Warning! My blog will challenge you to be more, give more, live fearlessly, take more chances and show up in the world unstoppable, daring and bold.
"The first wealth is health."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
As many of you know I love running. So we jumped at the chance to see my daughter run in the "Rock n Roll" Marathon in Las Vegas last weekend.
Kristy has a new boyfriend, he was running as well. We were excited to meet him. He is also an avid runner.
Also her friend Dana was flying in from Chicago to run. (Dana claims to be my fifth daughter). So it was wonderful to visit all three!
Saturday morning Dana ran in the Santa Claus run. I think it was a 5K. By the time we landed she had texted the following photo to my phone. Dana is on the left. I think she lost her antlers in the race!
The following day Dana also ran the half marathon and had a new PR (personal record).
The marathon and half marathon was scheduled for Sunday. It began and ended at Mandalay Bay.
I love to watch others compete. I have no desire to run a full marathon. Even half marathons are becoming a rare event for me!
There were 27,000 runners from every state and 20 different countries.
There were 300 runners that dressed and ran in Elvis costumes.
There were couples that were married along the course. For the first time in Las Vegas marathon history, the entire Strip was closed in both directions for the event.
"Workouts are like brushing my teeth; I don't think about them, I just do them. The decision has already been made." - Patti Sue Plumer, U.S. Olympian
"I tell our runners to divide the race into thirds. Run the first part with your head, the middle part with your personality, and the last part with your heart." - Mike Fanelli, club coach
Kristy's boyfriend, Pete is very competitive and on many training runs has pushed her to run faster. 9 years ago Kristy ran her first marathon in 4 hours and 5 minutes.
Due to training with Pete, Kristy had a PR as well, finishing in 3 hours and 53 minutes. How amazing is that?
"Yeah, we finished."
Kristy after the race with a big medal around her neck!
It amazes me to witness what our bodies are capable of doing.
I have been promising myself to do strength training for the last five years. I've started and stopped a million times. I'm ready to begin again.
How about you? How are you keeping fit these days?
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Hi Tess
What an awesome event you shared with your daughter in! And funny thing my sister was in Las Vegas too last weekend!!! (But not for running…well perhaps running through the shops, etc… LOL)
Anyway this is great to see people staying active. As for me, yeah… well winter has set in and this always plummets my activity levels. Thank goodness for the yoga classes I started attending, they are doing wonders for now, but my intention is to get tougher about this winter thing and get outdoors more despite the elements!
Evita´s last post…My Experience of Reconnective Healing with Jennifer Mannion
Hi Tess. You must be so proud of your daughter. Running a marathon is not in the cards for me. Cardio has not been one of my strong suits. Long distance walking yes; running, no. My exercise routine currently consists of 1-hr walks about 2-3 times a week with some incline to get the heart pumping. But, I better do better than that if we’re to take on the Grand Canyon next year!
Davina´s last post…This is Not a Poem
Hi Tess, What a great and oh so positive event! It is so nice that you were there to support your daughter, her friend and her new boyfriend. What a difference it makes to have fans when you’re running a race.
As for my own fitness goals–they’re up and down. Sometimes the time working out takes away from the limited alone time I have is frustrating. And I had a couple of colds in the last two months which set me back a bit, too. I would love to get to a place where “working out is like brushing my teeth.” Gosh, I can only imagine how empowering that must feel!
Best to you with your weight training goal in the coming year!
Jodi at Joy Discovered´s last post…Planting Seeds for the New Year
That’s a very good question. Hmm..how do I keep fit these days? My fingers have more exercise on the keyboard than my feet! lol.. I’ll say, from this vacation, a lot of chasing around the kids (my nephews/niece), shopping malls, zoo-visiting etc had gradually built up my stamina. Frankly speaking, I haven’t been working out much ever since I started blogging. Shame on me.. =P I used to jog at the beach when I was in my teen years, it’ll be good to have that back again. After reading this post, I feel like put on my running shoes and start at this very instant. Now wouldn’t hurt to start all over by making baby steps, right? ^^
Wish you a wonderful life ahead.
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Ching Ya´s last post…8 Lessons Derived from Vacation to Boost Your Blogging Experience
Hi Tess! Quite an experience - leave it to Las Vegas! haha. Brought me back to way younger days of running. These days I walk - briskly and sometimes uphill - on my treadmill about 4-5 times per week. In summer I ride my bike a lot and also roller blade, which entertains my neighbors no doubt.
