Magic for Your Monday: Bold Steps for Living Your Dreams

February 22, 2009

Warning! My blog will challenge you to be more, give more, live fearlessly, take more chances and show up in the world unstoppable, daring and bold.

Today is “Magic Monday.” Leave the best comment and receive a free copy of “Zen To Done” by Leo Babauta of Zen Habits

A few bold lessons I’ve learned from Leo Babauta:

Decide on your most important 3 tasks of the day and commit to getting them finished. Turn off your phone, emails, twitter etc. until all is completed. You’ll be amazed at what you accomplish.

Do something to inspire yourself especially when you’re in a rut. Find others who have gone before you and imitate them. Read inspirational stories. Leo also “Googles his goals!” This alone will  get your juices going. 

Be passionate. Talk to others about your hopes and dreams. Read about the stories of others who have been successful. Visualize your outcome. Never think or speak of doubt. Leo’s wife is his biggest supporter!

Commit publicly. In the past Leo has posted his workout schedule for running marathons and his food plan while losing weight. Not only does this hold him accountable it gives others hope as well.
I’m running a half marathon in Atlanta, Ga with my daughter in March. Watching Leo’s progress made me want to run again after taking 18 months off.

Help Others. Many people become successful and forget where they came from. They reach is for only people on the higher rung on the ladder. Not Leo. If I put up a blog about “people Leo helped along the way” Iwould have enough to write about for at least a year.

Get rid of clutter and simplify your life. This changes the energy in your home, car, office, and mind. After decluttering and simplifying you have room for new ideas, family, and your most important tasks. Too much stuff no longer has the power to weigh you down.

I’m happy to be a part of the Zen Habits community where you can learn about family, relationships, simplicity, productivity, happiness or how to be a successful blogger.  Today Leo has 93,400 subscribers. 

Leo has to two ebooks for sale and also a brand new book “The Power of Less.”

Today the person who leaves the best comment on my blog will receive a free copy of Leo’s ebook “Zen to Done” which is otherwise for sale on his blog.

5 Great Reasons To Be Bold & Go Out On A Limb

February 20, 2009

Creative Commons License photo credit: certified su

The winners leaving the best comments on “Magic Monday” are Cheryl, Annie, Stacey and Jannie. Each will receive a paperback copy of my book, “Flying By The Seat Of My Soul.” Be sure to stop by this Monday for more magic and another opportunity to win!

What and who motivates you to go out on a limb? Going out on a limb to me means taking a calculated risk. It’s daring to go where few have gone before. 

Identify what you need in your relationships, business and other areas of life that require you to get out of your comfort zone and take risks. In order to motivate yourself define “what your fruit” or reward  will be. Then make an action plan and begin.

The following will help you get inspired:

People Will Notice. If it’s your business you will stand out from the crowd. If it’s a relationship it could change the dynamics.  If you’re fearful or doubtful figure out the benefits and focus on them.  Go after what you want like your success depends on it. Because it does!

I’ve always told my daughters if they have their eye on a certain job they have to believe it’s got their name on it and do what it takes to get it. And mostly that includes going out on a limb to differentiate themselves from others.

As one of 10 children I did what it took to get any morsel of love, attention and affection I could.
Growing up I was loud, spoke my mind and out on a limb most of the time. (Of course as an adult I had to learn how to reign in my “big energy” and use it effectively!)

When I was 13 my dad offered my sisters and I $5 to be the first one to swim across the pond. Now this was a pond with a snapper turtle, fish, water snakes and lots of algae growing underneath the water. We never had swimming lessons and always swam in the shallower sandy part where you could see and mostly touch bottom. It was here we taught ourselves to “dog paddle” on hot clammy afternoons on the farm.

The day my dad made that offer I went for it like my life depended on it. I not only wanted the five dollars, I wanted my dad to notice my bravery, I wanted to shine. I succeeded at both

No One Is Coming To Rescue You. Empower yourself and take the steps needed to move yourself forward. One of my daughter’s was born without a right hand. As her mother I knew I would have to require she do the same tasks her sisters did. She used to cry and say she couldn’t do dishes with only one hand. I always reminded her she was capable, it would just take her a little longer. Because I was tough on Kristy, today she is very successful.

You’ll Get Your Juices Running. Once we take action and see improvements we inspire ourselves to do more. We become more creative, capable and enthusiastic. New ideas and originality abound.

I used to work as a professional speaker. Professional speaking is 90% marketing and 10% speaking. Each time I succeeded at getting a company to hire me I would inspire myself to reach for more. I wasn’t satisfied with a workshop, I wanted to be the keynote speaker. When I was a keynote speaker I wanted a standing ovation. Not only because my ego loved it but because it would make me more memorable and I’d receive referrals. Which meant less marketing and more speaking!

What happens when your “juices are flowing?”

You’ll Quiet Your Inner Critic. Each one of our successes is like a bank deposit. We become rich in self-confidence, self-acceptance, faith, courage and wisdom. If we fail to go out on a limb we’ll never know what could have been.

We are have gifts to offer our world. If we don’t use them we aren’t doing our part to make the world a better place to be.  Quiet your inner critic by being the best you can be.

The More Fruit You Have The More You Have To Offer Others. If I didn’t get my master’s degree in counseling psychology (the fruit) I wouldn’t have been able to help so many people with their personal growth. When my former counseling clients would say, “Thank you so much. You changed my life” I would say “No, you changed your life, I was only the conduit.”

When Nike says, “Just Do It” what they are also saying is “Go Out On A Limb!”

What risk have you been avoiding?
Where does your best fruit lie?
What is your plan?

8 Ways to Magic Mondays

February 16, 2009

Creative Commons License photo credit: gbrunett

Beginning today I will be giving away a free gift to the person who leaves the best comment every Monday. Today’s gift is a copy of my book, “Flying By The Seat of My Soul.” This is not the ebook version!

So how do you make your Mondays more magical? One of the first things I do is tell myself “This is going to be a great day.” The second thing is I become grateful for my health. If I’m not healthy life loses it’s color and becomes a dull gray.

The following are 8 quick Tips for your Magic Mondays:

A Brisk Walk. Take a brisk 10 minutes walk during lunch break. No matter what happens in the mornig this will turn your day around.

Become grateful. While walking reflect on your weekend and really feel appreciation for the activities you did. Even if they didn’t go right be grateful you can learn from life.

Good Food Choices. Begin your day with healthy food. Fruits, nuts and a smoothie or protein drink will enhance your day.

Be of Service. Look for ways you can be helpful to others. When you lift someone else up you’re lifted as well.

Laugh. Look for ways to be funny and laugh. At least smile. Others will smile or laugh back.

Think happy thoughts. “I’m happy to be alive. I’m happy I have choices. I’m happy I can change my mood any minute of the day.” Don’t give your power away.

10 Minutes of Silence. Sit silently for 10 minutes. Especially if you are upset. Listen for any guidance you receive. Be open to any insights through out the day.

Drop Resentments. Call, email or text someone you are in conflict with. Especially if it’s your teenager. Take the weight off your shoulders.

How do you make Mondays magical? Leave your answer below and remember the best will receive a free copy of my book “Flying By The Seat Of My Soul.” Don’t forget to check back on Mondays for more opportunities to receive a free gift!

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