My friend Angela Artemis from "Powered By Intuition" has lovingly awarded me a "Beautiful Blogger" award. You can see the other amazing bloggers who received this award here: The Day Beauty Came to Visit.
Angela is a clarivoyant and medium and also a financial salesperson with 25 years of experience. Angela states, "As an astrologer I’ve been casting charts since I was a teen – back before we had computer programs to calculate everything for you." How's that for experience?
Angela is a freelance writer interested in expanding consciousness, developing intuition and creating our reality. Her goal is to share information that opens minds.
One thing I know about my intuition is, it has never failed me. It will always lead me in the right direction to my "truth." When I don't listen I can immediately feel it in my gut. I'll also "know" the second I made the wrong decision.
If you want to expand your mind and claim your dreams contact Angela. She has been a wonderful, giving and very giving supportive friend. I'm grateful.
If you’re missing someone who’s made a transition book a telephone reading and reconnect to their love for you – which never dies. Click here.
The Beautiful Blogger Award requires you to tell reader 7 things about yourself.
1. I have guts and faith. It's been a good combination for me.
2. My children and grandchildren keep me hip. I didn't learn to text until they stopped answering my calls and listening to my voice messages.
3. I refuse to give up! If there is a way to do something, I will accomplish it.
4. I hated rap music until Byron Katie taught me not to judge it. I dropped my story about it and now enjoy listening to several rappers.
5. I love everyone. I see the world surrounded by red hearts before going to sleep and whisper blessings of peace and love for all.
6. I'm not afraid to tell on myself. I can be demanding and controlling. The good news is I love to catch myself and will do anything to gain back my inner peace.
7. I have a loud laugh and a loud voice. A therapist once told me it's my ADHD. I think he was right but the other part is I was No. 6 of 10 children. I wanted to be heard. Still do!
8. I'd take a bullet for a family member or friend. They mean the world to me. (I also love to break rules so I added an extra)
The drum roll please…I'll now bestow the Beautiful Blogger award on five fabulous ladies:
Lori Franklin of Jane Be Nimble – Lori is a "writer, scientist, graphic designer/artist, athletics coach, nutritionist, blogger, tree hugger, do-gooder, and unapologetic bleeding heart in service to others." (In my opinion there's nothing she hasn't experienced or accomplished). I met Lori after she extended an invitation to sit on her virtual front porch and chat. The first thing you'll notice when you visit her blog is her humor and love of life. She's fun, funny and has made a big difference in my mine.
Sandra Lee of Always Well Within – Sandra writes about "a unique blend of personal development, health and wellness, ecology, and simple wisdom to help you realize your best self and be part of creating a better world." Her articles are packed with research and challenge inviting us to live our best lives.
I believe she is an advanced soul that challenges the heck out of me. I keep going back for more because she allows me to go at my own pace;)
Andrea DeBell of Brite-talk- Andrea's tag states, "Life served sunny side up." I'll take some of that! Brite-talk is a self-empowerment blog, a place for sharing how to live a happy, positive, passionate, peaceful life.
Andrea is an author, happiness expert, bliss consultant, blogger enthusiast, spiritual geek, personal growth fanatic, and lover of all things bright. And that's what you find on her blog! I met Andrea recently and we immediately formed a bond through laughter! She's a lot of fun!
Caroline Manrique of Whimsy Whispers – Caroline is a photographer whose work is unforgettable. Caroline is responsible for my header. I flew to California to do a photo shoot with her. She's so good I'm bringing my granddaughter to her for senior pictures. Caroline is one of the most sincere and authentic bloggers I know. In her own words, "This blog is based on my whimsical and ever changing nature. Yes, I like change! I love to create, experiment and play. I am finally getting to know myself…and I am opening new doors creatively and spiritually. You could say that I am a soul explorer!"
Courtney Carver of Be More With Less - Courtney's blog is about "simplifying your life and really living. Here, you can learn how to create a life with more savings and no debt, more health and less stress, and more you with less obligation.I had the opportunity to meet Courtney in person and can't figure out which is bigger her heart or her smile!
Each of these ladies have touched my live in some way. Check out their awesome blogs and know the world is in a better place because they are in it!
