I met Janna Stanfield at a church in Denver 10 years ago. I witnessed her climb as a top notch professional speaker. I've purchased her music and played it at women's retreats. Today I share it with you. (Music takes a few seconds to play)
Change is happening everyday on many levels: in our world, our country, and in our personal lives. It's easy to fall into fear, hold back, and become anxious.
None of these are necessary. The bold thing to do is to move forward with your heart open and be the change you want to see.
Join me and live on the cutting edge with your energy flowing and your fun meter running.
The following suggestions can help get you started.
1. Be yourself.
2. Tell someone you love them.
3. Tell someone yes.
4. Learn to say no.
5. Sit back and do nothing.
6. Nurture yourself.
7. Let go of toxic relationships.
8. Pick up the phone and ask.
9. Build your self-esteem.
10. Give blood.
11. Get out of debt.
12. Confront your demons.
13. Open your heart.
14. Sing in public.
15. Stand up for yourself.
16. Learn to play a musical instrument.
17. Give of your talent, time and money.
18. Hire a coach.
19. Hire a therapist.
20. Bungee jump.
21. Plant a garden.
22.Turn off your TV for 6 months.
23. Write a book.
24. Join Toastmasters.
25. Make a phone call you've been dreading.
27. Take a new class.
28. Learn a new language.
29. Make travel plans.
30. Take flying lessons.
31. Mentor someone.
32. Ask for help.
33. Audition for something.
34. Go white water rafting.
35. Call someone you admire and say hello.
36. Forgive someone in person.
37. Go on a silent retreat.
38. Interview someone you admire.
39. Try a new restaurant.
40. Feel.
41. Change a habit.
42. Go against the crowd.
43. Be happy.
44. Stand up for a cause.
45. Join a support group.
46. Discover your passion.
47. Admit you're wrong.
48. Put on an event.
49. Protect your health.
50. Embrace your fear.
What would you do if you knew you would not fail? If I were brave I would…? Commit to doing one thing in the next week.
I'm having a contest and will be giving a CD of Jana's next week. Contact me with your bold commitment and one week later tell me you've accomplished it. This is your chance to be a bold winner; )
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{ 31 comments… read them below or add one }
I found your blog from Rob White’s blog and I had to comment on something you said as it felt like you spoke to me and I had to come by and say hi here too.
These are great tips. I do number 5 often or should I say I like to do it more often. Standing up for your self or someone you care for is very important step for self esteem too.
I think #10 and #25 are repeat, unless you want us to give blood twice, which is cool too. I am off to check out other articles here.
.-= Preeti @ Heart and Mind´s last post…Why learning from history is cool – Part 1 =-.
LOL I’ll change that now! Thanks for complimenting my work. I do no.5 very well too. I’m coming to your blog next and welcome. I’m looking forward to knowing you better. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
.-= Tess Bold Life´s last post…Brave- Bold and Daring =-.
You’re sounding mighty fearless, Tess
I loved this — “The bold thing to do is to move forward with your heart open and be the change you want to see.” I could feel you ‘knowing’ this without these just being pretty words. You’re in the zone, aren’t you?
.-= Davina´s last post…Living the Life Wheel =-.
‘K Tess,
There are some I have done ‘kind of’ like sing in public…I won a lip sync contest in college while imitating Mariah Carey but would never purposely sing out loud in public…
All quite bold and fearless…indeed:)
Kind of like inspirational fear factor…so: I commit to making a flyer for motivational speaking…and interviewing two people I admire that have even asked me to interview them, but I’ve yet to find the right words…can you imagine that??? me..can’t find words…LOL!!!
.-= Joy´s last post…Wednesday Wisdom- A Gift of Peace =-.
Now that is what I call BOLD!
Beautiful song, video, and music Tess – thank you for sharing this.
You know, it is funny I think I am brave….and yet am I sure that I am not holding myself back from anything in particular…. no, the truth is I am not sure. The one thing that pops into my mind is to pursue energy healing more openly… of course I think of coming out and saying this to people… and I think… will I get funny looks, will I be able to help people….
Ah, yes, these questions, these reflections, they are good for the heart and soul.
All I know is that each day I grow. And as I grow, I grow in more strength and confidence to always, in every situation be sure that I express the highest and bravest version of myself.
.-= Evita´s last post…Life with Unity- Today is Always Your Birthday – Give Your Self the Present =-.
Hi Tess,
I’m going back to work next week after being at home for nearly a year with my baby daughter. Today is her first full day in care. I think my heart might be breaking…so I’m going to be kind to myself. I’m going to do what I need to do to make this a bit easier. That might be letting go of my need to have a perfectly clean house, or a home cooked meal every night, or an empty washing basket. It might also be giving myself permission to have a good old cry when I need to, or to lean on a friend, or to ring daycare during the day to see how things are going (thereby admitting that I don’t have it all perfectly under control). I’ll let you know how it all goes.
PS – I sang to my daughter the other day when we were having one of her orientation sessions at daycare – does a room of toddlers and daycare teachers count as singing in public?
