the world needs them. And you go right ahead and use my questions my friend.
Hi Tess!
I read this yesterday and I’ve been reflecting over my year anyways, because there are some tweaks that need to be made for next year
I’ll be thinking more about these questions as I sit down to write out my plans and goals for 2010!
What was the most important thing you’ve learned in 2009? In my personal life, I’ve learned that being clear about what I want and the direction I want to move in opens up doors I never thought existed. The Universe really does conspire to help you achieve what you want most. The clearer I can articulate what I want or need, the clearer my outcome is.
I’ve also learned that when grand babies arrive, it doesn’t matter if they’re step grand babies or bio grand babies – you fall in love hard and fast – and they simply become yours
What did you absolutely love about 2009? Meeting Olivia Grace 30 minutes after she was born. She’s almost 6 months old now and when mommy (my step daughter) brings her over, Livy raises her arms up for Grammie (ME!) to hold her. My heart melts as soon as I see her gorgeous face.
What do I want to do more of that I didn’t do enough of in 2009? Disconnect from my distractions – facebook, email, cell phone! There’s a time and place for everything and if I really want to write my books and articles, then the distractions have to go…
What did I do in 2009 that I’ll never do again? Never? That’s such a tough word…but the one thing that I have to get better at is over-scheduling myself. I’d like to say I’ll never do that again, but I am getting better and perhaps in 2010 I will see improvement.
.-= Peggy´s last post…Invisible Lies =-.
Tess, yes you’re RIGHT!
Not having much luck with the Internet search for maps. Wanna come do the PP trail? Means driving. 
.-= Julie´s last post…A Different Thanksgiving =-.
Hi Tess!
What did I learn the most in 09? Has to be all about the blogosphere – I didn’t know what a blog WAS til this year. WHAT an experience!
What did I like most about 09? All the fabulous bloggers I’ve “met” on line! And also getting back to writing again – having the whole house to myself during the day for really the first time since I had kids – doing volunteer work in my community.
What do I want to do more of in 10? Write and volunteer more!
What did I do in 09 I’ll never do again? Loose my days, weeks and months on line and letting my life slip away! You know what they say about about too much of a good thing? I became way too caught up in blogs and leaving comments everywhere only to realize 2/3 of those bloggers never came to mine at all – I had to ask myself why – then why did it matter – then I looked at the clock and I knew! If I didn’t guard my writing time better I’d never get my book done !
Thanks for this reflection – I thought long and hard to answer the questions, even though it may not seem like it by my answers. It is sure good to assess things this way – GREAT questions!!!!
Now I want to hear YOUR answers!
.-= suzen´s last post…Millie Wisdom – Fa-la-la Let’s Shop! =-.
Oh Tess this is great!
What did I learn in 2009? That it is possible to make one’s dreams come true and it is possible to detach ourselves from all that is safe and comfortable and venture into the unknown!
It has been a great year, but I know the best is yet to come in 2010!
.-= Evita´s last post…Essential Energy with Cyndi Dale: The Dream of Love =-.
Most important thing I’ve learned: Some love requires you to accept what the person can give and not what you want them to give.
What did I love? Releasing my creativity and letting it be what it is.
What do I want to do more of? Writing and photography and meeting kindred spirits online and in real life.
What did I do that I’ll never do again? My mom taught me, “never say never.” This one totally stumped me:~)
p.s. I just thought of one thing — I’ll never copy text directly from Word and put it in a widget…BIG MISTAKE:~)
.-= Sara B. Healy´s last post…Sitting Empty on the Beach =-.
Tess, I love the inner probing of reflecting on this year. I used to say odd years were my bad years, now I know….I have no bad years.
What was the most important thing you’ve learned in 2009? I will never be perfect, but I can love my imperfections.
What did you absolutely love about 2009? Finding such selfless love from Jason, and being able to receive that love from the changes I made within myself.
What do I want to do more of that I didn’t do enough of in 2009? Visit my family more, find the time to head home, even if just for a day. My Dad is very ill right now. I don’t want to have regrets. I leave tomorrow to see him.
What did I do in 2009 that I’ll never do again? File bankruptcy. Fallout from divorce # 2. Never again!
.-= Angelia Sims´s last post…Timeless Affection =-.
Sandi Delia
Welcome, and I love that question and I think I’ll be pondering it for a while.
Good for you for taking care of yourself.
I know about the parent thing. My dad died in June and my mom is 89 and fell a couple weeks ago. Who knows what will happen. We’re not close in distance so I call her and my goal is to make her laugh 10 per call.
So enjoy and love on!
I’ve enjoyed watching you have a wonderful half year. When did we first connect. And yeah for clarity and intention.
