Happy 40th Birthday + 40 Random Acts of Kindness

Today I’m inviting you to celebrate my friend Lori Franklin’s birthday. We’ll each to 40 acts of kindness, one for each year.

I invite you, dear reader, to celebrate with us. Please do a Random Act of Kindness today.

Lori, below are my acts of kindness dedicated in your honor. Happy 40th Birthday! Thanks for the laughter and joy you bring me. x

 The noblest question in the world, “What good may I do in it?” ~ Ben Franklin

1. Purchased cupcakes at a bakery. 100% proceeds go to Alexa’s cause.

 2.  On the way home gave cupcakes to boys working at a school car wash.

3. Cleaned my closet and donated clothes and shoes to Goodwill.

4.  I smiled and silently blessed someone who cut in front of me in the security line at the airport. I have no idea why she was in such a hurry. I only knew I wasn’t. 

Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love,
a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. ~ Mother Teresa 

5. Called Silent Unity to add Lori’s name to the prayer list for World Prayer Day which happens to fall on her birthday! 1-800-NOW-PRAY (1-800-669-7729)

6. Sent a donation of $25 to Unity. The Association serves Unity ministers and leaders, Unity spiritual communities and other ministries. 

If I choose to bless another person, I will always
end up feeling more blessed. Marianne Williamson

7. Bought candy for the Southwest flight attendants. 

8. Helped my granddaughter with her Gold Award project for Girls Scouts. She is creating a program on date rape and self-defense for teenage girls. 

9. Picked up trash with Hubs along a 4 mile stretch of highway.

Give me love, give me peace on earth, give me light, give me life,
keep me free from birth, give me hope, help me cope, with this heavy load,
trying to touch and reach you with heart and soul. ~ George Harrison

10. My friend Linda mentioned that her dad, Bob Carlson, was turning 90, I sent him a birthday card. She called later and told me it arrived a day early and he waited to open it on his birthday.

11. Volunteered to work at the Full Moon Conference in New York.

We will do good for others when we have found our own happiness. ~ M. Beckwith

12. Gifted a friend with Jacob Glass CDs.

13. Mailed a gratitude notebook to my friend, Dana.

14. Sent my sister a letter.

Blessed are those who give without remembering.
And blessed are those who take without forgetting. ~ B. Meltzer

15. Bought ice cream cones for two children.

16. Donated crayons and books to The Phoenix Children’s Hospital.                                                                            

17. Attempted to help a friend change a flat tire!

18. Lent $25 to Kiva. Sokhun Chou in Cambodia, needed a motorcycle for
transportation. Due to the generosity of several lenders, Sokhun, 
now has her motorcycle and is paying back the micro loan.

19. Waived the weekend cottage rental fee of $350 so a friend of my daughter’s could enjoy a nice relaxing weekend.

For those to whom much is given, much is required. ~ John F. Kennedy

20. Helped a friend with her printer, job search and resume.

21. Met Hubs for dinner and we left a 35% tip to server. He had a big grin on his face as we waved goodbye.

22. Bought coffee for two construction workers that were working on a building next door to Starbucks. I was in the drive through lane when I noticed them. I parked my car and went inside to purchase two more cups coffee and told them to have a good day.

about photo

23. Belinda Munoz (above) from The Halfway Point  is giving a $5 donation to flood victims in Pakistan for each person who leaves a comment on her blog. I left a comment and donated $20 to Global Fund for Women as well.

24. Purchased sunflowers from my niece for my mom who will be 90 on Halloween. I also paid for another bouquet in advance for next week. She loved that they came from her granddaughter’s farm!

25. Brainstormed with a friend about her blogging possibilities.

If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one. ~ Mother Teresa

26. Bought this man a bottle of cold water.

27. Made Hubs his fruit salad, it’s his favorite breakfast.

28. Donated $25 to M.S. My niece is raising money for a triathlon. The timing of her request is no coincidence!

Blessed are those who give without remembering. And blessed are those who take without forgetting.  ~ Bernard Meltzer

29. Allowed realtor to show my home to a client at an inconvenient time.
(It made her day;)

30. Canceled a golf date because my heart wasn’t in it. We often forget to treat ourselves with kindness. Yet it’s this very act that allows us to be kind to others. My friend was very understanding.

31. Spoke with a friend whose adult children are struggling with job losses and the economy. Encouraged her to have faith and hold her vision of them lovingly finding their way. All is in Divine Order especially when it doesn’t appear to be. We never know what anything is for.

32. Sent my sister a card and also phoned her after a recent foot surgery.

33. Volunteered to link to Brenda Strausz’s up and coming online class on the very powerful  Emotional Freedom Technique. Register today! 

34. Sent out five postcards to friends telling them that I’m grateful they’re in my life.

35. Bought 20 raffle tickets from my grandson, a Boy Scout, trying to earn money for his 8th grade trip to Washington DC.

36. Told a blogging friend how his kindness has made a difference in my world.

37. Send a copy of my resume to a friend so she could refer to it as she created her own.

38. Discussed with daughter no. 2 how she could help her best friend who just lost her significant other.

39. Offered the use of my car to my nephew while he is visiting next week from St. Louis.

40. Sent an inspiring post to Lance offering inspiration for his long run of 18 miles in preparation for his marathon in October.

Help us celebrate by doing a random act of kindness today. Make the world smile!

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