Why I Love To Blog

by Tess on January 13, 2010

Warning! My blog will challenge you to be more, give more, live fearlessly, take more chances and show up in the world unstoppable, daring and bold.


Things I love about blogging:

The people I've met 

The friends I've made

The things I've learned

The wisdom gleaned

Ideas being born

Creativity unleashed

The pages read

The window into so many lives

Doors being opened

Touched at soul level

The technology learned

The support  received

Laughing out loud

Being brought to tears

 A you to all who have touched my life and made this possible. You mean the world to me! If there is anything I can do for you please contact me.

Today I'd like to invite you to check out my guest posts and meet Dani and Steve at Positively Present and Change Your Thoughts.

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    Inspirational People to Follow #ff
    01.15.10 at 4:58 pm

    { 24 comments… read them below or add one }

    Lance 01.13.10 at 8:15 am

    It is so amazing to me…how a few words on a screen can be so life-changing. Blogging has become much more than I ever dreamed possible, and that is because of people like YOU…people who care. It’s an underlying theme I have felt since early on, and one that makes doing this so worth it. Keep bringing your AWESOME for all the world to see!!
    Lance´s last post…Be Remarkable! My ComLuv Profile

    Avani Mehta 01.13.10 at 9:11 am


    That’s the beauty of blogging. We start without any expectations. And it changes our lives completely … word by word without us even knowing about it. 2 years back I wasn’t part of the blogging community. Now I can’t imagine my life without it. It’s as if it has always been there.
    Avani Mehta´s last post…31 Lessons On Personal Effectiveness By Brian Tracy My ComLuv Profile

    Jannie Funster 01.13.10 at 11:13 am

    Okay!! Again… Who wrote this?? You or me? That would be my list exactly about blogging.

    Jannie Funster´s last post…Self-Portrait With iPhone, Yesterday My ComLuv Profile

    Carolynn 01.13.10 at 11:37 am

    I couldn’t agree more!
    Carolynn´s last post…Name that Title My ComLuv Profile

    Ideas With A Kick 01.13.10 at 11:37 am


    Count me in for at least half of those reasons. And add spinning my wheels on paper (a… whatever). I find that blogging can be a very fulfilling activity. It’s very multidimensional. No wonder some people blog for a living!

    Ideas With A Kick´s last post…Positive thinking won’t help you now My ComLuv Profile

    Karl Staib - Work Happy Now 01.13.10 at 12:46 pm

    Thank you. You are an amazing woman.

    I love blogging because it pushed me outside my comfort zone. I’ve met so many great people and I feel like I’m just scrapping the surface. There is so much to learn from blogging and I hope to stay open and curious to it all.
    Karl Staib - Work Happy Now´s last post…Christmas is over, but the How to Kick Butt at Work and Be Happy Too teleseminar is coming soon My ComLuv Profile

    Armen Shirvanian 01.13.10 at 2:45 pm

    Hi Tess.

    Those are a lot of things I also like about the process. We see ideas from early on in their creation to what they become, so it is like seeing a plant grow a fruit.

    You are certainly right about the wisdom gained, as it is a whole different ballgame to something like watching an episode of Friends, and isn’t even comparable, but there will be those who choose the latter over the former.

    Meeting people is great.
    Armen Shirvanian´s last post…An Interview With Chris Guillebeau My ComLuv Profile

    Suzie Cheel 01.13.10 at 5:43 pm

    Hi Tess,
    Happy New Year. I just love this post, I love the simplicity and the words relate to how I feel about blogging and the wonderful world of social media. I would love to interview you this year when I get my Inspirational TV channel going

    Suzie Cheel´s last post…2010 Predictions My ComLuv Profile

    Paul Maurice Martin 01.14.10 at 8:17 am

    Another aspect that’s been fun for me is the international aspect - never would have imagined even ten years ago that I’d be in contact with people from around the world.

    Hilary 01.14.10 at 11:13 am

    Hi Tess .. that communication is so wonderful; the connecting with people amazes me - we do seem to understand each other; as Paul says the international aspect; we are learning so much from each other; Jan’s meditation series is so excellent - such a brilliant idea;

    There are so many wonderful people in this group - some I know, some I’ve visited, some I want to visit, some my techie skills have failed me & the RSS feed (processed by me) hasn’t continued to work .. for whatever reason, fortunately good old girl’s typing list has a record, so I can catch up;

    We all seem to empathise with each other .. & in that vein ..

    Congratulations on Tuesday 12th - 38 is good .. &
    I do hope all is well - as mine is sleeping much more now ..
    Love Hilary
    Hilary´s last post…Saint Hilary, Happy Anniversary, Hilary Term and .. My ComLuv Profile

    Zeenat{Positive Provocations} 01.14.10 at 11:30 am

    Dearest Tess,
    You have been the rare diamond i found in my journey into blogging during 2009. I so love you and your blog..and all things blog! I cant imagine my life without blogging….can you imagine yours …na….If not for blogging …do you think we wouldve met the amazing people we have….My god its blessing of gigantic proportions !
    Much Love
    Zeenat{Positive Provocations}´s last post…Recurring Patterns My ComLuv Profile

    Tess The Bold Life 01.14.10 at 2:37 pm

    Thanks so much and I like you find that so many others care. There’s a whole world of us out there!

    Avani Mehta
    I don’t know what I did with my time pre-blogging:)

    Great minds…

    Multi dimensional is a great way to describe it!

