Life can be simple and bold or complicated and fearful. I make the choice.
Today I chose fear. I woke up feeling tired. Unwilling to move or get started.
There was no one to blame.
I take responsibility. I decide to hold back. Get in my own way. Whine. Sit on the pity pot.
It's because of times like these that I write wild and inspiring things on index cards. Affirmations. Quotes. Inspiring stuff.
This morning was one of those times.
I decided to sit with my feelings for one hour. Do nothing but breathe. Get still. Calm my mind.
Next, I opened a favorite book for a little inspiration and found in it a random card. Turns out it was three powerful quotes. Just what I needed.
“When you’re not practicing, someone in the world is. Put in the disciplined effort. Be willing to pay the price.
I’m going to get it done, no matter what it takes, no matter what comes up. It’s a done deal.
You are responsible for the results you intend. No excuses.”
For a simple and bold life try implementing the following steps.
Get quiet and let it be. Don’t beat yourself up. Take a break when you feel discouraged or drained. Don’t use force. Instead be gentle and kind. Take time to breathe.
Bet on yourself. Bet on your dreams coming true. Bet on someone helping you. Bet on your ability to receive. Bet on the universe meeting you half way. Bet on your ultimate success.
Believe the very best. Believe in your value and worthiness. Believe in your talent, ability, and gift. Believe in a life filled with love, joy and happiness. Believe it’s already yours.
Take action. It’s time to move forward. Seek uncomfortable change. Move to the next level. Dare to seek new horizons. When you get to the edge, go farther. Risk.
Create your love story. Invite love into your life. Sprinkle kindness everywhere. Send out loving blessings to others. Overcome fear. Write a happy ending.
Turn a loss into a win. Investigate what went wrong. Take responsibility. Decide what you can do different. Choose to learn your lesson. Go in a new direction. Be confident. Stay strong.
Call in backup. Reveal your fiasco. Request a mentor. Ask for help. Receive support. Invite in a fresh perspective. Get out of your own way. Breathe.
You have permission to shine. Show up. Brighten up. Use your light. Make the world a better place. Reap the rewards. Sparkle and shine!
Give thanks. Write in a gratitude journal every day. There isn’t one excuse worthy of not shouting from the rooftop about the abundance in life that flows freely, seeping out everywhere, with more on the way. Not one!
What do you do to get out of a rut and fearlessly move on? Please share below.
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This course will show you how to face and erase fear in any difficult situation you face.
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{ 18 comments… read them below or add one }
I surrender – once again – when I am in a rut. I ask the Universe for assistance. Your ‘call in back up’ is perfect – along with help and support from mentors and friends, I request inspiration and a new direction from a Higher Power.
I can relate to your post – I am not one to jump out of bed and say, ‘Yahoo, it’s another day for me to shine!’ As I am chuckling to myself, I think I should try this tomorrow.
Karen´s last post…Seeds of Growth
Thanks for sharing your honesty and chuckles! I appreciate your support.
What a great read!
Just last week I went through a similar situation – and followed some of the steps you’ve listed, Tess. It works
I guess, to bounce back up, like the ball, we have to land with a thud on the floor
Thank you!
Vidya Sury´s last post…The Silver Lining
You’re funny Vidya! Thanks for the laugh. It does work guaranteed however sometimes I’m not willing!
I’m at the point where I’d really like a mentor. How to find one? I have a few pie in the sky mentors in mind, but I’m not sure I can contact them.
I so believe what you say: You are responsible for the results you intend. No excuses.” I love your steps! Sometimes I get fearful, not so much for me but for my kids. I think your steps work for your fears for others, too.
Thanks for another great post.
Betsy at Zen Mama´s last post…Live Earth Day All Year Long
It was a good read. Very true.Thanks for this article.