Also check out a wonderful post on female energy, girl power and womentum at Katie Tallo's blog Momentum Gathering.
Please join The Bold Life for free and receive my free guide, Peace, Love, and Connection. Please share this post with a Tweet and a Like.
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{ 48 comments… read them below or add one }
Hi Tess you beautiful, wild woman!
You ooze this award, you are a beautiful blogger and it shows through all you do and are. I love the imagery of red hearts surrounding the globe. I’m going to start doing that, too. I know what you mean about being loud, I’m #4 of four. I hear you, Tess, big time!
And, can I just say, WOW? To be included in this company of goddess bloggers blows me away. Sandra, I love your blog and your wise words. I can tell you put a lot of work and research into your posts and I appreciate them. Thank you! Andrea, I recently found you and am delighted by your blog. You beam brightness and I thank you for your web presence. Caroline, oh my, oh my I have a confession to make right here and right now. I’ve been following your blog for almost two years now and have yet to leave a comment for you at your site. I’m sooo enamored by your work and your openness I never know what to say. I supposed I’m simply basking in your talent and gifts. Don’t ever stop what you’re doing, no matter what anyone says. You have a gift, Caroline. Big time! As soon as I boot Ms. MS off my back, I’m heading up there for some photos of yours truly — can you make me look as gorgeous as Tess? Courtney, I have a feeling we have a lot more in common than we would prefer.
I have a friend who works for the Myelin Research Foundation, they’re a wonderful group of folks doing wonderful things. Thank you for what you’re doing at your blog for others. Shine on, lovely, shine on!
Tess, this was so awesome, with a capital “A”. Can I give you all a group hug? Ready… here it comes ~~~> ((((hug))))
Love to all,
.-= Lori´s last post…NaNoWriMo You In Six Points to Consider =-.
Thank you my friend, I’m feeling all the love! They are all wonderful aren’t they and how lovely of you to leave them each a note. Thanks for being part of my life on and off line;)
Hi Lori! I’ve seen your blog too. Beautiful work you do, just great! I love your description “tree hugger, do-gooder, and unapologetic bleeding heart in service to others.”
Tess had very good instinct in picking you. Truly honored to share this award with you. Loving blessings, new friend!
.-= Andrea DeBell – britetalk´s last post…Fast Track to Bliss =-.
OMG!!! Tess!!! I don’t even know what to say. I am honored…totally honored. These women are all amazing. What a gift you are…such beautiful light you share with the world. I wish I had something better to write…but honestly, I am in shock right now.
Love you!!!
P.S. Lori…you are so sweet! xoxo
.-= Caroline´s last post…UmI am too old for this =-.
Caroline I’m so happy I surprised you! Someone needs to tell the world and I think I’ve been assigned. I get more compliments than you can imagine. A neighbor asked me on FB today if I had work done and is that why I haven’t called her! ROFLOL I told her you were my secret.
And what makes this so funny is that the post that will link back to me…is all about my massive hangover! LOL!
.-= Caroline´s last post…UmI am too old for this =-.
I switched it to October 7th, the day you took that beautiful bike photo. But hey I said you were genuine. Honestly Caroline there’s no one else like you that I know that is so honest and fine with being themselves! So maybe I shouldn’t have changed it but I did!
Awesome woman power in this post! What a tribute to these fab five. Thanks for the mention Tess and it is so great to find out more about your amazing personality. I wish I could hear that loud laugh right now. Welcome to the Beautiful Blogger’s club. You so deserve it and if I could rap, I would rap about your beauty, heart and moxie!
.-= Katie´s last post…Are You Gathering Womentum =-.
You’re the best. And your sense of humor is so fun! It’s time for women to band together and share their beauty and light.
Hi Tess
What an awesome thing to come back to! I can never get enough of your beautiful heart and how you share and spread the love! And I always love learning more about you
As for the choices you made – I only know Lori and Sandra from your list and I can say they are both SOOOOOO deserving of this honor. They are both remarkable ladies and changing the lives of others, being inspirational, motivational and loving in so many ways! I am so glad that I know them both. And I look forward to reading up and getting to know the other ladies you mentioned!
