Bored With Your Blog? Get Inspired by 4 Fun Bloggers

by Tess on February 25, 2011

 My Friday Hit List 

(bloggers to keep you inpsired and motivated)

I've discovered new bloggers this week that are all about fun and making their dreams come true. Young people, I love young people! Allow each of these people to motivate you and inspire you like they did me. Then do something fun and write about it on your blog and link back to me:)

1. The Mad to Live, blogger, is a girl with a mad to live to do list! Her blog is a must see if you are in a rut, slump or just looking to leap forward and have fun.

Lauren Rains

Lauren defines mad to live, "as a state of being & way of life that is filled with unbridled enthusiasm and fervent passion.

Naturally passionately curious to explore, learn, and try everything this wild world has to offer. Not just your average person, but an adventurer and creative whom likes to challenge themselves, start and finish projects, experience new places and people, and simply stated, live a kickass life."

2. Blog of Impossible Things Experiencing blogger burnout? Joel Runyon has a Fun Manifesto where and says, "as we build our online business we talk about branding, products, posting, a niche, a brand, a brand, a brand, a brand…boring!

joelpic Bored With Your Blog? Get Inspired by 4 Fun Bloggers

He advises if you do want to build a brand differentiate and have fun! Joel spends his time doing impossible things and has something fun to write about. Always. Go over and see what this fun guy is doing today.

3. All of Us Revolution Bloggers Shannon and Kristen created "All of Us," to share their journey as they take off on a global adventure to start a socially-sustainable business. 

"Imagine owning eight items of clothing. Just eight, functional, versatile pieces. But with those eight pieces, over 100 different looks could be created. Dressy. Casual. Everything in between. With style. Without khaki cargo zip-offs or two-toned “skorts.”

That’s their goal. To create the ideal wardrobe for women, looking to simplify their lives, reduce their footprint, and look damn good in the process."

Working in Guate 300x184 Bored With Your Blog? Get Inspired by 4 Fun Bloggers

Two girls. One idea. Life outside the box.

4. Blue Bicicletta Nicole loves making art—"it feels like riding my blue bicicletta down hills -fast- wind blowing my hair back. Hence the name of my blog and art shop."

                                     Bored With Your Blog? Get Inspired by 4 Fun Bloggers

I fell in love with Nicole's story last week when she was featured on Momentum Gathering. She felt stuck in her day job and through Julia Cameron's book, The Artist way, she found a little spark.

She states on Katie's Blog, "With the book as my little spark, I began making art every night. I started churning it out: paintings, collages, drawings, anything I could imagine. I stopped making excuses and started clearing more and more time to make things. While I was still railing against my job, I started to see a little window open for me.

"I am an artist — a maker of things. That is what my life is about."

I bought the print below to hang in my office, to remind me, like Nicole I can break out of my routine anytime.

his heart howled 251x300 Bored With Your Blog? Get Inspired by 4 Fun Bloggers

How can you not be inspired by these bloggers? How can you not have hope for your own life and the world? I dare you to go and create some fun!

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    { 21 comments… read them below or add one }

    Caroline February 25, 2011 at 9:58 am

    I love this list Tess! Thank you for sharing these awesome blogs. I recently spiffied up my place…it’s so easy to get bored. Love all that you share and how you continue to inspire us all! xo
    Caroline´s last post…perspectiveand other odds and endsMy ComLuv Profile


    Tess February 26, 2011 at 3:31 am

    Oh yes when I get your talent I’ll spice up my blog as well! Thanks for the compliment. I appreciate you.


    Nick Laborde February 25, 2011 at 10:02 am

    I’m all ready a supper fan of the first three. The 4th one is a new discovery that’ll I’ll have to check out.

    Thanks for spotlighting these awesome people.
    Nick Laborde´s last post…The undeniable power of travel and why size doesn’t matterMy ComLuv Profile


    Tess February 26, 2011 at 3:35 am

    I love discovering new blogs and people. I’m always looking for new friends and to be inspired. My four daughters inspire me, I think that’s why I relate so well to young people. I have a lot of practice. I always find hope for our world through them.


