Rapping Southwest Flight Attendant

by Tess

David Holmes is known for making work fun. As you may know my daughter works as a flight attendant for Southwest. It’s the No.1 airline. Do you think people like David are the reason? Watch the energy change in the plane as David sings.

David gets kudos and recogniton at a meeting. He sings another ditty! Again notice how the energy in the room changes.

David came up with a bold idea and took action. Not only is he having fun but the passengers are as well.

How to you make your work fun?
What bold idea have you come up with recently?
How can you change your energy at work?

{ 28 comments… read them below or add one }

Carolynn September 24, 2009 at 4:45 pm

We have an airline in Canada known as Westjet and they’re always cracking jokes and fooling around. It makes for a very enjoyable flight.

As for me, frankly, I’ve been standing up for myself a bit more at work. Prior to this I’ve been intimated and bullied by one colleague in particular. Lately I’ve chosen to stand my ground, with love & respect. It’s rocking her boat a wee bit, but I finally feel like I’m standing on solid ground.
.-= Carolynn´s last post…Be. Do. Have. =-.


Wilma Ham September 24, 2009 at 5:03 pm

Wow, what a way to use your talents and what a way to rock the plane.

I used to facilitate my workshops from the heart and I could never repeat them in the same way.
But they worked, people responded to my message with their heart, they loved that way of working and always participated freely and that was such fun.
I did sometimes wonder though if I was no over the top, I felt a bit vulnerable, showing up that way, but funnily enough I never got shut down.
I wonder if David ever questioned himself in the beginning, because it takes guts to show up like that.

I loved watching the videos, to see the people defrosting.
What a way to fly and how great that he is recognized for what he is doing.
Good pick to show us that encouraging the heart works, even the corporates can get sucked in by the heart. Now I trust that he got a pay rise and a seat in the board room.
.-= Wilma Ham´s last post…When the heart guides the mind, the dance can begin. =-.


Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord September 24, 2009 at 5:35 pm

I loved watching those – thank you! One of the funniest things I ever heard a flight attendant say as part of his announcements went something like, “In the unlikely event that this plane ride suddenly becomes a water ride…” (smile)

I was in a series of group meetings a few years ago, and to break down the stoicism of everyone, the facilitator had everyone say what superhero they would be in an alternate reality. Listening to the answers was hilarious, especially when the president of the company – a super soft and sweet guy with rosy cheeks – said “The Hulk.”
.-= Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord´s last post…Feeling Prosperous =-.


Keith September 24, 2009 at 6:24 pm

This is a great video and I love this David guy! He’s awesome.

I can identify with his heart I think, not because I can rap (I can’t!), but because I use humor A LOT each and every day. It’s always a wonderful way to break the ice, put others at ease and lighten the mood when necessary. I use it for all of these almost daily!

Also, there are times when I am the one who needs to lighten up, made to laugh or brought back down to earth and I appreciate it so much when someone gets me to laugh or smile!

Thanks Tess
.-= Keith´s last post…Joy In The Journey =-.


Patty - Why Not Start Now? September 24, 2009 at 6:41 pm

Wonderful! I loved seeing the subtle change from resistance to engagement in both “audiences.” I think that was partly due to the physical movement – stomping and clapping. In fact, getting physical in some small way always changes my energy at work (when I’m alone in my office), anything from a few quick stretches to a walk around the block. And with clients, just asking them to sit for a few moments and take deep breaths invariably changes their energy from stressful overwhelm to centered calmness.


Tess September 24, 2009 at 7:21 pm

It’s good to know other fun planes are out there in the sky! As for your work it sounds like your in a good space. I think your light is too bright for some people…I’m glad to hear your standing up for yourself. You’ll never regret it. When we command respect we get respect. You go! I’m sending blessings and love your way.

I understand about being vulnerable in the workshops you teach. I had a group called Wise Women for a few years and while I was trembling they were all taking notes!
Like Marianne Williamson says we’re not to play small! When I am always safe and secure that’s when I’m playing small. It’s when I go for the gusto and take risks with my heart wide open I’m playing big.

Any your welcome…now take me off that pedastal!

That story is very funny. I think it’s good enough for a entire post. However Miz at http://www.mizfitonline.com sells t-shirts that say “I am my own superhero!” How cool is that. Thanks for stopping by.

Thats what makes you such a great guy and warms the hearts of your readers. Your desire to make others laugh, smile and take the high road. If we all took your advice and made it our intention to lighten the moods of others with smiles and laughter the world would be a brighter and funnier and funner place.

I like the name of your blog. It’s amazing how quick we can change the energy of others and even an entire room. As a speaker I can judge your audience by how much laughter I see. When I can make an entire audience smile I’m doing my job.