.-= Evita´s last post…Unity’s Path Reading for October 2010 =-.
That new photo makes you look like the angel you are! Shine on my friend and I’ll meet you in person soon. xo
I couldn’t be more proud of you if you were my daughter!!! You so deserve this award with all the effort, love and joy you put into your blog! I have goosebumps!!!!!
And love your 7 things about yourself…they all made me smile…they all warmed my heart…
especially: Ilove everyone. I see the world surrounded by red hearts before going to sleep and whisper blessings of peace and love for all.
You light up my life!!!
You’re the best:) xoxo
Tess! I’m stunned, honored, delighted, happy. Thank you for shining your light of love and kindness on us all. These are the most awesome of awesome women and I love Angela too. It’s so incredible to be included among them. And it’s great to learn more about you – hip, rap music lover that you are! I never doubted that you have faith and guts for a moment.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have made my day. A big hug to you!
.-= Sandra Lee´s last post…My magic potion for knocking anxiety on its head =-.
Your welcome! I have to keep up with my adult kids and grandkids…they keep me young at heart. Hugs to you! You’re more than worthy of the award!
There are lots of fabulous women online. I frequent more sites maintained by women than men. Come on man-dudes! I like the eight things. Good on you for breaking the rules. See you soon!
.-= Simon Hay´s last post…100 Healings! Get Ready Set! Go! =-.
LOL good on you too for meeting us in New York!
What a beautiful post, but I would expect nothing less from you! I’m so happy I could pass the Beautiful Blogger Award onto you. I think you’ve passed the award to on to 5 incredible and very talented women! Thank you for all your kind words about me my friend. I loved learning more about you, especially that there are a few bloggers you like to listen to~!
.-= Angela Artemis´s last post…5 Exercises to Tap Into Your Intuitive Genius =-.
We’ll call ourselves the miracle ladies. Sound good? xo
Hi Tess,
I *love* this post..feels like one big celebration..because it truly is! *You* rock and you change lives..the women you’ve listed rock and change lives..I know my life is enriched tremendously by the encouragement, insights, laughter I share with you all..and reading your post and the following comments is such a refreshing burst of love..amazing!
Joy…a refreshing burst of love…I like that. Hugs to you today.
Tess! Thank you so much. It was so great to meet you on Sunday. I wish we had more time to chat. It is clear that our paths will continue to cross and I am so grateful for that!
Have a great week,
Isn’t life grand? We never know all the good instore for us and our blogging brings a lot of good to us. I’m looking forward to developing our new friendship.
Hi I came here after reading about something you said on “New Day New Lesson”. Susie was right, good place to visit and now a bonus of being able to look at a number of other related blogs. Congratulations on the award, sounds well deserved!
.-= Cheryl´s last post…Not Much Bigger than a Thumb =-.
Thank you for your visit. I’ll be checking your blog out as well. I love meeting new bloggers;)
Rock on – awesome women!!! You are are all of that…and more!!!
And Tess – so very deserved that you received this award, too – you SHINE!!!
.-= Lance´s last post…Exposed- Take Two =-.
Thanks and I look forward to our meetup in November. Rock on!
Rap music, eh? I think I could never learn to like it. I’ve given it a try. But as you say, it’s good to know what works for you.
Very nice group of women.
.-= Jannie Funster´s last post…Now- About That Spandex Jannie 1986 maybe 1987… =-.
Rappers got the beat and the moves. The words sometimes I have to tune out or be more open minded depending on the song.
Hi Tess,
Congratulations on The Beautiful Blogger Award. It is well-deserved. I love your list of things we don’t know about you. I love #4 — I’m guilty of that too. But maybe I need to listen with new ears. I think I’ll give it a try! I look forward to looking at your five beautiful blogging friends.
Yes it took me knew ears, lack of judgment and a desire to be open to my grandkids music. I do discuss the lyrics with them. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have that opportunity.
HI Beautiful Tess,A HUG for the Award!
I love love love your list! And I love the first 3 women on your Beautiful Award list too! The other 2 I’ll have to check out. But believe me any recommendation coming from you is always Beautiful…just like you! I think for the first time ever I’m gonna call you “the Bold & The beautiful” and no it has nothing to do with the dramatic soaps on Tv
@Lori luv- You know how much I love you!!!
