“Resolutions are like teenage hearts: they get broken an awful lot.” –Mehmet Oz
The concept that our happiness lies within is no secret. Yet as we begin the New Year we create goals that are externally focused. We promise ourselves we’ll lose weight, get out of debt, stop smoking, stop drinking or increase our income.
Statistics say by February 90% of our resolutions will be broken. Albert Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
I encourage you to "be" different this year.
Instead of creating resolutions, make internal changes by incorporating these wise suggestions into your life.
1. See the good in everyone.
2. Show kindness.
3. Encourage laughter.
4. Practice tenderness.
5. Focus on the positive.
6. Reflect joy.
7. Seek help.
8. Forgive yourself.
9. Forgive everyone.
10. Learn to ask and receive.
11. Inspire others.
12. Believe good things are happening.
13. Shift your perception.
14. Praise others.
15. Surrender struggle.
16. Walk in faith.
17. Manifest courage.
18. Seek solutions.
19. See oneness.
20. Share abundantly.
21. Sit in silence.
22. Ask for guidance.
23. Be prolific.
24. Speak your truth.
25. Connect with nature.
26. Receive help.
27. Be patient.
28. Live and let live.
29. Believe the best.
30. Live without approval.
31. Uplift others.
32. Extend love.
33. Teach by example.
34. Think peacefully.
35. Become truly helpful.
36. Drop your stories.
37. Appreciate differences.
38. Show up prepared.
39. Be present.
40. Hold a vision.
41. Do your best.
42. Believe the best.
43. Walk in faith.
44. Bless others.
45. Give and receive love.
46. Know you matter.
47. Practice what you believe.
48. Choose happiness.
49. Celebrate the ordinary.
50. Welcome change, growth and healing.
51. Believe anything is possible.
52. Love everyone.
53. Connect from your heart.
54. Act intuitively.
55. Embrace each day.
56. Trust in Divine Order.
57. Calmly move through change.
58. Take 100% responsibility.
59. Surrender judgment.
60. Extend joy.
61. Give infinite thanks.
62. Reach out to others.
63. Give yourself credit.
64. Simplify your life.
65. Want what you have.
66. Search within for answers.
67. Open your mind.
68. Believe, ask, receive.
69. Choose uplifting thoughts.
70. Help others succeed.
71. Express your love often.
72. Be a beacon of light.
73. Ask for guidance.
74. Stay centered.
75. Cultivate love.
76. Trust the process.
77. Live guilt-free.
78. Positively acknowledge others.
79. Dwell in possibility.
80. Claim your abundance.
81. Give what you want to receive.
82. Accept and love yourself.
83. Develop new habits.
84. Practice non-attachment.
85. Tap into creativity.
86. Expand your consciousness.
87. Lighten up.
88. Give everyone a break.
89. Quiet your mind.
90. Live spontaneously.
91. Imagine the best outcome.
92. Be a channel for peace.
93. Follow your intuition.
94. Live effortlessly.
95. Allow rather than control.
96. Dare to risk.
97. Practice compassion.
98. Fear not.
99. Choose to heal.
100. Practice non-attachment.
101. Give others a break.
102. Step forward in faith.
103. Listen more, talk less.
104. Recognize what goes right.
105. Pray for world peace.
106. Withhold nothing.
107. Savor life.
108. Live with an unrelenting, upbeat attitude.
109. Become open to amazing people, places and things.
110. Allow the future will take care of itself.
Relish and revel in the results.
Happy New Year,
Tess xo
What will be different for you in 2011?

{ 41 comments… read them below or add one }
Hi Tess! Great list. As 2011 approaches, I’ve been contemplating my prayers for the new year. The two words that keep on coming up are Surrender and Trust. My internal changes are to surrender to the universe and trust that it’s plan is always perfect for me.
May you have a splendid 2011 with lots of magic and beauty.
.-= Andrea DeBell – britetalk´s last post…A Beginner Guide To Achieving Your Potential =-.
What a fantastic list. Thanks so much for sharing this Tess. Have a great 2011!
Steve, you’re welcome!
This is a fine collection of wisdom you have put together Tess. Thankyou for these reminders. I’m so happy that I thought to check out your blog just now. Have a wonderful, magical, truly inspiring New Year.
I hope you have one of the best as well. You inspire me;) And I’m looking forward to growing our friendship.
What a wonderful inspirational list. I’m going to bookmark it and return to it frequently. May you have a Blessed 2011.
.-= timethief´s last post…Joy- Love and Peace =-.
I’ve printed it out and put it on my refrigerator. LOL I wrote it for me!
Hi Tess,
What a comprehensive list you’ve put together for us! Thank you.
And, thank you so much for linking to my post on Intuition too.
I love the tip on: Practicing non- attachment. That’s a biggie for me. I’ve been working on this for the last 15 years and it’s a hard one to master. I’ve fallen down many, many times.
I do believe that when we surrender and release our attachment to people, and how we think situations should turn out we’re free to live without being constantly pulled off center. When you’re pulled off center you’ve allowed something to upset you – and there goes the inner peace right out the window. When you’re attached to people you build expectations and when they disappoint you – you feel really flattened.
Thank you for all you’ve shared with us in 2010. I hope 2011 is even more amazing for you!
.-= Angela Artemis´s last post…Love is The Greatest Gift – A Holiday Message =-.
Oh how I too need this one more than you’ll ever know. I’m done with feeling flattened. It just happened next week. I’m just beginning to round out my edges again. I want gentle lessons, Universe;)
Nice list. I like them all, but especially being present. I intend to make great strides in that area in 2011!
Happy New Year!
.-= Chris Akins´s last post…When inspiration strikes =-.
I’m with you on that one!