Oh and the grandbabies. Undescribable bliss is one way to describe it. I’ll never forget the first time I saw Mackenzie’s face. She’s 15 now and won’t becoming for holiday vacation because she’ll train for a life saving course. Happy her and sad me. I told her to stop growing at age 10 but she couldn’t resist.
Oh and distractions? Good for you. I never got in to Facebook and just a little with Twitter. It’s emails for me. I’m going to stop as well. You just inspired me. Thanks! Happy Holidays!
OK on PP I’ll meet you there. Day and time?
I hear you! I’m going to be more efficient with my time on line. I read Z Habits and love his tips. I’m putting them in action. Thanks for answering I see myself in everyone. Guard time, write volunteer sounds like a wonderful life to me. Rock on!
I can’t wait to see you soar! We all know you will my happy BB. Here’s to success in 2010, and fun, and laughs!
Tess, great end of year questions. To answer your post title: Yes, I believe 2010 will be even better, but I always believe that each year will bring greatness more than before.
The best part of 2009- filling in the missing link of my work and truly believing I’ve found my true calling. I have a lot to do in the next few weeks before starting the new year with a bang! And can’t wait.
All the best to you for a great 2010!
.-= Stacey Shipman´s last post…“Me-Time” The Last Affordable Luxury =-.
LOVED the sunflower image. Wow! I’ve had this on my laptop – saved and waiting to be read – for more than a day and I’m almost glad I did b/c the energy of that flower infiltrated my living space, I think!
The most important thing I learned in 2009 was that I don’t have to go it alone in life. I can partner up with people and in doing so, my life shines more brightly. I am not an island! (But I am a woman, so hear me roar!)
I loved that 2009 was my first ever sabbatical from “work,” and I learned that life — every day of it, if we so choose — can be FUN! I can do fun things and still live a meaningful life.
In 2009, the thing I did that I’ll never do again is… Mmm, well I’ve learned never to say never, so that’s a trick question!
Tess, thank you for helping all of us reflect on this past year, and for urging us to have an even better 2010. You’re awesome!
.-= Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord´s last post…7 Steps for Climbing the Staircase to Joy =-.
Oh shiny Tess,
Such awesome questions..with such a happy sunflower…my favorite
OK heres me reflecting on your questions …
What was the most important thing you’ve learned in 2009?-That there are other people in this big world who think like me and have some of the same motives
What did you absolutely love about 2009?-Starting my blog, meeting the lovely people in the blogosphere and I actually rediscovered my love for writing.
What do I want to do more of that I didn’t do enough of in 2009?I think i need to lose more weight…havent lost enough this year
What did I do in 2009 that I’ll never do again? -ohhh…waste time…i think i have wasted a lot of time….I have already started working on that issue…will be all set by the new year..hopefully
Happy 2010 in advance sweet and shiny Tess
Lots of love
.-= Zeenat{Positive Provocations}´s last post…RAOKA:Beauty-The Beautiful Smile Experiment =-.
Tess, love your contribution to Megan’s blog. You remind people we do not teach with thought but by the way that you shine. That is, the level of joy, love and creativity in your life. You do not tell people something matters to them because it matters to you. Rather, as you do so well, you encourage people to reconnect to their own reality. Everyone is a master and a reflection of their inner self. You cannot make a choice for your highest good that is not automatically for the highest good for everyone everywhere. You radiate the light that inspires people to reconnect to the best in them. This is an energetic truth. Thanks for just being you.
.-= Liara Covert´s last post…Quicken your vibration =-.
Hmmn, Tess, as I recall in Canada we did not fill our long johns with custard, well not if we could help it. And if we did, Mom would not be impressed with us. She had enough laundry to keep up with already.
And I’ll have to check out those Hanky Pankys! Thanks!
Great post, Tess!! With the loss of my pregnancy (still have a hard time saying baby) at the beginning of the year, I’ve really learned the importance of life, and enjoying the lives of my family! Now expecting again, and with the baby due in 2010, I most definitely believe that 2010 can be so much better than 2009, although I still believe I’ve had a great year. Thanks for getting us thinking
.-= Tabitha Blue´s last post…Sunday Citar =-.
What was the most important thing you’ve learned in 2009? – sometimes you don’t realize what’s important, until it’s too late. Don’t make this mistake, life is fleeting – enjoy it.
What did you absolutely love about 2009? – without a doubt it was my daughter’s visit, her first time coming alone to see me in Canada and my first visit with her in almost 2 years. I also love my garden, the first in many years, my new living quarters and my free hugs challenge. The list goes on and on…I have so much to be thankful for.
What do I want to do more of that I didn’t do enough of in 2009? – being such an introvert, I would like to say get out and socialize. Oh and play the guitar (plus a bit of songwriting) a whole bunch more.
