
Most of us fail to change a habit because we try to do too much too soon. We want to lose 10 pounds in a week. We want to run a mile the first time we lace up our shoes. We want to declutter our home in one hour.

Life doesn’t work that way. I believe that all real change is slow. The key is to stay in the present. When we become frustrated and impatient remember there is only now. Breathe and focus.

When we fail to do something, begin again. Take a simple, single step and proceed.

Don’t try to change too much at once. Take one of the small but powerful habit below and take an entire month to incorporate it into your life. Then move to the next.

One small change at a time, you’ll make it a powerful year.

1. Get up 15 minutes earlier each day.
Spend this extra time in silence. Set an intention. Decide how you want to spend the next 24 hours. Small penguin steps create lasting change.

2. Forgive someone. Before you fall asleep, review your day. Let go of any bitterness or resentment you have. This will create an incredible peace and calm that will touch your soul.

3. Be brave. Choose to do one thing that scares you every day. Begin an exciting project.  Tell someone you love them. Give someone a compliment. Introduce yourself to someone that you want to meet. Move from fear to freedom.

4. Spend time alone. Be gentle and kind to yourself. Meet your own needs. Celebrate who you are and who you are becoming.

5. Learn to pause. Take mini breaks throughout your day. Get away from your computer. Take a five minute time out in between your various tasks.

6. Eat your veggies. Find one you like. Give it prime space in your diet. You’re investing in a healthy future.

7. Have fun. Find one fun thing to do every day. Take time to giggle and laugh. When you lighten up, you brighten up.

8. Accept yourself. Be proud of who you are. You are more than your weight. You are more than your flaws.  You are enough. As Buddha so wisely said, “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

9. Release debt. Stop buying things you don’t need. Stop all recreational shopping. Begin saving for your future.

10. Learn to deal. Everyone experiences challenges and tragedies. Use effective coping strategies. Don’t numb yourself to life’s pain. Keep it simple. When life is difficult, take a time out.

11. Choose to be grateful for what you have. Gratitude increases abundance. It makes you feel like you’re on top of the world.

12. Look for the good. Notice what goes right in your world. Notice what you get right. What you focus on expands.

13. Be open to different. Spend time with different and unusual people. Expand your knowledge. Be willing to see things from a different standpoint.

14. Accept others. Release judgment. Give everyone a break. Allow people to be exactly as they are. Always bring your focus back to yourself.

15. Be a positive storyteller. If you dwell in the negative, train yourself to see the bright side. Feed yourself positive stories about your future. Create stories about your beautiful self, your abundance and the love you have for yourself and life.

16. Do what you love to do. Do you love to paint or dance? Make room for it in your life. Do you like to sing or run? Schedule time for the activities you enjoy. You are in charge of how you spend the hours in your day. Do what you love.

17. Smile more. Practice smiling throughout the day. When you smile, you shine. People notice. You feel better. Try it!

Habits change with small consistent steps. Learn to be gentle with yourself. Celebrate small successes. Keep moving forward no matter what. I believe in you!

Interested in joining The Bold & Courageous Mastermind Inner Circle? Get support and guidance and have fun! I just added two new bonuses for anyone who signs up before 12 pm EST on December 31st! A one-on-one coaching session + a FREE bonus month! Let 's do the impossible in 2014! Join today!

Bold & Courageous Mastermind Testimonial…

"Tess Marshall’s Mastermind course opens your heart, mind, and soul. Tess is a cheerleader and visionary, walking the path and lighting the way for all who travel with her. She establishes trust and supportive connections among all in the group, and reaches out to all individuals, urging honest introspection to help them define and articulate their ultimate desires in creating the lives they truly want.

Tess illuminates the extraordinary that is present in the ordinary moments of our lives, motivating us to appreciate the wonder and grace of daily life, and then empowers us to live the unlimited potentials of it." ~Darlene Charles Click here to learn more. Because nothing changes, until something changes;)

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there is nothing to fear

I want to help you be brave and bold.

I want to help you overcome fear. 

I want you to know that you are lovable and loved. 

I want you to claim your abundance and step into your magnificence and glory. 

I want you to believe in yourself, your goodness and your worth.

I want to help you overcome your fear and be courageous and bold!

Therefore, I've chosen and gathered 15 of my top blog posts on overcoming fear. Read them and take action. Make 2014 the year you'll soar! 

1. 105 Action Steps to Make You Bold and Successful

We cling to the negative media, childhood stories and traumatic experiences like Linus, from the cartoon strip, Peanuts, clings to his security blanket. It’s our responsibility to acknowledge, face, and dissolve our fear.

2. How to Create a Fearless Future

Fear is future orientation. It’s imagining what could go wrong but hasn’t gone wrong yet. Fear is running a mental movie of the worst case scenario repeatedly in your mind

3. Every Bold Act Counts: 17 Tips to Get Your Courage On

You don’t need to do epic things to be bold. You don’t have to live a life of grand adventure, travel around the world or learn five languages. Those things are wonderful and work for some people. 