I love this list…especially those highlighted in orange. I am really looking forward to this year. I feel really good about it and I believe that wonderful things await. I wish you a very happy New Year Tess…thank you for all you share! Many blessings to you in 2011. xoxo
.-= Caroline´s last post…I didnt even realize =-.
You know your blog is one of my all time favorites. As you step it up in 2011 you’ll only bring me more joy!
Awesome MOM! Rock ON! xoxoxoxo
Thanks Blue!
Hi Tess .. no 111 – be at peace – may the blessings of 2011 be many .. with love Hilary
.-= Hilary´s last post…Geographical Fugue heard of it =-.
I’m all for you 111. I am at peace and will remind myself daily…make that hourly. LOL
I’m choosing to invent it before it happens. Thanks for 2010 Tess.
You go Tammy!
Hi Tess
First off – a very happy, happy New Year to you! May it continue to bring you health, happiness, joy and peace – and may your dreams continue to unfold
What a list Tess!!!! My favorite I think is take 100% responsibility for yourself. I think if we do this, everything else falls into place as it should. Which ties in to your point about letting the future unfold! YES!
Tess, thank you for all the wonderful work you do, all the amazing information and wisdom you share. You are loved and appreciated always!
.-= Evita´s last post…Book Review- The Wisdom to Know the Difference =-.
I’m only acting as your mirror. Let’s rock 2011! xo
Hi Tess,
Thanks for this beautiful list! I wish you lots of love and happiness for 2011! Happy New Year!!
.-= Dandy´s last post…The Highly Sensitive Person Part 2 =-.
Hi Dandy,
Thank you for stopping by and showing interest in my work. I appreciate you.
This is a fabulous list!
Happy New Year To you!
.-= Jenny Ann Fraser´s last post…The Wisdom To Know The Difference =-.
Thanks for stopping by. I love your blog!
Tess, how do you manage to come up with such awesome and lengthy lists? A big thing for me heading into 2011 is loving/accepting myself and opening myself up to receiving love from others. Almost all of my body aches this past year were on my left side, aka, receptivity. I choose to be a gracious receiver and accept love of self and love from others!
Happy New Year, Tess! May 2011 exceed our fondest expectations.
Yes Megan I’ll be the person who challenges you the most to recevie, are you ready?
Tess, thank you for this wonderfully inspiring list
A perfect way to bring in the new year with a healthy mind set.
-and thank you for linking to my post.
I wish you the very best in 2011!!
Oh Yes Aileen anytime I can help let me know. I love your blog and believe in your wisdom.
What an amazing and inspiring list. It’s a perfect one-a-day kind of list and then start over when you get to the end. I could never choose just “one” that’s perfect for me. This is the essence of goodness, the essence of transformation.
Thank you dear Tess for all the love and support you have showered on me this year. I am so happy to have connected with you, it’s been such a wonderful blessing from this perfect universe. Love you so much!
.-= Sandra Lee´s last post…Is a Lack of Forgiveness Holding You Back =-.
Thank You my wonderful friend. I’m thinking of expanding each of these with a few paragraphs soon. Thanks for all the joy you bring into my world and the inspiration you give to help me grow further on our journey home!
Hi Tess,
You really went all out for this post with some Amazing ways that we can adopt for the new year
I think that even if we adopt a handfull of these ways that we can make some serious changes in our lives for the better.
I hope you have a very Happy New Year!
.-= Karen´s last post…A Meaningful Existence 2010 Year In Review =-.
Hi Karen,
I was on a roll with this article. I’m all for making the changes…penquin steps for me as I balance my hubs and blogging! Happy New Year to you as well.
Thank you Tess!
I read all these tips that have been provided and reflect on their presence throughout my life. I like to look at myself as that “Old Harvest Table” that Maxine Kumin talks about in her poem ‘Family Reunion’. I’m talking about reaching into all that I have been for the “wisdom” of my soul for the guidence needed to be a positive loving person to myself and others. I have this clock all disassembled. I have repaired one of the mainsprings and its click…cleaned the movement, hand polished all the brass fittings. I just need to put it all together again for it to run once again. We are no different…just need a little repair, cleaning and oiling at times. All the tips here are great tools to help us keep balanced…just like the balance wheel of a watch or clock. I do like the words “Synchronisticity” and “Intuition” used together. Thanks for letting me post my poem (poped it out in about 3 hours and change). Maybe a real good one will be there some day.
My open hand to all.
Nice clock anaglogy!
Another fabulous post Tess – WOW…and Happy New Year to you
I am going to have to come back and take a few bites of this post at a time, I just keep getting caught up in the wonder full ness of it all…Thank you for this amazing list – for starters is just made me beam a radiant smile
I hope to adopt all those things this year. happy New Year!
I can tell you worked hard on this. Thanks for all the great tips. I’ll definitely be using these tips to make 2011 a great year.
.-= Bryce Christiansen´s last post…How Applying Behavior and Motivator Assessments Can Improve Your Life- Part 6 =-.
Love this list! My “resolutions” for 2011 are to: accept myself, forgive myself, allow mistakes, and embrace change.
Happy New Year!
.-= Katie Goode´s last post…Mindfulness Practice 6- Increasing Emotional Awareness =-.
Awesome list Tess,
Yes it looks like you are on a roll and love the penguin steps concept although i have a picture of you taking longs strides
Looking forward to connecting in 2011
love and hugs
.-= Suzie Cheel´s last post…Will You Manifest Magic in 2011 =-.
Hi Tess,
Thank you for this fabulous list. I’m guessing if we follow everything you’ve listed, we can’t help but have an awesome year.
Happy 2011 to you and yours.
.-= Barbara Swafford´s last post…Finding Your Blogging Voice =-.
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