.-= Topi´s last post…5 life lessons Ive learned from my Mum =-.
These are all great, Tess. I once took F-1 racing lessons. I thought I was being pretty bold, only to realize my wife kicked my butt! The important thing is to do these things to remind of us our unlimited nature. Sometimes I get the biggest kick out of going to a different venue where I am clearly the odd man out… such as a Biker bar. These different adventures be it large or small are a great awakening if we find ourselves caught in the drift of life.
.-= rob white´s last post…Do you want to talk about walking or do you want to walk =-.
That’s a very lovely song and video! Can I share it at facebook so my friends could view it too?
.-= Joyce of I TAKE OFF THE MASK Blog´s last post…Quote About Heaven =-.
Great points in your post Tess!
Such little things like “Try a new restaurant” or “Sing in public” or even “Admit you’re wrong” may significantly alter our life. People often try to with a big brave acts, however, in many cases, small things, such as those mentioned above, we need to enhance the quality of our life. That is why I like this list.
If I knew that I can not fail? Hmmm, to be honest, nothing comes to my mind right now…
Hi Tess – great challenge .. love the video .. commit to one thing and do it ..
Getting on with my move is the thing taking over my life at the moment .. so every day lots gets done, lots of thoughts too .. three weeks today .. oh well – life goes on ..
Love Janna’s music though – it must have been so inspiring meeting her .. so in a few weeks I can get on with my life perhaps and be out there developing my future ….
Having an open heart .. is so important .. thanks Tess – wonderful words and ideas .. enjy today .. Hilary
.-= Hilary´s last post…Lazy- Hazy- Mazey Days of Summer – two approaches to revitalising town life in the 21st century =-.
That’s a great list. I always find it really helpful when things get chaotic to remember where I want to go and how I want to live. It sort of calms things and brings me back to the right track.
.-= Nicola@SimpleDivorce´s last post…Suggest a Blog Using CommentLuv- 15 Needed =-.
i like this post,
simple, to the point and useful
thank you
.-= Farouk ´s last post…Response cached until Fri 2 @ 8:53 GMT (Refreshes in 23.97 Hours) =-.
Be bold and brave – be the change I wish to see…
Tomorrow, my workshop co-leader Teresa and I are getting together to create our training plan and our marketing plan for our workshop on August 7, 2010. We want to teach others how to change their agreements and transform their lives. When Teresa and I dove heart first into this workshop, we had no idea if it would be successful or not…we just knew we wanted to share our gifts with others…we still don’t know if it will be successful or not but we’re brave, bold and daring!
.-= Peggy´s last post…Are You the Living Dead =-.
Embracing my fear is what I’ve been working on for the past month. I’ve been practicing using my fear to fuel my actions.
I’ve found that the things that I’m most afraid of are the actions that I most need to do. I was deathly afraid of public speaking. I knew that I needed to explore these feelings, so I joined Toastmasters. Now I’m able to speak to groups of over 200 people. Now it’s one of my favorite ways to teach people to use their superpowers.
.-= Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last post…Pay Close Attention to Who You Really Are =-.
Hi Tess – What a beautiful voice Janna has! Really enjoyed the singing, images, and your great list. And I noticed so many of the images in the video were about being creative. So I say yes, let’s all be brave enough to spend more time singing, dancing, painting, photographing, writing, playing our instruments. All of it. Very inspiring. Thanks!
.-= Patty – Why Not Start Now?´s last post…Meaning Mondays- A Simple Philosophy Emerges =-.
I am irtiza104. I came to know about your blog through a friend and I’d love it. I’d really appreciate it if you guest posted on my blog, which can relate to yours. You can check out this article to find out more about guest blogging opportunity on “Life as i know it” here: http://lifeasiknowit22.blogspot.com/2009/05/do-you-want-to-guest-post-on-this-blog.html
Best wishes.
.-= irtiza104´s last post…How to Ruin Your Life in 10 Easy Steps =-.
Hey Tess, I enjoyed that song and video you put up here.
If I knew I could not fail, I would embrace my dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur which I kind of am doing with blogging. Many people discourage me from doing this and tell me to focus on education, which I am doing, but it doesn’t hurt to pursue a dream that we have I think. It definitely takes boldness and bravery, which I have learned from you Tess. Thanks for this list and post!
.-= Hulbert Lee´s last post…Interview with Jean Berg-Sarauer Introduction Series =-.
Yes I’m in the zone;) It’s a great place to be. Thanks for complimenting my “knowing.” Come on in there’s room for more;) I appreciate you insights and friendship.
You go girl…a singing contest! I love that you committed to something. Yee-ha! Oh dear did I just sound like a farmer or someone on hee haw! Don’t answer that!
I love that about you…always honest, growing and true to yourself…and always willing to give that nudge to others. Thank you;)
It sounds like you’ve had a wonderful time enjoying your daughter…yes it does count singing with kids…those are favorite and important moments you’ll always remember. I wish you well. What a great mom you are!