4.  Be Bold and Courageous: Let Go & Allow Life to Unfold

It’s no secret that the future can’t be known. No matter how much time we spend trying to predict, shape or direct it; there will always be embarrassing moments, difficult times, unexpected challenges and unseen failures.

5. Love Versus Fear: A Moment By Moment Choice

Anger, guilt, shame, inadequacy, hurt, jealousy, greed and control are all fear based. Emotions like happiness, peace, joy, compassion and generosity come from a place of love…

6. 10 Powerful Tips to Change Your Energy. Spiral Upward and Soar

We all experience days when nothing seems to stop our downward spiral. A couple of weeks ago, I found myself overwhelmed and overreacting to the technical difficulties I was experiencing online…

7. You Are a Risktaker!

If you're anything like me you have some great ideas that you're afraid to act on. You probably  have fear around taking a risk and putting yourself out there.

8. 11 Must Have Tips for Perseverance and Success

Perseverance is not a personality trait. It’s a choice to persist, dig deep and take action when it feels like the world is working against you. It’s the willingness to overcome exhaustion, resistance and unpleasant circumstances. 

9. 53 Awesome Quotes On Fear

Fears are educated into us, and can, if we wish, be educated out. ~  Karl Menninger

10. 20 More Bold Acts that Count

I want you to begin to notice just how brave you are. Become aware of the everyday courageous acts that you participate in but don’t give yourself credit for.

11. Crack Your Comfort Zone: 9 Steps for a Bold Life

Too often, we hold back and play it safe in order to avoid looking silly, being hurt, becoming successful, feeling embarrassed and facing rejection or possible failure.

12. How to Be Brave: 20 More Bold Acts that Count

When you become aware of how many times you overcome small fears it leads to moving through bigger fears. Eventually you’ll not only see yourself as a strong and brave person, you’ll grow beyond what you once thought was impossible.

13. 15 Bold and Courageous Acts to Set Yourself Free

We are inventors. We create everything in our lives: our day, our plans, our free time, our thoughts, our mood, our daily lives.

14. Call to Courage Video: What If I Do Succeed?

We have a way of taking our fears and blowing them out of proportion. We often think and expect the worst. We stop ourselves with negative questions. What if things don't work out? What if I don't get the job? What if I fail? What if the answer is no? 

15. Passing Judgment: Just Like Me!

When I choose to change what I don’t like about myself, it’s easier to see the bright, the positive and the loving sides of the people close to me.

Interested in joining The Bold & Courageous Mastermind Inner Circle? I just added two new bonuses for anyone who signs up before 12 pm EST on December 31st!
A one-on-one coaching session + a FREE bonus month! Let 's do the impossible in 2014! Join today!

Bold & Courageous Mastermind Testimonial…

Tess Marshall’s Mastermind course opens your heart, mind, and soul. Tess is a cheerleader and visionary, walking the path and lighting the way for all who travel with her. She establishes trust and supportive connections among all in the group, and reaches out to all individuals, urging honest introspection to help them define and articulate their ultimate desires in creating the lives they truly want. 

Tess illuminates the extraordinary that is present in the ordinary moments of our lives, motivating us to appreciate the wonder and grace of daily life, and then empowers us to live the unlimited potentials of it. ~Darlene Charles

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The world needs more bold and courageous people!




Today's interview is with my very good friend, Megan Bord. We met online over 5 years ago. Megan has always been a huge support to myself and my work. A few years ago, we met in California and joined other friends for a long weekend together. Megan is authentic, loving and fun. She brings joy to everyone!

Megan can you please introduce yourself and tell us about your new book?

I'm Megan Bord (by way of this blog post, it's nice to meet everyone!), and I'm an ordinary person living what I view to be an extraordinary life. I work a dream job, live in a beautiful home, have wonderful relationships, and absolutely love my life. 

It wasn't always this way, though. Before I stumbled onto the path of manifesting, I didn't enjoy life very much. It felt hard, unpleasant and like I'd never get what I really wanted no matter how hard I tried.

Manifesting showed me how to use my everyday thoughts & feelings to draw to me the things and experiences I most wanted, without having to work hard for them.

I simply think a thought, and that thought materializes in my life, sometimes within an hour or two. It's almost like magic, and for a girl who grew up watching American TV shows like Bewitched or I Dream of Jeannie, that's pretty cool. 

My new book, The Pocket Guide to Manifesting, describes how easy that process is for anyone who's open to it. It's for people familiar with the Law of Attraction, or listened to Abraham-Hicks, Mike Dooley, etc., but perhaps still struggle with the concept of how to use their thoughts and feelings to get more of what they want and less of what they don't.

It's a fast, easy and fun read that cuts right to the chase.

If you want 2014 to be radically different and better than previous years, this book can help! 

Can you please explain what manifesting is for our readers who either don't know or who don't believe in it?

