What you fear, others fear as well. Everyone has money fears. The biggest fear of all is that we will never have enough money.
You may fear that you can’t make your rent payment or that you won’t have enough to buy groceries. You may fear losing your job or you may fear never finding a job. You may fear that you’ll never get out of debt and you may fear that you’ll never be able to live your dreams.
It’s important to work on the money issues that you can control. Begin by focusing on the financial areas that are appropriate for you at this time. You can get rich slowly.
Begin where you are.
Ask yourself two questions:
What matters today?
What can I do with the time, energy, and opportunities I have now?
One thing you can do now is to learn how to make choices that are in your best interest.
If you’re unemployed, let go of planning for retirement. If you are a student, you don’t need to worry about long-term care insurance. If you are in a crisis, you aren’t in a position to help your adult children until your own crisis is over.
Read on if you willing to commit to investing the time, energy, and discipline required to create financial security?
Take responsibility. Begin by working with the money that you do have. Refuse to self sabotage by wasting your money on frivolous and unnecessary items. Avoid excess. Stop chronic overspending. Eliminate waste.
Educate yourself about money. Become your own financial advisor. Have faith in your ability to understand and comprehend all things money. Education shrinks fear.
Make conscious decisions about your personal finance. Put your money choices on paper by creating a budget. Sticking to your budget is like giving yourself a raise.
Find ways to earn more money. If possible, work overtime. Use your talents, skills, and gifts to create extra income and increase your savings.
Change the way you think about money. Address your fears. Your self worth doesn’t come from your net worth. Cognitive therapy can help you retrain your brain to perceive your money fears differently.
Create a savings plan. What is your future plan? How much do you want to save this year? Where do you see yourself in three years? A plan will help calm your fears.
Learn about health, disability, and long term care insurance.
Live below your means, adopt a lifestyle of simplicity. Wait 24 hours before you make an unplanned purchase. Pay your bills on time.
Talk about money and finances with friends that you trust. Share your concerns, thoughts, and questions. You can learn a lot through conversation.
Learn how to negotiate. Practice asking for a raise, increased benefits, or flex time with a friend or couch.
Create a spiritual practice. Have compassion for yourself and others. Spend time in meditation. Keep a gratitude journal. Focus on what you have.
Forgive yourself. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t made mistakes. When we know better, we do better. Learn from your past. It’s never too late to begin again. Never.
Please share your thoughts below.
{ 18 comments… read them below or add one }
Tess…you are a wise woman. so much good stuff here. Live below your means is almost unheard of in the U.S….and yet it’s one of the smartest things you can do for yourself.
When I started on the path of ‘cutting back’, the first thing I did was learn to differentiate between ‘want’ and ‘need’. I’ve come a long way since then…but always more work to do.
I know you gave up your car 9 months ago. I haven’t had one since I moved to Israel. Isn’t it a relief??? xxoo
Yes it is a relief. Incredibly easy!
Great information Tess! Over the years I’ve implemented just about everything on your list and it’s an ongoing process of constantly practicing them. Thanks for the cognitive therapy idea!
I’m finishing my first program, Mindful Body, (the first in a series) so I can earn some extra income. I’m pretty excited about that.
Remembering that money is simply a form of life energy helps me to reduce some of my fears around the subject.
Thanks so much for the great advice!
Paige | simple mindfulness´s last post…How Losing Your Job Can Get Your Life Back On Track
Hi Paige
I’m sure your new project will be a big hit. Let me know if you need any help!
My very first blog – was about reducing debt, taking responsibility for your finances and living beneath your means. The financial planner in me was screaming on the inside to all her clients, “You’ve got to start living within your means!”
Living within your means your means is a lesson that a lot of people had to learn the hard way especially, after the financial meltdown in 2008.
Great tips and sound advice!
Angela Artemis|Powered by Intuition´s last post…How Your Intuition Gets Better With Time – Automatically!
Yes that’s a big lesson. There is usually something else going on under the need to spend on things and stuff we don’t need. It’s a distraction from the real problem.
Hi Tess,
We either love money and know how to handle well, or it can be a constant thorn in our side because we never have enough. Your tips are good ones and anyone can relearn their spending habits when they are ready to make a change. I definitely focus more now on my spending and am less interested in spending for unnecessary items. Money does not buy happiness, but it can make life a bit easier.
Cathy | Treatment Talk´s last post…What I’ve Learned
Yes it does make life easier. We all learn in our own time. Oh how we get in our own way. It’s something everyone learns sooner or later. I also think it’s not a good thing to hoard money either. So a balance for all is a good thing.
Hi Tess:
You offered a lot of great recommendations. I have implemented a lot of things you mentioned above. The best thing for me has been ditching the credit cards. I have a debit/credit card, but I don’t own any credit cards. I may down the line, just have one with a $1K – $5K line for emergencies, but in general I don’t miss them and you don’t need to worry about paying them off.
- Wendy
It sounds like you’re doing great. Keep it up.
I remember a great online movie with Stuart Wilde, Mastery of Money, did you ever see it? Anyway, here was food for thought. I really must tame that monster, money. Have it settled, once and for all. That could soo nice.
I don’t want a lot, just enough to pay any reasonable bill that may show up, and some for spontaneous pleasures. But little enough for me to own my money and not the other way round.
How do you handle prospects of a lot money suddenly arriving?
Hi Erick,
I didn’t see the movie but I have read his books. To get your finances under control is a wise and responsible decision. I don’t really worry about a lot of money suddenly arriving. So I’m not sure how to answer that. I like to live in the present with an abundant and grateful mindset. The rest will take care of itself.
This is such an up issue for so many! I love the way you narrow the focus to what can I do now. That’s such a great place to start. Really the only place to start. This is definitely a topic near and dear to my heart.
Sandra / Always Well Within´s last post…A Simple Way to Cultivate Generosity
Yes our power is in the now. Always will be but you know that already;) xo
The next step for me is to take control of my finances. Fear has kept me from dealing directly with money, but until I do, nothing will change. This weekend I will do a fully accounting of my current financial situation and set a plan of action.
I’ll do that, too. Here’s to being properous, cheers.
You will be relieved and have inner peace. Let me know how you do and if I can help in any way.
Yes prosperity and peace of mind. That’s for me!
I definitely agree that the thought of not having enough money can create a lot of fear. It is important to examine our money beliefs, when we find ourselves in struggle and unable to improve on our financial situation. When we focus on scarcity and lack, we tend to manifest it.
Great tips, Tess! I think I need to do more financial planning.
Evelyn Lim´s last post…Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You