As a therapist and now as a coach I always used laughter as a tool especially when I worked in a prison. Oh the places I’ve been and the things I’ve learned!


diantha September 24, 2009 at 7:41 pm

I love these videos and love that they are circulating around the web! It is great to see someone like David who really get into their work and put their whole heart into it. I agree with Patty that bringing the stomp and clap into it helped to shift people’s energy! In fact, now that you’ve asked the question, I realize that I bring that physical thing into my workday often….getting up and stretching, bouncing on my exercise ball, dancing when a good song comes on…it really does shift the energy to get moving physically. As for fun at work, I work at home and have a mandala coloring book and crayons on my desk that I can play with on and off all day. I also have a box of fun stuff to do….long story but it involves grandchildren! Thanks for a wonderful post that brought laughter and enjoyment! xo


Daphne @ Joyful Days September 24, 2009 at 8:28 pm


I’d seen the first video but not the second, so thanks for posting it. Wow, if more people could bring the joy to their work like David does, so many people would be impacted. It’s wonderful to see how one individual can change a whole planeload or roomful of people.
.-= Daphne @ Joyful Days´s last post…What Makes A Good Relationship =-.


janice September 25, 2009 at 6:14 am

Oh, if only more airlines were like this! I’m a full time parent at the moment, and one of the best ways I know of lightening up and getting through some of the tougher teenage times is to attempt humour or to scale down the language I use when I’m annoyed. It’s amazing the reaction you get when they’re expecting an angry telling off and you say with a straight face “I’m really irked.” Or “I’m so peeved.” Or “Could you please stop being so truculent.” It’s hard to keep a straight face afterwards and it defuses a lot. I’ve also threatened to dance in the kitchen in front of their friends if they give me attitude – that usually shuts them up quick. ;) But my favourite way of getting them to bed on time, when they’re lingering in the living room, hoping to watch some TV programme, is to ask them to go to bed early as their dad and I plan to have sex on the sofa.
.-= janice´s last post…101 Slightly Unpredictable Tips for Novelists and Screenwriters =-.


Tess September 25, 2009 at 6:24 am

David is someone I would like as a friend. High energy, crazy and fun! I believe videos like these are one of the best things about the internet. They show me how people are creative and happy in life and work.

I want to come over and color with you. And that box with the grandchildren, is it dress up? Aren’t those kids just pure joy?

A friend sent me the first video because she knows my daughter. Yes it is amazing that energy thing. I can tell what a family is like by walking into someone’s home just by the energy. It’s very telling.

That is so hilarious. What is it that is so gross about parents having sex. Will someone please tell me? It never fails to freak them out just mentioning it! LOL Happy Friday!


suzen September 25, 2009 at 8:16 am

How fantastic is David!!??? You’re so right, the energy shifts are real indeed! This is such fun it almost makes me wish I was working again! (I said “almost”!) At home I dance for about 20 minutes each morning to get my blood going – never ceases to change my attitude and help me lighten up, even if the next task at hand is kind of icky or boring. The dancing is actually my way of aerobics – much more fun!
.-= suzen´s last post…Affirming Appreciation and Respect =-.


Peggy September 25, 2009 at 10:30 am

I need to fly SW again!

The videos were AMAZING. I love that there is a company that puts FUN in their workplace culture. Hmmmmmm…perhaps the upper echelons of my company need to watch these videos.

My day job work place is NOT fun. It’s stuffy, stiff lipped, sylo’d, political, yadda yadda yadda. I’ve been here since 2005…but not as a full time employee…as a contractor. The $$ are too easy to make, so I stay until my writing $$ earn half of what I earn now. And I’ll be throwing a party and walking away.

I do my best to bring my heart and soul into my work place. Kind of tough when I work with a bunch of Eyeores and Schleprocks. One of my co-workers is so negative that I’ve actually told him in a meeting, “you need to say something nice, now.”

Loved the videos.
I’m now going to look for tickets on SW from where I live to Vegas for next May…
.-= Peggy´s last post…It’s Party Time!! =-.


Lance September 25, 2009 at 10:31 am

Hi Tess,
Very awesome! And I’m sure that having fun at work is a big part of what makes SWA #1. Happy employees are employees who will stay around. And that’s good for the company and the employee.
We’re having a tailgate party in late October to celebrate national ESOP month at work. Teams will be tailgating and competing for small prizes! And last month we had a group of employees get together as a band to play some songs while we celebrated having our best year! Very fun and memorable!
.-= Lance´s last post…It All Started With A Salmon Donut =-.


Tess September 25, 2009 at 11:24 am

Yeah I love dancing and aerobics. Don’t do enough of it though. My daughter says it’s the best and easiest job she’s ever had working for Southwest. So if you evern go back go there because you’ll fly for free and so will your family:)

Yes do go take Southwest to Vegas. I hear it takes someone special to do the Vegas flights due to the party atmosphere. I’ll meet you there and we’ll go to a show or dinner together or something!

I’m sure your presence is a part of the fun atmosphere you work in! Because you are so fun Lance. It’s amazing how us humans become so nice when there is an air of laughter, lightness and fun. I think it’s what we’re born to do. Don’t you?


jonathan figaro September 25, 2009 at 11:56 am

He is what i call a bold , brave, courageous confident individual. Most people would have rather went to jail then even turned to step out of there comfort zone in front of hundreds of people. Plus these guys were shareholders. Great video. I m going to catch a flight with south west very soon!
.-= jonathan figaro´s last post…Why You Need Affirmation To Succeed =-.


