by Tess on April 19, 2009

Warning! My blog will challenge you to be more, give more, live fearlessly, take more chances and show up in the world unstoppable, daring and bold.

                                       Today Is Magic Monday!

The person that leaves the best comment recieves an autographed copy of “10 Ways To Make It Great!”

Today’s ”magic” comes from Phil Gerbyshak. After reading his book I believe this is an opportunity for anyone to choose one goal you’ve been procrastinating
on and effortlessly apply the steps in 
Phil Gerbyshak’s book “10 Ways to Make It Great! 

Each chapter is filled with practical techniques and easy-to-implement action steps to help you create the great life you each desire and deserve! Some of the high-impact ideas within his book are…

  • Begin at the End and Work Toward Today – Are you living the life you always wanted? If not, Phil explains how to take charge of your goals, and have a successful, rewarding life.
  • Surround Yourself with Those Who Can Help You – Phil shows you how to engage people on a daily basis. He encourages you to build real relationships, and shows you how to bring others out of their shells.
  • Go the Extra Mile – Not content with just getting by in life, Phil encourages you to give your dreams everything you’ve got. Put yourself out there, and you will come out over the top

 In what area do you want to grow?
What do you need to do to improve?
Where do  you fall short and why?

Leave the best comment and receive your autograph copy!

Last week winner for Starbucks cards are Roshelle, Kris, and Keith!

I will not be blogging again until next week. I’m on our “After Tax Season” break!

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    { 8 comments… read them below or add one }

    Hilary 04.20.09 at 12:09 am

    Hi Tess .. I went over to Phil’s blog and read and learnt something from his interesting post ..

    I have a lot to learn and develop and grow within myself .. and will benefit from your blog and invited guests.

    Many thanks - have a good holiday ..
    Hilary Melton-Butcher
    Positive Letters

    Hilary’s last blog post..Heraldry .. "a shorthand of history" - part 3/4

    Mary B Sheffield 04.20.09 at 4:55 am

    Hi Tess,
    Obataining goals for myself has never been easy unless it is for my children or my husband. I am their biggest cheer leader ! From getting into college to dreams and ambitious endeavors.
    Now I am trying to find and meet my own goals and I have a road block.
    I only know how to promote others out side of the box. I do not think I am unique . But when you have a family at a young age your main focus is to
    nurture and develope strong prosperous adults. But as they do just that
    you can never regret but wonder if it is your turn ?
    I am very excited to read phils blog and learn how to find my dreams
    and goals . From working to my free time I would love to see what the future
    has instore. :) 2009 could be a very exciting year !
    Thanks for the link !
    Mary B :)

    Alik Levin | 04.20.09 at 6:08 am

    Hey! I am challenging you with the counter contest with my autobiography book named “100 ways to fall flat on your face - learn from my mistakes in the school of hard knock called life”. It actually might be a good promo for the Phil’s book ;)

    HAHA. Kidding ;)

    The link to the book does not work for me - is it only me? I can surf other sites though….

    Alik Levin |’s last blog post..150 Ways To Break Into Your Blog (Hacking For Dummies)

    Allison Crow 04.20.09 at 6:43 am

    Really just thankful for the concept of Magical Mondays! They are my favorite day of the week…so much to look forward to! Monday is full of energy and possibility and I’d love for more people to have that feeling.
    Monday is the day to truly have an opportunity to MAKE IT GREAT for the next 7 days!

    Patricia 04.20.09 at 6:08 pm

    More good ideas and ways to keep going. I have lots of goals and lots of failures and a few successes for myself. They say it takes 75-100 rejections before you really make sales and that starts to turn it around….I ready for the turn around on my goals…more successes than failures…so I am working on catching my drift, not one that belongs to someone else.

    Patricia’s last blog post..A Different Journey

    Mark 04.23.09 at 8:11 am

    Enjoy your break!

    Mark’s last blog post..Are You Full of Yourself?

    Eight Women Dream 04.24.09 at 12:33 pm

    Your ideas are what our blog is all about. We like your Monday posts - what a great day to start the week. Do you ever find clients who are resistant to your suggestions, resistant to change and afraid? How do you help them through these blocks and get them open to receive what you have to offer? We touted your blog on our blog because we find you inspirational, so hop on over and check us out when you return from your tax fun.

    Stacey / Create a Balance 04.25.09 at 7:49 pm

    I want to grow my marketing in every possible direction. I want to define my brand and then live my brand in everything I do.

    Stacey / Create a Balance’s last blog post..Choosing Me Before We

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