    Belinda February 25, 2011 at 2:37 pm

    HI Tess, I read Nicole’s guest post on Katie’s site but everyone else is brand new to me. Will check them out!


    Tess February 26, 2011 at 3:35 am

    I just couldn’t resist Nicole and her story and art. Also my second daughter is named Nicole!


    Angela Artemis February 25, 2011 at 6:56 pm

    Hi Tess,
    I did read the guest post that Nicole wrote for Katie and enjoyed it immensely. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting the other two blogger, but I’m excited to visit their sites. Thank you so much for always bringing us so many fresh ideas and new talented bloggers to get to know.
    Angela Artemis´s last post…Take Control of Your Manifesting GenieMy ComLuv Profile


    Tess February 26, 2011 at 3:37 am

    Hi Angela,
    Yes it’s part of the fun of blogging…to meet new people and have fun reading their blogs. I don’t do it enough. Now with these Fridays, I sure am having fun.


    Ande Waggener February 25, 2011 at 7:21 pm

    Thanks for these, Tess! I just checked out Lauren’s site and love it. Now I’m off to check out the others. I love discovering new gems.
    Ande Waggener´s last post…The Sock Secret To ManifestingMy ComLuv Profile


    Tess February 26, 2011 at 3:38 am

    Yes that Lauren has me grinning from ear to ear when I’m on her blog. How fun and pretty is she? And what an atittude!


    Sandra / Always Well Within February 25, 2011 at 9:51 pm


    This is precisely what’s on my mind too: fun, play, creativity! It’s synchronicity! I love have these fun links to explore. I also love the bold enthusiasm of young people. Thanks for linking outside of the box. :)


    Tess February 26, 2011 at 3:39 am

    Oh how I need more of all three Sandra. All three fun, play, and creativity. Have a great weekend!


    Bryan February 25, 2011 at 10:18 pm

    Off to check them out, Tess! Thanks for sharing! I love Friday Hit Lists! :)
    Bryan´s last post…A Letter to a Young Bryan ThompsonMy ComLuv Profile


    Tess February 26, 2011 at 3:40 am

    Yes me too, it’s doing a lot for me and I’m glad you enjoy discovering new people as well!


    Suzie Cheel February 25, 2011 at 10:37 pm

    Awesome Tess,
    Thanks for sharing now when will I find time to read these:)

    Love Nicole’s post and “I am an artist — a maker of things. That is what my life is about.” we are all artists and makers of things and The Artists way is a wonderful way to reclaim one’s creativity
    Suzie Cheel´s last post…Let’s Play The Gratitude GameMy ComLuv Profile


    Tess February 26, 2011 at 3:41 am

    Yes and I think you should sell your beach art. Why not?


    Alex Blackwell | The BridgeMaker February 26, 2011 at 5:08 am

    Thanks for making the introductions here Tess – I’m looking forward to visiting their blogs this weekend.



    Jannie Funster February 26, 2011 at 7:23 pm

    Tess, Thank you for continuing to shine your light for us all to bask in.

    I know I will LOVE all these 4 new fun bloggers. I have no idea how you found them — I’m just glad you did!

    Jannie Funster´s last post…Great Peeps Recap 5 55 words 55 more wordsMy ComLuv Profile


    Chris February 27, 2011 at 7:51 am

    Thanks for passing these blogs along! I just checked out Joel’s and really like the healthy dose of fun and slight irreverence… A breathe of fresh blogger air!


    Galen Pearl February 27, 2011 at 7:14 pm

    What great blogs–thanks for the links! Your post reminded me of the time I was trying to plan summer activities for my autistic son. I was going over options with his doctor and I dismissed one of them as being “just fun” as opposed to educational, therapeutic, etc. The doctor leaned forward and looked directly into my eyes and said slowly, “Fun is good!” I never forgot that!
    Galen Pearl´s last post…When Its Right to be RightMy ComLuv Profile


    Nicole | blue bicicletta February 27, 2011 at 7:55 pm

    Thanks so much for including me in this list Tess! There’s so much energy in this list! It’s great to see!
    Nicole | blue bicicletta´s last post…Happy Creative Day – - Lots of New Things in My Shop!My ComLuv Profile


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