What did I do in 2009 that I’ll never do again? – nothing, nothing, nothing. I’m trying to live with no regrets and have learned never to say never.
.-= simply stephen´s last post…impact of disposable paper products on the environment =-.
Hey Tess.
These questions would take me a week to ponder over but I will give it a go.
What I have learned in 2009 is to be peaceful, THAT has been a real hard work out to get to that.
Peaceful for me means to do things NOT coming from fear but coming from a peaceful be-ing, knowing that when I add value and come from love everything will work out.
That means that I can slow down and do things thoughtfully, I do not have to rush to achieve quantity above quality.
I do NOT have to be the first to comment, I do NOT have to work mega hours to show up on every social network I can find.
I also have understood the importance of creative thinking and what is stopping me fom doing things differently and be the change I want to see.
I love having moved to rural NZ in 2009 and I loved how nature IS a teacher, the sceptic in me never believed it.
And I loved that I in 2009 too have met so many wonderful blogging people who make my heart sing. It is, as some of your peeps here say, wonderful to meet like minded people.
Yes Tess, it has been an extra ordinary year and may many more come.
I never regret anything, I did what I did with the knowledge I then had and if my Little Voice says otherwhise I am doing my hardest to shut it up
Lets rock on to have another extra ordinary 2010, all of us with the help of our friends.
Love to you all, Wilma
.-= Wilma Ham´s last post…Don’t let change in your circumstances fool you. =-.
Good for you and I hope 2010 is the year all your dreams come true. You have a wonderful mission, one which is badly needed in the world. xo
I hear you roar! What ever it is you’re up to is already snowballing to you for 2010. You truly walk your talk and make the world a great place for all near and far.
Yes our blogging community is full of wonderful people and I love you back. I’m being more efficient as well. Happy 2010, I enjoy watching you grow.
What a wonderful compliment coming from a wise wonderful person.
We’ll both shine our way into 2010! xo
My mom didn’t make them all though she made a ton of other goodies. I got them at the bakery a block from school with my lunch money of course.
Tabitha Blue,
I can’t wait until Baby Blue arrives. I’ve so enjoyed your journey and photos. The best to the Blue’s in 2010.
Simply Stephen,
OK I’ll be counting on you getting social. Love the joy your daughter brought you and I’m jealous of your garden!
I can’t wait to see you and women life me grow in 2010. Remeber if there is anything I can do to help I ‘m here. I had the gift of growing up in nature on the farm. I’m so happy you are there enjoying it now. The best is yet to come. xo
What a radiant sunflower! Brightens up this rainy So CA day:)
The most important thing I learned in 2009…hard to say because I learned so very much in 2009–was a “learning year” for me, full of lots. I think my biggest lesson was it’s okay to let go…of whatever “it” is, just let it go….
There was much to love about 2009–I am exactly where I am supposed to be and I try to take time to appreciate it all as I am in it.
I want to do more…oh boy, off the top of my head I could insert many of my favorite activities here, but in reality I want to do more of “just being”. Being in the moment, experiencing it as it is, not projecting, not expecting, not anything but being.
“Never again” is tough because honestly in my life if I have ever used the word never, it pops up as a huge lesson somehow…there are situations I hope not to have to repeat but I also know they were worthwhile so I had to go through them this time around.
Very thought provoking questions to end this year………
.-= Joy´s last post…I Love You, Ginger =-.
I love your idea of “just being.” I need and want that as well. I’m moving it to the top of my list.
This is a great exercise, thank you for asking your readers to participate!
What was the most important thing you’ve learned in 2009? I learned that Donald and I can handle anything, even moving in with his parents and living on a single, small income for almost the entire year while Donald dealt with unemployment and depression.
What did you absolutely love about 2009? I loved learning more about myself, starting my blog, and creating a new, supportive community.
What do I want to do more of that I didn’t do enough of in 2009? I want to enjoy myself more. I want to build on the faith and happiness that I have discovered. I want to start a family.
What did I do in 2009 that I’ll never do again? Everything and nothing. I’m open to all possibilities and I know that I’ll do my best to make the most of anything that comes along.
.-= Daphne´s last post…An Update =-.
In 2010 I will make sure to remember the connection between my relationship with myself and my relationship with the world, and I will do my best to take care of and understand myself, instead of listening to the inner critical voice that sometimes calls it a waste of time.
What was the most important thing you’ve learned in 2009?
That I am I can do anything I put my mind to. It really can happen and that the more successful I am, the more you realize who your true friends are
What did you absolutely love about 2009?
Starting a new blog with a friend. New adventure.
What do I want to do more of that I didn’t do enough of in 2009?
What did I do in 2009 that I’ll never do again?
Especially ones that think they are better then me! LOL
Deal with energy vampires
.-= jenn´s last post…FOCUS =-.
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