I usually have my little buddy walk with me, my yorkiepoo, but he is having surgery for a torn ACL on Monday (boohoo) so I’ve lost my little motivator for months. Hopefully by spring he’ll be ready to hike to the park!
suzen´s last post…Consenting to Feel Icky
Wow wow and wow again How amazing to witness your daughters running and taking on such massive marathons…I loved how all you gals mother and daughters included and now even new boyfriend included have Running inside of you.
If I can get myself to go for a walk in this concrete jungle where I live, i think i would come back choked up with pollution coming out of my breath.
Thats the reason I prefer my yoga..which is inside, no pollution getting in my lungs. When my little one grows up to be a little more independent, i am planning to take up running, by going to a joggers park here. Atleast there will be no pollution running with me
But i love how you all made such a good trip out of running a marathon….its fabulous to see your daughters smiling and happy…running is surely doing them good
Thank you for sharing these awesome memories with us.
Lots of love
Zeenat{Positive Provocations}´s last post…The Decision To Be You
Hi Tess .. that’s a wonderful story .. it’s such fun sharing things - even the pain of running PRs .. the high afterwards is so brilliant. The pain of success leads to so much happiness and spreads around to others.
Me too - I must exercise again, start slowly here by stretching and then spread out to walks hopefully setting the stakes out over Christmas and then just keep it up - far too lazy recently .. other things took over. Building this in to the daily plan .. I used to after I stopped playing squash - I’m happy (or was = more appropriate!) to chase after balls .. but running has never been a favourite = I never got over the starting line!
Enjoy yourselves with family and friends, and the sport of health and Christmas working together ..
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
I think this is so cool!! Congrats to Kristy, Pete, Dana, and really everyone who competed! I love competing and watching these (well…not the competing part of a MARATHON - I’ll stick with short races for now!). And 27,000 runners! Wow, that has to be quite a sight to witness!
Me? I’m running right now - outdoors when I can, otherwise on the treadmill. Considering getting a trainer for my bike so I can use it in the winter. And I’ve been doing strength training too. I really believe that strength training is an important piece of the whole picture, and such a great way to build up more muscle (and in turn, burn more fat). Good luck, Tess, on your workouts!
Lance´s last post…Frank and Me: A Legacy of Mentoring (Giveaway Post)
Yoga is something I want to get into. As for the winter elements find something you love…for me it was cross country skiing.
If we’re going to the Grand Canyon? Where did the “if” come from? Going hiking in a couple of hours with hubby.
I would love to do weight training like it was brushing my teeth! I wish this stuff came more naturally for us. I’m going to take before and after photos, how’s that?
Ching Ya,
Baby steps…that’s exactly how you want to begin. Me too. Sound like a wonderful vacation. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Walking is great! Roller blading…I haven’t done this for 2 years or since we moved. Funny thing is I could do it year round here. I need to go find them in the garage. I’ll let you know if I put them on. Oh I do hope your yorkipoo’s surgery goes well.
Like I stated about I want to try yoga. We all need to do what works best for us. If we try to do something that’s not we won’t keep it up. Let me know when you begin your jogging. I’ll come over for a run;)
Tess Bold Life´s last post…Las Vegas Rock n Roll Marathon Finishers
One of my other daughters feels the same about running. Once my hubby said you were a great runner in basketball and she said, “But dad I had a reason, I wanted the ball!” It’s not for everyone nor should it be. The key is to find what you enjoy and take it from there.
Tess Bold Life´s last post…Las Vegas Rock n Roll Marathon Finishers
Honestly, Tess, I have been really a slacker in this area of my life. Brad and I just started a new regimen this last week and hope to stay faithful to it. You know, even when you are a vegetarian, you can put on weight (too many carbs!). So we are preparing our bodies in a better way to get ready for 3 months in Florida. I plan to get some tennies and really walk the beach, not stroll, we are purchasing new bikes and will build up our stamina that way. We are both quite jazzed and it is always fun to do a new program with a partner, right? Buddie do help. Thanks for the nudge and congrats to your lovely ones for their efforts!
How exciting…you’re in training for Florida. Take lots of photos on the beach for us to see on your blog.
Dear Tess,
I so enjoyed this and loved the photos. I’ve always been an avid hiker and very fast walker and am now jogging most mornings. It is bitterly cold here. I mean, nose sticking cold. AND YET, oddly I am out there early morning and just loving my time alone on the trail across the high desert. And surprisingly I don’t get cold, even wearing leggings, I stay so warm. I am only jogging, haven’t yet worked up to running, although in the summer it seems easier to run.