ADVENTUROUS N BOLD TESS…..TOSS THE FEARS N TAKE CHARGE is what u r suggesting…..ENCOURAGING READ INDEED!…yes! it is said ships are safe in the harbours but that’s not what they are permanently meant to do…they have to set sail n discover new oceans…also we tend to get too used to our COMFORT ZONES n venturing out is scary but what we don’t REALIZE is that if we do not STEP out of it we shall remain CONFINED,,,a sort of a prisoner bound by the tethers we have formed…we HAVE to BREAK FREE…to EXPLORE NEW AVENUES….to do THIS we have to severe ourselves from the shackles of this monster called F-E-A-R…..or else we shall get so entangled in it that it shall get suffocating n stagnant….THIS IS WHAT I FEEL N KNOW but then again not so easy for some of us to follow….FEAR PARALYSES US….okay at times i just ask myself over n over again what could be the worst thing that could happen?…i ponder over it n the answer i come up with is that nothing could be worst than remaining imprisoned….i DIG into my RESOURCES which are EMBEDDED DEEP inside all of us n try to bring it to the FORE…we are not all of us AWARE of THE TREASURES that are hidden in us….the INTANGIBLES like COURAGE…BRAVERY…STRENGTH…DARING…etc etc are all THERE waiting to be FISHED OUT N USED n MOST OF ALL THE TRUST N BELIEF that ‘THE HIGHER POWER’ shall TAKE OVER……LOVE YOUR POSTS which URGE us to GO AHEAD……MANY THANKS for being SUCH A BLESSING in our LIVES…..GOD BLESS………………………..””””””””””””
Hi Tess,
Fear does hold us back. I can find myself sinking into it at times as well, even though I know it is not productive. I love your steps that help get us back on track. The two that jump out at me are GIve Thanks and Get quiet and let it be. Gratitude and love work wonders. Thanks for an inspiring post!
Cathy | Treatment Talk´s last post…5 Life-Changing Family Recovery Strategies
‘Let it be’ is the key point to me, Tess. When I care/worry less about the outcome, I gain the courage to move on. Accept that some aspects are uncontrollable. So just do what you think and feel is right and let things happen as it is. In the end, “If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience.” (Victoria Holt)
Noel´s last post…Regret Quotes & Moving On Quotes
Giving thanks does it for me every time these days! As I stop to give thanks for all the little stuff, I get so filled up with joy that I can jump right over every hurdle in sight!
Rose Byrd´s last post…“……and Jitters did WHAT for that little injured girl?”
Hi Tess,
To get out of ruts, I make sure I get enough sleep because I have learned over the years just how badly I do when I’m tired and/or sleepy.
I also try to do something different. Maybe I’ll lie on the couch and read a fiction novel, something I rarely do since I’m always thinking I need to be DOING and learning, not indulging in something so extraneous as a novel.
Or I’ll start a new project, one that really interests me to get the juices flowing again.
Thanks for a great post!
Bobbi Emel´s last post…Try NOT to think about this: Why stuffing your problems doesn’t work
When I’ve been in a rut I tried to come out but I couldn’t do it alone. It was like I was getting dragged down deeper. I got help from the Lord. and I’m all the better for it. Thanks for the informative post.
Hi Tess,
Thanks for the article. I have recently subscribed to your posts and they are wonderful. When I’m in a rut, as Karen has mentioned earlier, I too surrender to the Universe. I surrender what is causing me to be in that rut. It truly helps when I release it to the Universe. I just need to keep reminding myself to do that. When I forget to do that, I get tense and my tension keeps building up. Thank you once again for sharing this
Those are beautiful point, easy to put into practice, Thank you
nikky44´s last post…I even have to welcome his ladyfriend
Really like: “Bold up!”
LOVE: “Bet on yourself!”
I recently had a similar day. It had to do with my stagnate readership AND the fact that my mom wasn’t even reading my stuff. My game plan included:
• Praying – It’s amazing what God will do when you renew your mind and put the emphasis back on Him. I realized that our fellowship was being compromised by my pride and self-assurance. I was trying to tackle this adventure alone, which is futile and stupid;
• Listening to my own Daily Whisper – an inspirational feature on my blog (I WILL be sharing this post soon);
• Shifting my perspective and realizing that I simply needed more stalkers.
Drew´s last post…LIFE BONFIRE: Sharing the Experience from Another Perspective
I have a love/hate relationship with the line “When you’re not practicing, someone else in the world is.” This is a common phrase used amongst triathlete friends of mine. It can certainly get you up in the morning to get after it. My motto is to keep after it because the highs and lows are to be expected. New to your site and enjoying it:)
FITskitz´s last post…America’s Mind Plague- Excuses
An excellent, simply expressed article. Thank you very much. I relate to it particularly today as this is my first day working full time in my own business. I’ve had challenges in the past – two businesses failed.
And though I know I’ve changed a lot and now have a lot more to offer people than I ever had before it is still rather scary.
My own style is often to write something silly. Hence the link below…
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