I'm tired of hearing people talk about what's wrong with the world.
Too many people have given up hope. Others are depressed or apathetic.
Most have an opinion about who's to blame.
None of it is important. Not one word.
What does matter? What is important?
It's very important to notice what's right about the world.
Let's talk about that, build upon it, grow it.
Make a big freakin' deal about it!
My mom used to say, "If you can't say anything good, don't say anything at all."
For the next 24 hours I challenge you to talk only about the good, the beautiful, and the positive.
Wake up tomorrow and repeat the behavior!
Positive opinions, solutions, people.
Past, present and future.
Below I've listed 51 things to get the positive party started!
I challenge you to make your own list. Post it on your blog, send it to a friend, shout it from a rooftop, print it on a t-shirt!
If you do put it on a blog, leave your link in the comments below!
What’s right with the world?
1. See this amazing performance by Blind Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii.
2. They are hiring like it's 1999!
3. Leo Babauta, Courtney Carver and Tammy Strobel are living simple lives and showing others how to do it as well.
4. Arab country donates $500,000 to help Joplin schools.
5. Gabrielle Bernstein is making A Course In Miracles hip. She’s the new Spirit Junkie.
6. Christopher Foster is the newest, oldest blogger sharing his wisdom.
7. In June a small army of remarkable people converged on Portland, Oregon for a weekend of strategizing and adventure at the World Domination Summit.
8. People at Positive Money are making good progress campaigning for a better banking system.
9. Crime rate falls to lowest level since 1973.
10. The Grand Cayman blue iguana is back from the brink of extinction.
11. A Good Samaritan finds $16,000, and returns it to the owner.
12. Cities are helping the homeless survive the summer heat wave.
13. Singer Cheryl Crow gives up her vintage 1959 convertible to raise money to rebuild schools torn apart by May Tornado.
14. Lance Ekum from the Jungle of Life and I raised over $495 for the tornado victims in Joplin Missouri.
15. Angela Artemis helps people change their vibrations.
16. Seaweed could be bio-fuel of the future.
17. Anastasiya Goers offers one month of balance in life.
18. A pilot survives a 17-plus hours in the water after a crash.
19. You can empower kindness by doing one nice thing.
20. A couple prepare to welcome their 72nd Foster Child.
21. Keli and Pace have started a Connection Revolution. Get their free manifesto.
22. A young girl loses half her brain in car crash… and gains an amazing new artistic ability.
23. James Slatcher is being hailed a hero, credited with saving more than 100 lives, after a devastating fire.
24. Sony achieves a 31% reduction in CO2 emissions.
25. Young people in New Zealand call for zero carbon emissions by 2050.
26. People at 6 Billion Ways are making another world possible.
27. A man sells his possessions to feed kids in Africa.
28. Young women grabbed the Google Science Award
29. Warren Buffett donates $1.5 billion to Gates Foundation.
30. A mystery donor rescues a gym for low-income women.
31. $140,00 was raised for Water Charity on behalf of a girl killed in a car crash.
32. A young Diamondbacks Fan shows generosity.
33. U2 brings blind fans onstage to play.
34. Forgiveness is good for your health.
35. CNN everyday heroes are changing the world.
36. Charity Navigator guides real people to do good things.
37. You have the option to wake up and laugh. Learn to see the world as it truly is.
38. My Super Life Charged Life writes about doing good.
39. Elena Duron Miranda in Bariloche, Argentina and her nonprofit, PETISOS, helps keep about 200 children out of the dump and enrolled in school.
40. Philips brings home 'L Prize' with efficient LED lamp.
41. California woman uses blog to clean up beach.
42. WorldShift Movement invites everyone to participate in a global transformation, based upon 'new world' values and ethics.
43. Grief-stricken mom found a new family after tsunami.
44. Tom Hanks to brings pollution-free scooties to India.
45. Bill Gates wants to reinvent the toilet for the Third World.
46. Johan Boswinkel is using biophotons, the faint light waves emitted by cells, help the body heal.
47. A student's trip to Antarctic helps improve the way Global Positioning System works.
48. Air Force Sgt. back from Iraq wins a million dollar lottery. from scratch off ticket.
49. Congo bans plastic bags to fight pollution.
50. They are hiring like it's 1999!
51. Bloomberg to use his own funds to aid minority youth.
52. Philanthropists give more money, donate time and talent with students.
Please join me today in spreading the word! Don't forget, post your list on your blog and leave your link in the comments below.
Hi Tess,
Thanks for the push to get out and be positive! We can all fall into the gloom and doom trap. You have provided a wonderful list of reasons to be happy and remind us there is always hope!