photo credit: psyberartist
Is your blog ho-hum or do you have visitors who don't want to miss a single post? Get bold. Get crazy. Be outragous. It's time to step out of "normal," get your groove on, and take your blog to the next level.
The following tips will get you started.
Invite someone you admire and ask to interview them on your blog. Keep asking until you get a "Yes."
Give. Give. Give. Get out of your head and your own issues and volunteer your services for a worthy cause. Lance at the Jungle of Life put together an e-book with a friend and donated all proceeds to charity.
Brag about your favorite bloggers. Everyone appreciates seeing their name mentioned without strings attached. Tell others about the blogs you love.
Make a phone call. If there is one person you fear calling but would love to connect with figure out a way to contact them and begin a conversation. Blog about it.
Give away something special. We love contests and we love free stuff. If you don't have anything special then "ask" someone who does. Tell them you'll link to them and introduce their blog to your readers in exchange for their "give away."
Dedicate Fridays to fun. Invite an astrologer, celebrity (go for it!), or comedian to be your "Friday Fun" guest. If you can't get anyone find a fun video and post it. Make it the best you can find!
Post a video of yourself involved in a favorite hobby, sport or doing something outrageous. Tie it in with your niche.
You've probably watched Katie's video of "Car Dancin." Katie, ( Levity Project ) along with Lance from Jungle of Life had a blast creating it. You can watch it again and/or pass it on!
Check it out below…I'm the one with the orange flower. Also my friends Evita from Evolving Beings, Karl from Work Happy Now, Stacey from Stacey Shipman and Megan from All About Joy are in the video. See if you can recognize everyone!
Again blow the lid off the ordinary. Create a Buzz!
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{ 38 comments… read them below or add one }
Hi Tess!
This is a great post. I mean, really. It’s awesome.
It’s not often I go to “how to” post or list posts and learn anything new. (Did that sound stuck up?)
But, you have a few points here I’ve never considered. This is great.
Thanks, also, for posting the Levity project video. I’ve watched it about a 1/2 dozen times via Lance’s site and end up laughing and smiling every single time. And, I thought that might be you with the flower in your hair. Go Tess!
You’re ripping it!
Enjoy your day and thanks for all the great ideas.
.-= Lori (JaneBeNimble)´s last post…Book Review: What Should I Do With the Rest of My Life? =-.
Oh…I think I saw you car dancing…
Such great ideas you share with us Tess. I love the idea of Friday fun…I might just have to give that a try. Thank you again for making me think. xoxo
.-= Caroline´s last post…Let’s pretend… =-.
OMG this was such a fun video to watch! I grinned all the way through it. Great music too. I’ve heard whispers about the Levity Project but this is the first video I’ve watched. It’s almost bedtime here and now I feel like getting up and dancing. Gee, thanks!
.-= Davina´s last post…On the First Day of Spring =-.
You wacky car dancers! I’d heard about it but never seen it, so I appreciated you posting that, Tess. Fun! And it seems like you’re doing a great job here creating a buzz. So thanks for the tips.
.-= Patty – Why Not Start Now?´s last post…Eight Black Shoes =-.
Hey Tess, thanks for these tips on creating a buzz in the blogosphere as well as sharing that video. It was so funny! You have some pretty nice dance moves.
.-= Hulbert´s last post…Will Smith and Hustle =-.
Well, that put a smile on my face that just won’t quit! If the wind changes and my face stays this way… well, all I can say is you’re getting my plastic surgeon’s bill!
Seriously though, I did love this heaps! Thanks!
.-= Tony Single´s last post…An Atheist in Sheep’s Clothing =-.
Hi Tess! All great pumped up, plumped up advice! Love the Levity Project – Lance had invited me to do it but my lack of techy skills bites me sometimes. Oh well. It was GREAT fun to watch! I was there in spirit. Can’t tell you how many times I do that in the car, or store. My kids wanted to disown me from the embarrassment I was always causing them – HA! I live for that, you know! HA! Loved the music too and just ordered GiGi’s CD from Amazon. She is like the Miriam Makeba of this decade or something.
ANYwayyyyy, thanks for the inspiring ideas! Love your zest!
Hi Tess!
Want to be my Friday Fun guest next week?