    I’m only reflecting the greatness in you!

    So true…I’m glad I never watched that show;)

    Oh how fun…I’m all for interviewing. Is there anything I can help you with?

    Oh yes international …who would of thought?!?


    Oh yes I don’t get that tech stuff either. Do you need help with RSS feed. Let me know if I can answer any questions. Some things I know but nothing comes easy.


    I love your choice of words…blessings of gigantic porportion! Yes!
    Tess The Bold Life´s last post…Why I Love To Blog My ComLuv Profile

    Patty - Why Not Start Now? 01.14.10 at 4:20 pm

    Aw, Tess, you’re so kind and loving. Your joy of blogging and gracious spirit comes through in every post you write and comment you make. And I’m heading over to those other sites right now.
    Patty - Why Not Start Now?´s last post…In the Hallway of Transition My ComLuv Profile

    Wilma Ham 01.14.10 at 5:35 pm

    Tess, I agree, blogging is unleashing a lot and who would have thought.
    Meeting you and so many other amazing people has been the highlight.
    Now off like Patty said to your other temporary homes to read your bold thoughts. xox Wilma
    Wilma Ham´s last post…Ann-Marie on Do we actually play ‘Heart Centered’ Team? My ComLuv Profile

    Tammy 01.14.10 at 9:26 pm

    I found your blog through “the funster.” I normally NEVER just pop up on someone’s blog that I don’t know. I just don’t do that because i don’t want to run into complete psycho’s on the net, but you seem so open and honest. I was compelled to leave a comment here because I can relate to a lot of what you have written in describing yourself. I started back to college in ‘08 after a long time of being out of school. And I too am a psyche major and want to go into a career in counseling. I am now a full time student, but spent almost 4 yrs working in a facility as a mental health tech dealing with mentally challenged adults. The things you have opened up about concerning your life’s journey really impacted me because it is encouraging to see someone else step out their comfort zone and make it. Your words really really hit home in ways that can’t even explain here.
    Tammy´s last post…Psychobunny needs a hobby My ComLuv Profile

    suzen 01.15.10 at 8:13 am

    Hi Tess! Blogging for me has been one exciting surprise day after day! And at MY age, that’s a real highlight - LOL. Never had any preconceived notions about the blogosphere so that surprise element is alive and well! Every day here is a treat!!! :) suzen´s last post…2012 Curious My ComLuv Profile

    Coach Rosie 01.15.10 at 8:46 am

    Yup….another spiffing yet simple list. I completely concur and have no challenges this time! Although I would enlarge the circle somewhat and include social media generally as still I marvel at not only being able to meet really interesting bloggers, but being able to speak to someone with bombs ringing over their heads in Palestine, or someone just back from fighting in Afghanistan from my bedroom in the relatively peaceful west, with the click of a mouse!

    We live in amazing times.

    Keith 01.15.10 at 8:58 am

    Hello Tess!

    I definitely share your feelings about blogging. Blogging also gives me more hope. Because of the people I have met while blogging, I have discovered, and been greatly encouraged by, just how many truly “good people” there are out there. People who want to make the difference, be the difference in this world. How refreshing and uplifting this discovery has been!

    You’re one of those people Tess, and I am certainly grateful for all you do and your generous spirit.
    Keith´s last post…Believe It to See It My ComLuv Profile

    Barbara Swafford 01.15.10 at 4:21 pm

    Hi Tess,

    No truer words were spoken. Blogging absolutely rocks, and so do you, my blogging pal. :) Barbara Swafford´s last post…Don’t Shoot Me My ComLuv Profile

    Joy 01.15.10 at 9:16 pm

    When I read your title, my first reaction was a list of why *I* love that *you* blog! So your list right back at you times ten:)
    And to my list I would remove learned technology, because I truly haven’t and I’m very much okay with that. And I would add, it’s brought me an amazing love, unexpected and quite delightful:)

    Belinda Munoz 01.15.10 at 10:40 pm

    Hi Tess,

    I have a confession and a rave for you:

    First, the confession — I’ve been a bit embarrassed to comment on your blog though I’ve wanted to a bunch of times. Why, you ask? Because I misplaced your book for a long time.

    Now for the rave — I found it recently and I absolutely loved it! Love the prose, the questions, the quotes, the Soul Stretching sections. Everything. A big thanks for writing it and for your beautiful words on every page!

    And this post is so heartfelt and speaks for so many of us. Big love and big thanks to you!

    Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord 01.16.10 at 6:40 am

    What a lovely list, and I second all of it! For me, I also want to add that I love blogging because, through the great people I’ve met, I’ve learned how to better believe in myself, and felt love (as you said) at a soul level. (PS - which many times brings me to tears, but happy tears!!)

    Much love & eternal happiness to you, Tess! Thank you for being a part of my life!
    Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord´s last post…Redefining Success My ComLuv Profile

    Marko @ CalmGrowth 01.16.10 at 8:26 am

    Hi Tess

    Hmm… Interesting reasons for blogging… :)

    I like to blog because it is a challenge for me. And challenges are a source of growth.
    And I can help someone, and someone can help me. I can set and achieve goals. All in all, it’s fun…
    Marko @ CalmGrowth´s last post…The Most Powerful Way to Grow: My Mistakes in Physical Growth My ComLuv Profile

    Hayden Tompkins 01.16.10 at 4:01 pm


    Hayden Tompkins´s last post…Sex and Submission My ComLuv Profile

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