That’s it…let’s all do something daring when we’re drifting. We’ll go in the flow and with the wind…won’t we? I’ll bet your wife had fun that day. Thanks for sharing.
You share or borrow whatever you want from me and my blog. You’re always welcome.
It’s the little stuff that can turn into big stuff and we may not ever know it. We only need to keep living and risking in joy and with appreciation for ourselves.
Good luck with your move and I know you take steps everyday that move you forward in life. I’m glad you enjoyed the music. Take care of yourself and thanks for stopping by in spite of your busy time.
What a great thing…remember where you want to go and how you want to live. It’s very grounding especially for the days I can get so off track…Thanks for sharing that with us.
Good for you your first workshop. If possible resist determining the success on the amount of people who come. Who is suppose to be there will be there and it will grow bigger each time. Once I had a group that went from 2 people to 3o in a very short time. I’m sending love and light to you and Teresa.
You go… Toastmasters is so exciting and supportive. Those people go on to win International contests that are mind blowing. I’m going back to hone my own skills.
Yes it’s all about being creative isn’t it. It’s those inspiring ideas that move us forward as we progress along our path. I’m glad you liked her!
.-= Tess Bold Life´s last post…Brave- Bold and Daring =-.
Thanks, Tess! I kept on playing the song the whole day yesterday, very inspiring.
.-= Joyce of I TAKE OFF THE MASK Blog´s last post…A Poem of Joy- =-.
Nice read! I think these are for betterment for those who are still not taking their life seriously or maybe to those who are in their teens..
I think the points you mentioned are best for personality development and would surely forward these to my kid as she is not developing in real sense as she should.
Bookmarked you
“Sit back and do nothing” – somehow over the years I have lost the ability to do that.
Two of my favorites: “Sit back and do nothing” and “Sing in public.”
Inaction gives the mind some time to relax, unwind, and produce new and exciting possibilities for us.
Singing in public is just plain fun and gives you a rush that you can’t quite get anywhere else. Cheers on a very good post!
Being your self is the best way to go!
Tess, Wonderful post as usual!! I notice at 61, I am much braver and bolder than ever and it makes me sad for all the times that I held myself back! A bit of advice for all your younger folks… just do it! Live boldly!
I love that you included take time to do nothing. I like being a “being” …it is where I find my center!
You rock Tess…thanks for touching our hearts and souls!
( will someone please give me advice on how to do it so your latest blog post comes up?–thanks!)
If I knew I would not fail I’ll be doing some crazy things like creating an automatic system that would allow everybody to just do whatever they think they’d love to do at that moment. It is a microchip that can be inserted inside your body just to reprogram your system on fear.
I feel your energy in this post. I wonder if you’re on the cusp of some awesome changes, or perhaps increase! I think you’re influence is growing Tess.
You have the greatest lists and this one is no exception. All of these encourage us to DO, to take charge of our lives and LIVE! I love it.
Thanks Tess
.-= Keith´s last post…The Time Has Come- =-.
Thanks for stopping by. I love the new look on your blog and I’m happy you were inspired by Jana’s music. I sure am.
I know you have 2 girls and I would only encourage you to begin learning to do nothing before those teenage years hit. Contemplation and peace go a long way during those times.
Thanks for visiting the bold life. Your participation in these things ad joy to our world. Keep it up and welcome!
Welcom to TBL and I’m checking your blog out today as well.
Thanks for the great advice. I was one to always go for it even when young but I put myself in such a situation it was either sink or swim;) And I’ll be right over to tell you it’s done with comment luv.
It would have to give some kind of program shock! LOL
Thanks for the Kudo’s. I’m not sure about being on to something big. My life is BIG!
.-= Tess Bold Life´s last post…Brave- Bold and Daring =-.
I love you Tess.
.-= Simon Hay´s last post…Book Review- The Desert Hedge Murders -amp Other Cool Stuff- =-.
Hey, Girl. Some beautiful, beautiful ideas here.
I just told Kelly I loved her and I said “Yes!” when she asked for a glass of water, instead of saying my usual “Go get it yourself.”
Making travel plans sounds good. When’s a good time of year to visit AZ, a time you know you’ll be there?
I am so sweeting this post.
Oh my goodness, what a great typo! Tweeting this I meant to write, of course.
But perhaps I AM sweeting this post too?
.-= Jannie Funster´s last post…1929 Ford Roadster On The Fourth Of July =-.
Oh, a bold commitment, great idea!
I will e-mail you it now.
.-= Jannie Funster´s last post…1929 Ford Roadster On The Fourth Of July =-.
Hi Tess,
I love it and as you know I love change- my bold thing is to followthrough on those bold commitments and see them to the end
So as I have started a new blog/vlog and I am going to be interviewing inspiring people who do make a difference in the world I am how going to ask you to do a skype video interview? Are you game?
.-= Suzie Cheel´s last post…Do You Travel At The Speed Of Love Or The Speed Of Fear =-.