“We are all bozos on the bus, so we might as well sit back and enjoy the ride.” -Wavy Gravy
Wavy Gravy is best known for being the master of ceremonies at the Woodstock Festival.
Today besides being an activist, a clown and fun-d raiser, he has a camp called “Winnarainbow,” for inner-city kids.
Back to the quote.
I think he nailed it about humans being “bozos on the bus.” Everyday in numerous ways and different circumstances we try to hide our imperfections, our errors and quirks. We refuse to allow the world to see the bozos we really are…
For example, we have a difficult time admitting when we are wrong, when we gain weight or when we make mistakes.
We are all guilty of a big ego, selfishness, greed, dishonesty and betrayal of one kind or another. We have all hurt others and we have been hurt.
We all worry about the economy, our kids, being good enough, retirement and aging. We are all bozos on the bus.
Until we see ourselves as bozos we will continue to deny our mistakes and pretend we are some one we’re not. We will continue to fill our days with striving, comparing, collecting and denying we are anything but perfection.
We learn through trial and error how to be better human beings. Nobody came to earth with an instruction manual. As long as we are on earth (the bus) we will always be a bozo (a work in progress).
When we are free enough to be our bozo selves we are free from shame, blame, embarrassment, denial or resistence. When we celebrate our imperfections we can be forgiving and compassionate with ourselves and other bozos.
There is never a need to tell a bozo to “lighten up.” Bozos are free to be human. Bozos laugh at themselves and don’t take life too seriously.
The problem is we believe there is another bus the happy, blissful, thin, wealthy and attractive people ride. And we want on that bus!
People who never lose their keys, purse or wallets. People who are perfect parents, spouses and friends. People who don’t put their foot in their mouths, swear or lose sleep at night. We’d give anything to be on the bus of perfection!
We are all under the illusion there is only one bozo and it is I. I’m the only weird one who gets lost, forgets where I parked, loses my glasses and eats ice cream out of the carton. I’m the only one who yells at my kids and fears growing old and drives on “E”. Not true.
Instead of convincing you I give you permission to board the bus of perfection. Where everyone has it together. Once aboard, recognize hidden behind the masks of the awesome, beautiful wealthy and intelligent people are the same character defects.
When we recognize our sameness, ordinariness and oneness we give each other permission to be human. We can chill out, celebrate and embrace our inner clown! Because we are all really just bozos on the bus we may as well enjoy the ride.
Bozo Tess
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{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }
“When we are free enough to be our bozo selves …” That’s when we’re young at heart and kid-like, again., Tess. I love it! THAT’S the happy bus!
Thanks, Tess! ~ Bozo #2, Julie
Julie’s last blog post..In Others’ Words, #2
You have written a wonderful post! Yes we are all bozo’s and the sooner we realize and accept that as fact the sooner we can relax and appreciate our bozoness. Bill Shakespeare said it well when he highlighted that all the world is a stage and we are all but players on that stage. When we remove the false mask of uniqueness we reveal that we are all cut from the same cloth. Love the bus you are on, be the bozo that you are and recognize the bozo in each of us!
Mark’s last blog post..Nothingness – Enjoying Nothing
It is so reassuring to me when I get on the bus boldly wearing my bozo self that I am not alone…I think that alone moment is the torture of middle school. This just relaxing and being myself and not in the race, well I like it and I am glad I decided to not play the game early in life, I think I have had more moments of joy. I just do wish sometimes that my true self was a bit funnier. Kindness is great but a bit of humor would have been even greater – envy envy
Patricia’s last blog post..Blogger Dad – Blame Tara Meme
I love that your blog challenges me to think and see myself. LOVE IT. Thank you thank you thank you!
bozo jenn
jenn’s last blog post..Benny and class
Hey Bozo Tess,
What a lovely reminder to just be ourselves and have fun! I was a bozo on the dance floor last night – clueless about what I was doing but having a lot of fun! Your post today made me glad I did it.
Bozo Daphne
Daphne @ Joyful Days’s last blog post..20 Ways to Ruin A Relationship
This was a stomping post, Tess – I loved it (and I think I’ve Stumbled it …) As someone who at this moment is not wearing glasses because I can’t see to find them, I know in my heart that if you were here, you’d help me look, and we’d giggle at what happens to reasonably sane women when they get to my age and have teenagers. This kind of post is why I blog and read blogs – human beings relishing their own and each other’s humanity. Authentically.
janice’s last blog post..How to Harness the Power of Authenticity in Your Writing and Your Life
Hey Bozo Tess!
I love it! What a great reminder for us all – that everyone is just like us – not perfect! And that means I’m allowed to be weird – just like you!
Bozo Lance
Lance’s last blog post..This Is Funtertainment
Hi Tess .. I love your Bozo .. and the happiness everyone has found in that thought .. and the Bozo Bus for us wobblies and nobblies … – I shall look at life from the bus in future .. see everyone in a different light – they can have their foibles, I shall enjoy life.
Thanks – Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
Hilary’s last blog post..The Speaker, the start of Parliament … and free speech – part 1/2
“I’m the only weird one who gets lost, forgets where I parked, loses my glasses and eats ice cream out of the carton. I’m the only one who yells at my kids and fears growing old and drives on “E”. ”
Tess, you’ve been spying on me again, right?? I did all those yesterday. Twice.
But what a great post. Yes, indeed! (But something like this from you does not suprise me. At all!)
Jannie Funster’s last blog post..Jannie CD Give-Away (whoo-hoo!)
Hi Tess
I LOVE this post!!
My friend you know me…I am a big Bozo and I am proud about that.
Great post
Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action
Giovanna Garcia’s last blog post..Do you feel like you have been hit by a Tornado?
It’s good to know we’re on the same bus!
It’s fun being on stage. I plan on making the best of it everyday of my life.
It’s apparent in your blog that you are on the bus. I know I’m funny because it was my survival mechanism. Being one of ten kids in the middle I used humor because I wasn’t the pretty or smart one. I decided to be the funny one.
Now I’m good at it and enjoy making every customer service person or clerk or cashier laugh when I get to the front of the line.
I think when we are in a light mood it’s easier to be funny. Practice it and I know you can get better!
Bozo Jen,
Thanks for the compliment. I enjoy your blog as well.
Bozo Lance,
Life is grand isn’t it. I think like people find each other even in cyber space. No I know they do. I’m glad I found you and get to also know your wonderful family.
Thanks for getting on the bus with the rest of us. Let your inner clown shine.
I believe you are the driver on the bozo bus! You make me laugh at every post and every comment.
Thanks for your support! I’m glad we’re on the same page oops I mean bus!
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..How to Become A Bold “Bozo” On The Bus
Every moment offers new opportunities to recognize interconnectedness with everyone, everywhere. Each person relates to all others. When someone loses something, you can echo, “Been there, done that…” When you hear about someone having a particular experience, you can relate to the emotions, homor if not the situation itself. Thanks for reminding about the power of laughter. No such think as mistakes, only meaningful experience.
Liara Covert’s last blog post..Steer the course of life with music