All through the spring, summer and fall I go barefoot on the trails. I went barefoot for so many years in the wild that (I think I told you) I can’t handle hiking boots or running shoes. I tend to trip more and twist my ankles more when I wear shoes, as my feet can’t feel the contours of the ground. I rarely run on pavement. If there is no snow on the trail I wear thin homemade mocs that I make every other year. Now with more snow I’ve been forced to wear running shoes and it feels so weird. It’s funny how I got so used to feeling the Earth beneath my feet. To the point that wearing shoes on a trail is like wearing mittens to prepare and cook a meal. LOL!! However I do like them on concrete if I go into town. I just get them extra roomy.
The girls in these photos are just beautiful and so alive that their energy JUMPS off the page. How proud you must be of your daughter. Wow!! I’d be jumping up and down. Good for her….and good for YOU, Tess. This whole post just inspired me. Hugs, Robin.
Robin Easton´s last post…Become the Journey
Hi Tess!
Please congratulate Kristy, Pete, and Dana from me. I know how hard it is to train for those and it amazes me when someone does it. I loved the descriptions of the race participants. I wouldn’t have been surprised if flying Elvis were dropping from the sky. How awesome to run the strip - empty! I got up to a half marathon (ran two) but then I broke my hand which took a long time to recover from. Car got rear ended and now I have thyroid issues. It just means I am going to have to work harder than ever. Thanks for the inspiration to get moving again.
I needed that. I miss running and the charged energy at the races.
Angelia´s last post…Festive Ride aboard the Jeep Express
Congratulations! Even though it’s been a decade, I will never forget the experience of running marathons. It is truly amazing…I still think about doing it again, but not sure my body could handle it. Staying fit is my passion and my work, though these days I take a more integrated/holistic approach. Still run, lift weights, lots of yoga, meditation and outdoor adventure fun. I’m looking forward to snow shoeing this winter!
Stacey Shipman´s last post…There is No Failing When You Go For It
I’ve cut way back on my running because I love hiking. We went yesterday and lost ourselves in the peacefulness. I love your idea of no shoes. We only put shoes on to go into town or for working at the farmer’s market when we were kids working and living on the farm. There is something to be said about contact with the earth. I love New Mexico. It seems like you can touch the sky there. Would love to hike there and will put that on my bucket list to do in 2010. Oh and thanks for the comment on the girls. Their energy is crazy and one of my biggest blessings in raising 4 was and is to pick up on their energy. Which I obviously did that weekend. What a joy!
Oh and I think the boyfriend looks a bit like George Clooney. I don’t even know if that the correct spelling of his name!
I wish you health, happiness and a quick recovery!
The world needs your back to your senses program and snow shoeing sounds like the perfect thing to do in the winter.
You would NOT believe the fitness in my typing fingers! As good as it can get.
I LOVE free weights for my arms. Santa, please bring me some new 3-lb ones? Thanks!!
The past couple weeks I’ve only got out on the trail 2x a week, my minimum should be 3. One “should ” I do allow myself. You have inspired me to go for my 3 this week!!
That Santa run is so cool, I’ve seen it on tv. how fun for your daughter and her friends to have been a part of that. But I would be afraid of getting lost in 27,000 peeps, whew.
Jannie Funster´s last post…teknikel difikulltees by blue bunny
austin, Jannie — not asutin!!
Jannie Funster´s last post…teknikel difikulltees by blue bunny
I love photos, they say so much and yes, they show the proudness of their accomplishments.
What a lot of people, it is amazing how such an event inspires people to come together and create a running community for the event. What a energy is eminating from that????
I walk. When young I used to walk a lot and I still do. I am like a donkey, I keep going. That is how I did the hardest tramp in New Zealand on Stewart Island for 10 days. Just one foot in front of the other and keep going.
It was beautiful and my first tramp ever, but I did it.
But I cannot run, make me run and I bail.
I also do Pilates daily to keep my body flexible and to counteract the bad posture I take up during the day when I sit in front of the computer.
Pilates works wonders.
That will keep me moving.
It seems though Tess, that you are more ambitous than me, weight training!
Wilma Ham´s last post…Context is King.
No you wouldn’t get lost in all those peeps. You and I’d get lost without them. I’m slow so at least a crowd puts slower peeps around me!
