35 Small Ways to Create A Life of Awesomeness

We don’t need to make big and drastic changes to create a life of awesomeness. We don’t need to do epic sh** in order to stand out, be noticed, or change the world. Everyday, we have countless opportunities to leave our mark and make a difference in small and ordinary ways.

The follow small steps will help you craft an awesome and unforgettable life.

Develop a morning routine. How you spend your morning sets the tone for how you spend       your day.

Make time for people who matter. Call or visit an elderly relative, friend, or neighbor. 

Send a handwritten thank you note to three people this week. Express your feelings of gratitude and appreciation.

Forgive yourself for any past regrets and mistakes. Give yourself a break. You deserve another chance.

Sit with a close friend and pour your heart out. Share your fears, doubts, and pain. You don’t have to go it alone. 

Forgive your parents or caregivers who have hurt you. Bitterness and resentment will steal your joy.

Contact and connect with someone you haven’t had time for. Let the people you care about know they matter.

Ask someone for something you want. Keep asking until you get what you want.

Read a book from cover to cover. Lose yourself in another world.

Look someone in the eyes and say, “I love you.” Repeat often.

Compliment others often. Make somebody smile. Never hold back your positive words.

Decide on a dream vacation. Make a three year plan and commit to making it happen

Mentor a young adult. Everyone needs guidance and direction. Everyone needs to feel important.

Pick up the tab the next time you are in a restaurant. Others will feel like the universe is a generous place.

Explore new outdoor activities. Be brave and do something you haven’t tried before.

Do something spontaneous. Surprise yourself. It makes life interesting.

Daydream. Imagine. Act on the impossible. What are you waiting for?

Make someone feel special by sending flowers. Flowers have a positive influence at an unconscious level. 

Do the unexpected. Pay someone a surprise visit. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

Visit the Farmer’s Market. Try a new fruit or vegetable. 

Unclutter your home. Give away what you no longer need. Unclutter your mind. Spend time in silence.

Change your mood. Find someone to serve. Volunteer your time.

Replace a bad habit with a good one. Begin with one small consistent step.

Tell a difficult person what steps you will take to improve the relationship.

Donate money to a good cause. Don’t tell anyone about it.

Spend time alone in order to reevaluate your life. Do more of what you love to do.

Make someone feel important. Give them your undivided attention. Listen.

For one weekend, disconnect from all electronics and gadgets. 

Create something new that has nothing to do with your work.

Express your feelings. Honestly. Appropriately.

Spend today in love with yourself. Give yourself a break. Let yourself off the hook.

Practice compassion when you sense others are in pain.

Learn to stay calm. Don’t react. Respond.

Focus on what matters. Allow the rest to fall away. 

Be bold. Act on one thing that scares you. Why wait?

Please share your thoughts below.

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  • Max December 24, 2012, 8:59 am

    …Decide on a dream vacation.
    I’m very grateful for the year I had. 2 years ago, I made a wish to make a trip to Greece and to Asia. I worked hard and it paid off.
    I made my dream a reality, Greece and Asia, all in 2012.
    I need to remind myself from time to time how lucky I was to do this.

    Perhaps it’s not a SMALL way to create a life of awesomeness, but I’m so happy I did.
    Thanks Tess for that great post!

    • Tess December 27, 2012, 12:32 pm

      I’m currently planning a dream vacation. Thanks for your story and inspiring me to move forward with this. woo hoo!

  • susie December 24, 2012, 1:47 pm

    Be kind to animals and people who can’t do a thing back for you.
    A soft heart makes you vulnerable but it also makes you more open to life in general, epsecially good stuff.

    • Tess December 27, 2012, 12:33 pm

      Thanks for sharing your insight with us. I totally agree. Have a bold New Year. xo

  • David Stevens December 26, 2012, 3:55 pm

    Hi Tess,
    It’s all the small things that add up…to be the Big things in Life…and which make a tremendous difference. Thankyou for this.
    be good to yourself

    • Tess December 27, 2012, 12:34 pm

      You’re welcome. When we chase big things we are striving not thriving. It’s the small things celebrated in the moment that create a life of happiness and success.

  • Ken Wert@MeanttobeHappy December 27, 2012, 7:10 am

    I like what Steven said above, Tess. It IS the small things. I once heard it said that marriage is no big deal; it’s a lot of small ones. That’s true of life as well. And your list here makes for a whole lot of little deals that add up to a life very well lived. Small steps pointed in the right direction will get us across a continent.

    Thanks for the inspiration, Tess! Life truly can be awesome. Thanks for pointing us in the right direction.

    • Tess December 27, 2012, 12:35 pm

      I love that…steps taken in the right direction will get us across a continent. Yeah!

  • Susan December 27, 2012, 10:24 am

    What a great list. Having a morning routine literally saved my life. Doing one small thing everyday will transform your life. I find looking in the mirror and saying I love you to myself very empowering. Hard at first but very life changing.

    May 2013 be AWESOME,

    • Tess December 27, 2012, 12:36 pm

      Love my morning routine! I will look in the mirror and love myself more often. Don’t do it enough. Thanks!

  • Cathy Taughinbaugh December 27, 2012, 10:35 am

    Great suggestions as always. If we follow these we will have an awesome 2013. “Send a handwritten thank you note” is such a great reminder. With all our technology – so easy to forget. Thanks for the reminders!!

    • Tess December 27, 2012, 12:37 pm

      I found some awesome thank you notes that are sure to make someone smile! It’s an easy way to stand out and rise above;)

  • Sandra / Always Well Within December 27, 2012, 12:04 pm

    Hi Tess,

    Some of these small steps are actually quite huge in their impact on changing our way of thinking and being and thus bringing us more joy and confidence. I vote yes for taking one of these small steps each days!

  • Tess December 27, 2012, 12:37 pm

    I agree. Take one repeat often. Integrate and begin another. Isn’t life grand?

  • Galen Pearl December 27, 2012, 8:05 pm

    I focused right away on #1 about the importance of a morning routine. My morning routine is often hit or miss, and that is due to nothing other than my own laziness in establishing a healthy habit. Now that my last kids have moved out, I can’t even pretend to blame anyone else! So this is the small step I’m going to focus on. Thank you!

  • J.D. Meier December 29, 2012, 3:08 pm

    Beautiful list!

    I’ve always found that a morning routine, makes or breaks the day … and the shutdown routine, the night before, makes or breaks the morning routine 😉

  • paisley January 2, 2013, 10:59 am

    Fabulous list and now I’m off to market:)

  • Johny santangelo February 6, 2013, 9:43 am

    Tess, if one follows all of your points, I am sure the life would be awesome. Very very tiny and small points but very meaningful. let me be honest, If I try, I won’t be able to do all of them.

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