I hope you bring your smile with you where ever you go
and the world smiles back at you.
I hope you love animals and spend time with lots of dogs, kitty cats, and horses.I hope you like to play outdoors…kick the can, tag, play in the dirt and ride your bike.
I hope you take the time to find joy in butterflies, bugs, and pollywogs.
I hope you learn discipline by playing sports, maybe hockey with your dad or basketball like your mom.
I hope you someday learn how to plant a vegetable and flower garden and aren’t afraid of bees.
I hope you learn to do your chores, clean your room and do the dishes.
I hope you will always continue singing and listening to music with mommy.
I hope you learn to love nature, to swim and climb mountains and gaze at the stars.I hope you love to learn and read and listen with an open mind.
I hope you learn to follow your dreams, do what you love as you make your way in the world.
I hope you stand up for what you believe in and never hide who you really are.I hope you always respect others and are kind and will help make the world a better place.
I hope you know how much you are loved and will pass it on to others.
Do you have wishes, hopes or dreams for someone you love? Please share them!
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{ 15 comments… read them below or add one }
This is beautiful…simply beautiful.
Jay Schryer’s last blog post..The First Swim of Summer
I have no idea how you managed to stop writing your wonderful list! …this list that is so perfect for even us adults.
Henri is beautiful!
Julie’s last blog post..Renewal
I love the list. It’s so beautifully done. I’m sure Henri will love to read it when he’s older. Thank you for sharing this. It was such a joy to read and it made me smile!
Positively Present’s last blog post..unlock 10 ways to be more open
What a wonderful legacy to leave such a beautiful boy !
A sleep over and lots of playing w/Pappa !
It is so magical to watch life unfold through the eyes of a child.
We have a wonderful Grand Friend Daughter who is 2. We took her and her Mother in when she was 3 months old. Plus we were very close to this young Mother while she was pregnant. So there for we are dubbed the Grand Friend Parents. Our Cali will forever be our 1st born Grand Daughter. Even though they have started a life on their own I pick her up every Friday after work for Cali Day! Whoo Hooo
My Dream for her is to grow to be as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. And to always live , dream , and be as adventurous as she is today !
Thanks for letting me share !
Mary B
Henri is so beautiful, and your wishes for him are too! What a lovely post. He will be able to read this when he is older, even when he’s a grown man, and know how much he was loved right from his birth. I’m so touched.
Daphne @ Joyful Days’s last blog post..Dear Life Coaches
Tess, you continue to amaze me with your gift of words. Henri is truly blessed to have you as a Grandma! May you and Henri have many pleasant times together!
Hi Tess. Henri is a sweetie! I hope he sees in you, what you see in him
I wish for my brother to arrive safe and sound this Saturday from his bus ride across Canada. I can’t wait to see him — it’s been almost 3 years.
Davina’s last blog post..Positively Breathing — A Series Intro
Being surrounded by a family like yours, how could he not do all those things? He’s a lucky boy ! Nice one, Tess.
Robin’s last blog post..Life And Teaching Of The Masters Of The Far East
Hi Tess,
What a cutie. And your words, they’re beautiful. Henri is so lucky to have a grandmother as loving and caring as you. Just think, someday he’ll be reading your words. That’s pretty cool – knowing the whole world saw your love for him before he could even understand the connection grandmothers have with their grandbabies.
Barbara Swafford’s last blog post..Are Introverts Better Bloggers
Hi Tess .. brilliant little soul – I hope he loves us all .. respects us all, accept responsibilities when the time is right, laughs at all things, doesn’t take himself too seriously .. and most importantly loves his family to bits .. all their bits!! He looks too wonderful .. I could do with a cuddle ..
and I love your letter to him .. my dreams for now .. are that my mother can have laughter in her eyes, peace in her heart, love on her lips, and a beautiful flower scent around her face .. and as she would want some champagne to taste .. as she moves on ..
It’s wonderful how we have new little ones to lead us forward .. you’ll have such a wonderful time watching him grow and become his own little man .. fantastic happy times ahead ..
many thanks for a wonderful post -Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
Hilary’s last blog post..Food for the table .. seeds from under stones!
It’s funny that you should post that today as I just published a poem, the first sonnet that I wrote about 7 years ago, dedicated to my daughter (you can visit my site to see it – it’s called “The Finer Things in Life”).
You have captured the essence of love and what is really important. Thank you for the reminder.
simplystephen’s last blog post..How to Stop Receiving Junk Mail
I’m glad I could share my joy with you!
It wasn’t easy but I didn’t want to be an overboard grandparent! As if I can help it…yes H. is beautiful!
Positively Present,
If I can make people smile everday that is wonderful. Thanks
A Grand Friend Daughter, I’ve never heard that before…that’s wonderful. I love it!
You comments are always so uplifting. I love you!
Thanks and that is my plan!
Thanks and I’ll hold the vision for your brother. I hope you have bunches of love and laughter together.
Thanks so much, I appreciate your lovely comments.
How cool is that. Great minds think a like! I’ll be over!
I love that I told the whole world however I “know” he already knows the connection. I love it that you stopped by.
I will hold that vision for your mum. What a gift you are to her.
He’s lucky to have you, Tess. I wish him and his family all good things. He’s beautiful and so was your list.
janice’s last blog post..Finding Your Voice in the Silence
Hi Tess,
First off, congratulations on having a new grandson in your life – very cool!!
And, what a wonderful list of wishes – he is very lucky to have you in his life!
Lance’s last blog post..Sunday Thought For The Day
Great to check out your blog again. I really enjoyed it. Plus, I really like some of the products that you offer. Have a great day!
’s last blog post..Plans for the Future