I so wanted to be part of the Car Dancing video, but at the time I had nothing I could record me dancing in my car. Now I do…my phone can record…oh well…next time!
.-= Peggy´s last post…My Winning Short Story =-.
Nope don’t think it sounds stuck up…we’re all entitled to our own interests, opinions etc…without judgement. There are a zillion blogs and I’m honored you choose to read mine when you do. When you don’t I know you find pleasure in reading another’s. It’s all good Lori!
I am happy to help anytime. I saw your awesome book that Jay bought for Joy last week. It left me with shivers.
I think there are so many ideas…I just have to share and appreciate everyone who shares with me as well. Rock on!
I have to admit it turned out better than I thought (the part of me). But hey I’m the bold life so how can I not go for it.
OMG where do you come up with these lines. ROGLOL
If you can belielve it I’m not good with tech either. Just need a flip video and then call me if you need help posting it. I’m not sure who the person is your talking about but maybe I should order their music as well.
Fun? Friday? Guest? I’m on! Thanks for the invite…If you’re kidding you’re stuck with me anyway;)
.-= Tess Bold Life´s last post…My Dad and His Tool Shop =-.
All good recommendations on how to market your blog. Thanks for sharing.
.-= Mark´s last post…That of Us Which Remains =-.
Hi Tess — that’s a helpful reminder — I’ve been meaning to do another post just acknowledging other bloggers recently but I haven’t gotten around to it — I think that’s coming up next. Thanks for this.
Hi Tess,
I love this post! There are many many ideas here..I am gonna use next year{blogging year-which starts in about a week
As for the car dancing…I saw you, megan, lance…Jodi…ohh…that looked like so much fun. Everytime I am having a bad day..I tend to watch that video and enjoy in all your dancing bliss
Much Love,
Your welcome as always!
I understand…it’s one of those things if I don’t write it down I forget!
Happy blogging b-day in advance. I’m glad you enjoy the video so do I!
.-= Tess Bold Life´s last post…My Dad and His Tool Shop =-.
These are great suggestions, Tess. And I just love that car dancing video, though I should watch it again as I didn’t spot you.
Hope you’re having the boldest Spring ever.
Hey Tess!
YOU are a rockstar at blowing the lid off of ordinary!!! Way awesome!!! And…guess what…I think that video is great also! Thanks for sharing it here!!
.-= Lance´s last post…Sunday Thought For The Day =-.
Thanks for complimenting the video but the credit goes to Lance and Katie.
Thanks Lance it takes one to know one…rock star that is.
.-= Tess Bold Life´s last post…My Dad and His Tool Shop =-.
Hi Tess .. such great ideas .. rock ‘n roll ahead & the pic is such fun! I loved the idea of charity raisings – Lance’s & Joanna’s cancer one, the Levity Project car dancing with Lance and Katie, Patricia’s cookbook .. interesting and thought provoking for us all.
So AMUSING .. and such sensible suggestions .. or as you say .. blow the lid off ordinary – exceptional words here – love it .. Hilary
.-= Hilary´s last post…Chess, one of 100 objects, Northern Sea Trading Routes, India and Persia … =-.
Tess, thank you for sharing your tips, and for all the lighthearted fun. Your blog is certainly helping to blow the lid off the ordinary.
Enjoying your movement in the mountains of Japan – Catrien Ross.
.-= Catrien Ross´s last post…Catrien Ross on Stretching Your Potential Through the Real Power of Intention to Direct Your Energy Flow =-.
Goodness, what an energy filled post! Blew my socks off!
I celebrated the anniversary of my first guest post a few days ago. Do you remember how you and I ‘met’ at Blogopilis Blueprint, when I wrote about How to Beat the Blogging Blues?
.-= janice | Sharing the Journey´s last post…Why Haiku? =-.
Hi Hillary,
Thanks for stopping by and I think between us all we could come up with ideas that would rock our blogs and rock the world!
Thanks and I need to make my blog even more fun, bold and light-hearted. Isn’t that what we all need?
Happy one year birthday to you! That post you wrote sent me on my way!
.-= Tess Bold Life´s last post…Create a Blog Buzz-How to Blow the Lid Off Ordinary =-.