Manifesting is the act of creating something out of nothing. It works on the premise that everything is comprised of energy – you, me, the trees, the table I'm sitting at, the house I'm living in, interactions between people, etc.

Energy vibrates at different frequencies. Our thoughts and feelings travel out into the world and draw to us similarly vibrating frequencies. We are like giant magnets: whatever we think about and feel most strongly about is what we will experience in our lives.

Manifesting is happening all the time, too, because we're always thinking and always feeling. Therefore we're constantly drawing into our experience the things, people and events upon which our thoughts & feelings are most strongly focused.

The Pocket Guide to Manifesting teaches how to quickly and easily get in control of that process so we can draw to us more of what we want in life, and less of what we don't. Many times people look at their lives with disdain, not realizing that they're the ones who drew to them everything they're experiencing.

That might sound dismal if you don't like what you see around you, but it's actually good news. If we're the creators, we can just as easily attract our dream life as opposed to its opposite. It's simply a matter of changing our thoughts.

What is the single most important step on can take when they want to make their dream a reality? 

Manifesting works on the premise that our thoughts become things (thank you, Mike Dooley!). Similarly, our beliefs – which are formed by repetitive thoughts and are stored in our subconscious minds – shape what we see around us.

That's because, remember, we're magnets and it's our thoughts/beliefs and feelings that attract to us the experiences in our lives. Knowing this, the single most important step a person can take when they want to make their dream a reality is to open their mind to the idea that all things are possible.

Perhaps that's not a belief that was ingrained in us growing up. Our job, then, is to change that belief. Becoming a good manifester has taught me that magic and miracles are everyday occurrences. 

If I can think it, I can have it. 

If I believe it, I shall receive it. 

Simple as that.

How and why do affirmations work?

Affirmations are a great tool when manifesting because they help us retrain our brain to become more positive. And when we're thinking and feeling positive, we're attracting more positivity into our lives.

When repeated frequently and fervently, affirmations can be used to change beliefs. Remember that beliefs are repetitive thoughts that get stored in our subconscious minds, and that affect everything we're attracting to us.

In my teens and early 20's, I held many fearful beliefs. I believed life was hard, that I struggled for money, that people would take advantage of me, that I wasn't good enough, and much more.

As a result, I experienced a range of negativity during that time period. I was robbed, my long-time boyfriend cheated on me, I worked at a job I hated, was sick a lot, got into car accidents, had to deal with highly confrontational people… the list goes on.

In my mid-20's, though, I started using affirmations to change my beliefs. I started affirming:

"People are good!" 

"I'm valuable just as I am." 

"I'm the wealthiest I've yet been and money flows easily to me."

"I am healthy, happy and my life is peaceful."

When I began using those affirmations, things changed.

Nicer people showed up and the not-so-nice people disappeared without my urging; my health improved; I was offered among the highest raises and bonuses at work year after year (unheard of for the position I held); I rarely heard arguments anymore, let alone was part of them!; and I went from being known as a solemn, serious girl to being called "The Joy Girl!"

As you can see, I'm a huge fan of affirmations. In the book, I offer suggestions on how to write the most potent affirmations to get what a person really wants in life. 

How do most of us get in our own way? 

Most of us get in our own way by allowing negativity, doubt, and fear to override the belief that everything is possible.

We allow our past conditioning to dictate our future experiences. Manifesting has shown me that's just not the way it is. I can create any future I want by focusing my thoughts and feelings *right now* on the things I desire.

Energy flows where attention goes, so it's important to keep our focus on what we want, what we like, and what's good – as often as possible.

What is the best way to get over our fear and doubts that anything is possible?

Your site is a terrific resource in overcoming fear, self-doubt, and feeling stuck. I'd also say that we can simply change our mind and decide today – right now – to be done with fear and doubt.

As Doctor Phil would say, "How's that workin' for you?" If fear and doubt aren't working anymore, ditch them.

Tess, you give hundreds of tips and offer eCourses specifically designed to help people do this successfully. Start here, start today. 

Is there anything else you would like us to know?

Manifesting is easy, fun and something that can be used in every situation in life. 

I used it when responding to this interview. 

I use it before I do my morning run. 

I use it to nab the best parking spaces. 

I use it to stay healthy. 

I use it to attract more money. 

I use it before I get in the car to drive anywhere.

People who have read The Pocket Guide to Manifesting tell me how it's filled in the missing gaps for them in terms of how to make manifesting work, and they're experiencing paradigm shifts in their lives as a result.

What do you want in life? 

Manifest it! Thank you so much for allowing me to share space here with you today!

Megan Bord is a Personal Manifesting Coach and published author. She believes everything is possible, including miracles, and that everyone has the ability to manifest easily, immediately and abundantly.

Known to her friends as the “Goddess of Manifesting,” Megan has personally manifested myriad experiences and tangible items in the areas of romance, finance, travel
and home.
She shares her manifesting skills so that all who choose may live the peace and joy of boundless possibility.

Make 2014 a breakthrough year!  Click here to purchase Megan's Book! 

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