Pilates interests me. Do you go to a class or do a video? Walkin’ is as good as runnin in my book.
I take my dog for a daily walk. While on that walk I pass by a kids playground and do pull-ups, push-ups, and leg-ups. It’s a great way for me to release my stress.
My dog makes the exercise decision for me an easy one. If I don’t take her for a walk she we whine at 1am, 3am, and 5am. It’s much easier just taking her after work. Plus that’s our bonding time.
Karl Staib - Work Happy Now´s last post…How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed
Mom, many thanks to you and dad for your cheering at the finish. I had an awesome time with you both and am glad you had a chance to meet Pete. He’s a terrific guy and yes, he does positively push me when I think I cannot run another mile. I also know Dana had a great time. I thank you for the gift of ‘exercise’ throughout my childhood. You always made sure we were an active family. I truly have taken that into my life and am grateful for it. Pete, Dana, and I are looking forward to New Orleans…..maybe we’ll see you and dad there :).
Hello Tess!
What an awesoome trip you had and I know you are beaming with pride in your daughter! Totally cool!
To stay fit I eat smart daily, drink primarily water, and I strength train using free weights. My schedule is so tight right now but I also need to incorparate more cardio into my routine!
Make it a great day Tess!
Keith´s last post…Risk The Unusual!
Hi Tess, to answer your question. John and I went to a few private classes to get some exercises for our problem areas such as shoulders and neck and back. Then we did the exercises at home and then went back a few times to correct what we did wrong. It was hilarious to see how over time we adapted the exercises in a totally different ineffective way. So after we have been corrected quite a few times, we now do them correctly every morning. It stretches, it strengthen and I have had great results with a shoulder injury from kayaking.
My posture is also more straight and my back is so much more flexible. After one year I can now easily touch my toes, something I never could do when I was a kid!!!! As you can tell, this exercise hating girl loves Pilates.
Thanks for asking and let me know if you want to know more.
Wilma Ham´s last post…Context is King.
Thanks for this Tess — I love the pictures. As for your question, I was doing a routine for a long time with weightlifting on one day and yoga the next (and occasionally taking a day off when I was too sore ). I wasn’t doing cardio because my body doesn’t tend to put on much fat or muscle. But now I’m back into it because I’ve found some people to run with, and chatting while we run has turned out to be fun.
Awesome! You’re inspiring. It’s so wonderful that you share this with family and friends and so many people from all parts of the world!
Kaushik´s last post…How to mend a broken heart
I was going to come up with some really great reasons why not, but opted for simple authenticity instead.
Carolynn´s last post…My Letter to Santa
This was a fun post. My partner is a runner and well more so a bicycle riders putting on nearly 2,000 miles in tours last year and 1 half marathon. He lifts weights and runs every morning at 5:30am - 7:30 when the weather is bad and does and 11 mile run when not training for something.
He has inspired our kiddos to do “crew” and tennis, and swimming and now my oldest just ran her first marathon. The Susan G Komen run in San Francisco and did about 4 hours…and got a Tiffany’s necklace a big gift to fundraising. She says she does not want to run -alone again.
2 of my daughters have done the Seattle to Portland bike ride with their Dad - 210 miles in 1 day -tandem and on their own bikes.
The Tennis player has run a couple of 5 mile fundraisers at her college.
I used to run to be able to sing….but with a deformed hip after delivering babies I can no longer run. When the weather is nice I walk the 5 miles around the lake 6 mornings a week…and work on bettering my time each month. The weather is awful now so on most days I play a Wii sport, and then do about 90 minutes of yoga, strength training, balance, and aerobics with Wii Fit….I wish it compensated for my age….but I can only muster an age of 48 years and not get to peak fitness.
I am really worried about what is happening with my muscle tone with 4 weeks of pain, pain, pain in the knee……Jenny Mannion was such a help in relieving the pain and I am doing a series of PT exercises to relieve the stiffness…but no sideways motion yet….
We are going cross country skiing instead of gifts for Christmas this year….I will be the lead cook and cheerleader….oh and my veggie split pea, and ham split pea soups smell so good…as they simmer while I am writing this Olympic sized comment…
What a great post…your runners look so strong and happy and pleased with their efforts…I look forward to the Davina Tess posts about the Grand Canyon…what a duo..
Patricia´s last post…Donuts, Coffee and the Wisdom of Daughters