Warning! My blog will challenge you to be more, give more, live fearlessly, take more chances and show up in the world unstoppable, daring and bold.
photo credit: therapycatguardian
“At the deepest level, there is no giver, no gift, and no recipient…
only the universe rearranging itself.” -John Kaba-Zinn
Today I’m going to practice sharing me:
My best self
My laughter
My energy
My smile
My openness
My attitude
My talent
My wisdom
My willingness
My inner peace
My patience
My attention
My wholeness
My spirit
My joy
My vision
My dream
My beauty
My presence
My life
Won’t you please join me?
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{ 27 comments… read them below or add one }
I’ll definitely join you!!
Positively Present´s last post…words to live by: dare you to move 
Hey Tess,
You can count me in!
Keith´s last post…Joy In The Journey
I’m there with you, my friend…Here’s to sharing!
Lance´s last post…Sunday Thought For The Day
Hi Tess,
Count me in .
What a Great way to start a Monday !
Mary Beth
Hi Tess! This is the best list I’ ve seen in a long time! What a great way to start off the week! Thank you for your enthusiasm and encouragement!
suzen´s last post…Be Happy! A Good Choice!
Wonderful list Tess….I’m in! xo
Yes, of course I”m in! You’ve already led me to a new perspective in my life. I’m loving and overflowing with the most simple joy filled moments.
Oh I loved this list Tess and definitely count me in!
This just made me smile brightly
Patricia´s last post…I LOVE THIS MAGAZINE
Yep! And will you share your chocolate??
Jannie Funster´s last post…Now, Where’d I Put Those Passports? 
This is fabulous. I would love to share my gifts. Thanks for the great idea.
Jill´s last post…Embrace this pain, and it will not linger.
I love the quote that all that happens is just the universe rearranging itself. Thanks for sharing your best self all the time!
Daphne @ Joyful Days´s last post…What Makes A Good Relationship
Positively Present, Keith, Lance, Mary, Suzen, Diantha, Linda, Patricia, Jannie,
Jill and Daphne:
Thanks for sharing your gifts with me and the rest of the world! I won’t write to much in my comments today because I’ll be out sharing. Thanks for dancing through life with me!! I appreciate everyone;)
Hi Tess and everyone .. I’d love to share your happy, positive, looking at the half full glass of life .. and share with others as I go about my future days …
As you say .. I can’t dance - but I’ll dance through with you - it’ll give everyone a head start - they’ll be laughing as they go ..
Have a great week - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
Hilary´s last post…Garnets, Tolkein, Silver and Gold ….
Ahhh, that word “gift” must have been in the cosmos yesterday. I love it! And I love the idea of sharing myself as a gift with the world: in how I breathe, act, think, and in how I simply am.
You’re a phenomenal gift, Tess, and I’m grateful each day I get to witness or experience you.
Happy Monday!
Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord´s last post…The Unique Gift Awakening Brings
Yes, yes, and more yes. Thank you for reminding me of all of the ways I can share myself.
Daphne´s last post…More Inspiration
Tess, I’m in. And in one of your comments you wrote “dancing through life” that is how I want to live…always dancing! It is the best!
This is lovely and something I aspire to do on a daily basis. Sometimes the effect is more deeply profound than others. It is always good.
Carolynn´s last post…Silent Sunday - A Second Spring
I’m on board as long as we are eating well. What would you like me to bring. I could bring a side dish or dessert.
Karl Staib - Work Happy Now´s last post…21 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Every Monday
Hi Tess - lt’s natural for us to want to share the love we feel by sharing ourselves, isn’t it? Thank you for your sharing - an’ I’ll join you! (psst Tess - your browser is auto-filling a mis-spelling in your email when you comment on LLF)
Robin´s last post…Relaaaaaaaaaaax
Hi Tess,
What a great way to share yourself. Back at you, my friend.
Where’s the party?
Barbara Swafford´s last post…Blogging Etiquette – Write The Wrongs
Is this a congo line? I’m joining in!!! Shining and dancing with all you wonderful ladies. Radiating positive LIFE.
Angelia Sims´s last post…Timely moments 
I’m SO in!
Bringing my happy self to this wonderful party!!
Peggy´s last post…The Beat of a Different Drum
What a beautiful thing to do Tess! Sharing you, sharing me…
I am definitely in!
Evita´s last post…Enter To Win a Copy of the Children’s Book Yndico Is
Although a late comer at this party today, I still feel the love and the joy of all of us here.
So I am joining the sharing, here and everywhere by being the love that I am and being love in action, yahhooo.
Love to you all, Wilma
Wilma Ham´s last post…Regrets, mindclutter and weakness in completion.
Love that quote, Tess, as well as all the really wonderful things you listed. This is yet another example of the ways in which you “show up” each day! Definitely, I’m in–thanks for the inspiration!
Jodi at Joy Discovered´s last post…My Happy Place, Your Happy Place
If your heart is dancing I count that as dancing and yours does!
I feel the same way about you. Let’s just call it Divine Order.
I really don’t think you need a reminder because you do this already but I’ll go along with it;)
Dance on!
Yes it’s always good and it’s all good!
I definitely want you to bring dessert!
Thanks for the warning but I don’t know what it means or how to fix it. I’ll ask Lance. He knows everything!
Party at Karls and he’s bringing dessert;)
Yes we’re dancing, shining and radiating today, can’t get any better than this.
Bring your friends as guests!
You rock!
Yes love in action thats it! Can you bring a dish of joy to pass?
Thanks for the compliment. If you spot it you got it!
Hi Tess ,
In honor of this being a sharing week here goes nothing !
My Blog: creativeendeavers.blogspot.com
I am not sure if this will get you there but we will see
Thanks for the Push !
Mary Beth