Evita September 25, 2009 at 1:01 pm

Hi Tess!

Oh wow, would I ever love to fly on planes with David on them! That was sooooo good! Yes, the energy changed and I couldn’t help but smile the whole time while I watched it! That is great, how we can all influence each other in such great ways, just by being happy, fun, joyful and spreading our love around!

Truly fantastic to see people like that, I think they serve as a great inspiration for others of us – thanks so much for sharing this!!!
.-= Evita´s last post…Financial Abundance – It’s About Your Mind, Not Your Bank Account =-.


Patricia September 25, 2009 at 1:46 pm

This is great…
The next to the last flight I was on, I could not understand a word the steward said and the little tv was not working…I walked a crying baby for 2 hours up and down the aisle to help out the mom ’cause the helper just disappeared somewhere on that plane…

Thank you for sharing this
.-= Patricia´s last post…I LOVE THIS MAGAZINE =-.


Kristie Ryan September 25, 2009 at 2:51 pm

I absolutely loved these videos :) I’m new to this blog and it’s one of the best and most fun blogs I’ve ever read. I usually have a very short attention span, but I could read your posts all day!

I love that David took a chance to make a change in his company. Like Jonathan said, you have to be brave and confident to go up in front of all those people who don’t exactly look like the rapping crowd, and rap! Really makes me want to get over my public speaking problem :)


Davina September 26, 2009 at 10:39 am

This was brilliant Tess. And I don’t even like rapping all that much but I’ve already listened to this twice. Thanks for sharing. We have a couple of bus drivers in Vancouver who make riding the bus a little more fun. One of them asks trivia questions and the first person to answer correctly gets a chocolate bar. I almost didn’t want to get off at my stop I was enjoying the show so much.
.-= Davina´s last post…Alluring Pathways Through Thyme =-.


vered | blogger for hire September 26, 2009 at 11:22 am

Well, I’m lucky – I don’t need to make my work fun because to me, it IS fun. :)

When I was an attorney, my work was not fun at all – I guess I could have used “make your work fun” tactics back then.


Peggy September 26, 2009 at 5:10 pm


As soon as I buy my tickets I’ll let you know when I arrive in Vegas. I’d LOVE to meet up with you (and buy you whatever you want from Starbucks!) ;-)

My family is converging in the desert for a week in Utah and Arizona…
.-= Peggy´s last post…It’s Party Time!! =-.


Tess September 26, 2009 at 6:46 pm

I agree it takes courage, guts and a desire to stand out in a fun way. I sure hope he was rewarded for this and knowing Southwest he certainly was.

I agree David is an inspiration to us and an example of the power we have to change our workplace. He’s amazing.

What a wonderful thing you did. You made the trip bearable for the baby and the rest of the passengers. I’m sure you also changed the energy in the plane! People like you are what keeps me believing that the world is a kind and safe place!

You created the life you have. Congradulations!


Tess September 26, 2009 at 6:48 pm

Thanks for the compliment and I do hope you stop by again. I can’t encourage you enough to seek out Toastmaster’s. Your world will change when you get comfortable speaking in front of others.


Karl Staib - Work Happy Now September 27, 2009 at 12:23 pm

Yes, let’s all get on board the happiness plane. When we have fun at work we do a better job. I loved watching both videos. It shows when we celebrate our uniqueness at work that good things happen. Southwest has probably received a ton of PR. Much deserved. They allow their employees to have fun and create a culture that gets better every year.
.-= Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last post…21 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Every Monday =-.


Jannie Funster September 27, 2009 at 8:21 pm

He is soooo good! And funny. Song is such a soul-getter.

What fun. Reminds me of all the fun I had over at Barbara’s the time I did the blog rappin’ post.

Fun? ME? Never tried it! Where would I start? Hmmmmmn.
.-= Jannie Funster´s last post…Now, Where’d I Put Those Passports? =-.


Barbara Swafford September 29, 2009 at 12:50 am

Hi Tess,

I saw these videos on TV. He is amazing and how fun it must be for those passengers.

Like Jannie mentioned, she rapped her post and comments (when she guest posted) on my blog. That was a hoot and something I hope she does again soon.


Amanda Linehan September 29, 2009 at 6:10 pm

Hi Tess – Watching this video never gets old. I wish more people had fun like this! (including myself) This demonstrates that each circumstance you find yourself in is what you make of it.
.-= Amanda Linehan´s last post…Discover Silence =-.


kristy October 1, 2009 at 7:07 am

Mom, this was awesome! His energy is fantastic and is contagious. I just loved watching the business men get involved in the rap on the plane. What a way to share the love and light. He definitely has affected millions of people.

I am fortunate to have a job I love. I literally get to work and play in the product I sell. Life is sooooo good. I think I will watch this video as a reminder every-now-and-then. Or, just sign up for a marathon or triathlon wearing the product I love….


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