@Sandra- I am always in awe and so completely moved by all you share on your beautiful blog.
@Andrea- You are a shining star in my world. Whenever I think of you I’m automatically in a bed of sunflowers….I have so loved connecting with you.
ROck on Girls! yippeeeee!
Love you lots and lots Tess,
Thanks Z and I love the bed of sunflowers you see! My favorite flowers!
Hi Zeenat! I’m truly touched by your lovely words. I adore sunflowers (you may check my twitter pg for proof @brite2briter), you got that one right.
I love you, sweetie!
.-= Andrea DeBell – britetalk´s last post…Fast Track to Bliss =-.
It great to see human beings loving and appreciating each other. Continue on.
Isn’t it? Great insight.
I totally agree with this thought of yours, Women bloggers are really changing the blogging world now days. I loved your list! Thanks for the share!!!
I love your openess to new ideas and different paradigms. Perhaps you could educate me on rap sometime… I don’t quite “get it” yet. ha ha. Your willingness to adopt fresh ideas is no small coincidence in the bold life you exemplify.
Thanks for sharing these new faces with me.
I knew that would surprise everyone. It’s all about the story we tell ourselves. I changed my story and try to understand their culture. Bottom line…we all want the same thing…to love and be loved. But you already know that, eh?
Congratulations on the award! I loved reading your 8 things we don’t know about you. I loved all of them, esoterically, how you learned to text message, your loud laugh and your appreciation for rap. – such a dynamic list!
I look forward to visiting two new sites, Laurie’s and Caroline’s – I haven’t “met” them yet
.-= Aileen´s last post…Kaizen Vision’s New Look =-.
I’m movin and groovin through life. I know you are as well. I love your new blog look. Love it!
Congratulations to all.
Lovely to see you guys showering love and appreciation for each other. That’s what we are here for – love and encourage one another and keep on sharing all those great stuffs.
Thank you.
.-= Alex Yong´s last post…Go MOH and Make Others Happy Today =-.
Thanks for joining us ladies. I appreciate your support!
Hi Tess,
Congratulations on the award – you are indeed a Beautiful Blogger. I’m a recent subscriber and am enjoying your blog so much. I’m grateful for your wisdom and inspiration.
This is a great way to highlight and honor great lady bloggers! Congratulations on your honor and thank you for sharing the other five. I look forward to visiting all of their blogs and I’m sure I will enjoy them as much as I’ve enjoyed yours! They sound great!
.-= Stacy´s last post…Becoming an Advanced Early Riser =-.
Dearest Tess!!! I am just laughing out loud and hugging you!! YOU ROCK GIRL!!! I love your 8 things here, they are just so you and I really relate to them. The one that I was so glad to see—I guess because it reminded me of myself—was “5. I love everyone. I see the world surrounded by red hearts before going to sleep and whisper blessings of peace and love for all.” Amen sister friend!!! Love it and you. And am loving your little book before bed. It really relaxes and puts anyone who reads it in a place of love. Bless you dear soul!! Roby
.-= Robin Easton´s last post…An Attitude That Destroyed Nations =-.
Hi Tess! Congratulations on a well-deserved award. You certainly are the personification of a beautiful blogger, in more ways than one. Congratulations also to Lori, Courtney, Sandra Lee, and Caroline. You all rock!
Thanks so much for including me on your list of fab bloggers! I’m truly honored, specially since this is such a top notch list.
It was really wonderful to meet you this past weekend. Your delicious laugh is still in my head. Looking forward to a long and lasting friendship. Many loving blessings!,
.-= Andrea DeBell – britetalk´s last post…Fast Track to Bliss =-.
I LOVE your image of loving everyone and the red hearts! I also can relate to the “being heard”. I was number seven (youngest) in my family!
My kids have kept me hip too….hopefully, God willing, I will have grandkids doing the same when I start to lose my coolness:)
COngratulations on your well-deserved award!
.-= Little Lessons Under the Big Sky´s last post…Puddle Jumping in Portland =-.
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