Ha ha – that was ace!
I am a confirmed “car-singer” anyway but now I might have to add another string to my bow….
Great post!
That video was so fun to participate in, wasn’t it! I loved recognizing everyone.
Your tips are spot on as I re-define my blog/purpose they will be very helpful!
To tell you the truth Tess, I’m totally ignorant about creating buzz. I’m glad you have provided me here with something to contemplate. Thanks a lot.
Fun is something I would like to add. Typically, the posts on my blog are deep ones. It would be fun just to have fun once-in-a-while!
Thanks for the nudge!
Hi Tess,
Very bold thoughts here! It is necessary to blow the lid off to become extraordinary else one will not be noticed in a crowd.
Bye for now,
.-= Cheryl Parisp´s last post…How We Grew With An Acorn- N is for… =-.
Hi Tess,
Very bold thoughts here! It is necessary to blow the lid off to become extraordinary else one will not be noticed in a crowd.
Bye for now,
.-= Cheryl Paris´s last post…How We Grew With An Acorn- N is for… =-.
You’re funny…happy to see your rockin’ it!
I love but I think it’s a plus I’m in it. LOL Glad I can help you rock your blog.
I’m not so sure I’m an expert…I just tried to get a little creative;O)
You can nudge me anytime as well;) And yes I know what you mean…I tend to be deep and intense myself!
I think it’s important to stand out, have good content, sincerity etc. With all that the right people will notice and others will follow. Thanks for stopping by.
I guess the tips will work wonders when we are blogging about general thing.
I liked this post and will be back to read more.
.-= Nethra´s last post…A substitute =-.
Oh it was fun to pause here today – thank you…the grey rain is back and it feels cold and damp – and you are like a campfire with marshmallows and good company…Thank you
.-= Patricia´s last post…In fair Ashland, we lay our scene… =-.
I love all your ideas Tess! The most I love the dedicate Fridays to fun….or how about something even more bold….Mondays?!!
I think it is really good to always stay fresh and bold, as it is true, we can easily as with everything else in life, get into a rut and than it is the same old pattern. So yes indeed, let’s spice things up!
.-= Evita´s last post…A Conscious and Happy Approach to Working From Home =-.
Great tips Tess,
And the car dancing video. I spotted you right away. You rock, Tess!
.-= Barbara Swafford´s last post…Google Isn’t God =-.
A bunch of great ideas to blow the lid off your blog. I’m going to give some of them serious consideration. Thank you for sharing them.
.-= Paul´s last post…The story so far =-.
Welcome to my blog. I’m not sure why they won’t work at anytime. I’m coming to check your blog.
You are so kind…anytime you’re hungry come on over;)
I used to do Mondays and it didn’t seem to go over big. Maybe I’ll give it another try. Spice it up? Absolutely.
Thanks so much it’s a compliment (huge) coming from you.
Let me know what you incorporate and if there is any other way I can help you.
.-= Tess Bold Life´s last post…Create a Blog Buzz-How to Blow the Lid Off Ordinary =-.
I didn’t think I wanted buzz….but okay, I’ll try….you are on:) thank you for the inspiration, just watch me grow–in all ways:). First step–after three years and your visit, I now have a laptop and internet access on the boat. Of course my children have max computer time, but I’ll get my turn:)
.-= Joy ´s last post…My weekend with Tess, Megan, Jodi, and Jay…. =-.
Awesome tips Tess, and very timely for alot of us! I am starting doing more interviews and will start video blogging soon too! Thanks for giving me new ideas to think about!
Why did you close comments on the post “The Book of Awesome” ? I wanted to suggest that in 2010 it really should be called “The Book of Win”
.-= Gaga 4 Gaga´s last post…Lady Gaga – Q Magazine photo shoot pictures =-.
I know that I could spice up my message a little bit. Sometimes I get too caught up in teaching and I don’t do enough entertaining. A blog needs both, otherwise it won’t be inviting enough to get people to return.
.-= Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last post…The Myth of Discovering Your One True Calling =-.
Hey Tess,
Thanks for these great ideas! I will definitely be using them
It’s always fun as a blogging beginner to see the different directions you can take with your blog. The possibilities are so many that it gets overwhelming at times!