75 Ways To Make The World A Better Place

by Tess on July 13, 2009

Warning! My blog will challenge you to be more, give more, live fearlessly, take more chances and show up in the world unstoppable, daring and bold.

pigeon flying towards the earth
Creative Commons License photo credit: HikingArtist.com

I’m a guest today on Jan Lundy’s blog, ”Awake is Good.” When I lived in Michigan I had a regular column in her magazine “The Healing Garden Journal.”

Jan has always been on a spiritual path illuminating the way for others. It’s an honor to be her guest and I encourage you to visit her blog. Jan has always pushed me to be a better writer and I think this article is one of my best…75 Ways to Make the World A Better Place to Be See you over there!

Kristy is the winner of ” The Riches Within.” Thanks to all who participated. Without you this would be impossible.


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    { 12 comments… read them below or add one }

    Davina 07.14.09 at 12:45 am

    Hi Tess. I just popped over there and guess I’m too early? The post hasn’t been published yet… Okay, I’m really learning patience this week :-) I’ll be back. Of course, there appears to be no shortage of reading material on Jan’s blog while I’m waiting — “I sat listening to the wind” & “Being joy”. Wow, intriguing titles.

    Davina’s last blog post..To Smile A Smile

    Lance 07.14.09 at 5:27 am

    Hi Tess,
    Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful guest post!! Your list is full of so much good stuff. I love it!!

    Lance’s last blog post..Painting The Masterpiece of Our Life

    Joanne 07.14.09 at 7:55 am

    Hi Tess,
    I am always inspired when I stop by and visit Jan’s blog. Your Guest Post today was a pleasure to read, with such perfect, and simply done, suggestions to “be” more fully in our lives. Thanks to you and Jan for sharing with us today!

    Positively Present 07.14.09 at 8:05 am

    Sounds like a great idea for a list! I’m off to check it out now… :)
    Positively Present’s last blog post..the purpose of a wish

    Keith 07.14.09 at 10:50 am

    Hi Tess,

    I was going to tell you the way or ways that stood out to me after reading your guest post, but soon realized that if I pointed out the ones that jumped out at me that I would just be pretty much sending you your own article! There’s just too much there to single out one or two things. Great post Tess, really.

    Thanks for writing such a meaningful list. :-)
    Keith’s last blog post..The Power of Focus

    simply stephen 07.14.09 at 11:55 am


    You sure do have a way of inspiring and promoting positive change in the world. I wish I could have learned from you years ago but am glad to have discovered your blog this last year or so. Thank you.

    BTW, I have just nominated you for a Kreativ Blogger award, it is basically a pay it forward for all of your efforts. Details on my blog.

    simply stephen’s last blog post..Spotlight on Simplicity - Kreativ Blogger Award

    Liara Covert 07.15.09 at 7:46 pm

    Everyone makes the world a better place by choosing to be true to the self.

    Liara Covert’s last blog post..Meg Blackburn Losey & 8 Keys to survive the shift

    Jannie Funster 07.16.09 at 5:45 am

    Super-Excellent, Tess. I just left a comment at Jan’s. And just published your scintillating review.


    Jannie Funster’s last blog post..Flying By The Seat Of My Soul: A Review

    janice 07.16.09 at 5:46 am

    Please add a page to your navigation bar called Life Lists. (Or a free ebook for new visitors.) They are so one of your talents! The first post I ever found when I visited here was a list. You’re a wee phenomenon and a power for good, Tess, and I’m proud to be your friend.

    janice’s last blog post..How to Breathe Life Into Your Writing

    Tess The Bold Life 07.16.09 at 10:23 am

    Thanks for stopping by, sorry it wasn’t ready soon enough. We forgot the early bird catches the worm.

    Life is filled with so much wonderful stuff!

    Your welcome and thanks for stopping by.

    Pos Present,
    I hope you found it helpful and exciting.

    Simply Steven,
    Thanks and also thanks for the award. It’s the second time so I better get to it!

    Yes lets not forget that!

    You’re the best!
    Thanks so much, what a great idea!

    Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..75 Ways To Make The World A Better Place

    Evita 07.16.09 at 2:12 pm

    Tess that was AMAZING! Good for you for spreading more love, joy and peace in this world! It is a pleasure to know souls like you :)

    Tess 07.16.09 at 4:35 pm

    That’s a compliment coming from you. Julie Riddle is the person who told me about your blog!

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