“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”
I want to thank everyone who takes the time out of their busy schedule to read and comment on my blog. I'm blessed to have you in my life. You have brought me to my second year!
Many of you helped me along the way with technology, inspiration, tweets, links and motivation.
I wouldn't have reached this milestone without your help. I appreciate each and every one of you more than you know.
I invited everyone who commented on my birthday to help celebrate by leaving a link to a favorite post on their own blog. The following talented writers did just that.
I hope eveyone finds the time to visit these blogs and read the stories. They will make you laugh, cry, and smile. They will encourage you to shine your light a little brighter. I know because that's what reading these blogs have done for me.
If I can help anyone in any way just let me know. You can reach me on my contact page or Twitter.
Click on the link to find their favorite post!
Jay Schryer from Porsidan. The life and times of an eternal seeker.
Stephen from Simply Stehpen. The main hub of a network of sites. The focus here – green, simple living
Stacey from Stacey Shipman,M.Ed., is dedicated to bringing you back to your senses. As a wellness educator, speaker, writer and media host, she is passionate about to helping women live a happy, healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Jan from Awakened Living. A new community for women!
Jill from Mama of 6 shares her thoughts on her magical journey called life. Striving to live her truth and let her Spirit shine.
Ann-Marie from Wilma's Blog-This blog is part of WomenLikeMe, an online learning program which encourages women to embrace living life differently by questioning the status quo and becoming skilled to live into their greatness. It's where women connect, question, observe, learn and act.
suZen from Erasing The Bored Uplifting and Creative Motivation for Living.
Lance from Jungle of Life The link will take you Lance's other blog where he is raising money for breast cancer research.
Janice from Sharing The Journey Soul food and support for coaches, writers and homemakers.
Sara from Sara Healy A place to connect and share things on this journey called life.
Patti from Why Not Start Now? Adventures in meaning making.
Joy from Ethereal Joy. Humor, inspiration, encouragement from a single mom raising her children on a 40' sailboat named "Ethereal Joy"
John from High Life 2 Be Personal Improvement for Life
Evita from Evolving Beings hopes to inspire and awaken you to achieve and live a life based on balance, fulfillment, unconditional love, joy, passion, accountability and peace with oneself and others. May the material you find here encourage you to grow consciously and spiritually, as you manifest the highest version of yourself.
Keith from Think For Money The Mind Is Where It All Begins.
Diantha from Life Potentials Expert on color and Feng Shui and so much more.
Davina from Shades of Crimson Forget everything you think you know about personal development.
Mary from Creative Endeavers Words of wisdom from the Dolly Mama.
Wilma from Wilmas Blog is co-founder of WomenLikeMe, an online learning program which encourages women to embrace living life differently by questioning the status quo and becoming skilled to live into their greatness. It's where women connect, question, observe, learn and act.
Hayden from Through The Illusion to Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Angela from You Think You Can Blog Living, Loving Laughing…Come with me. We'll laugh. We'll cry. We'll dance.
Mark from ToBeMe Join Mark on his spiritual journey and check out his book while you are there.
Julie from Julies World is passionate about holistic living, where a balance of nature, humanity, and spirit creates an inner garden sprinkled with happy joy. …where happiness permeates the ordinary moments of everyday life. …and deeply provocative philosophical thoughts lead her toward new discoveries, new answers to my favorite question: "Why?"
Jannie from Jannie Funster, blogs like there's no tomorrow (or today!) and sings songs. She flings her bra into tall trees on moonlit snowy nights. She whistles and skips most everywhere she goes. She fandangos in grocery aisles. She lives in Austin, TX with 1 husband, 1 daughter, 2 dogs, 1 cat and 5 fish.
Dani from Positively Present Living happily ever after now.
Peggy from Serendipity Smiles is out saving the world or helping others help themselves. She is dynamite, passionate and a joy to know.
Zeenat from Positivity Provocations aims to heal the world one blog post at a time-Spreading Positivity, Motivations, Inspiration, Love & Happiness. Check out Zeenat's free online therapy!
Daphne from Daphne and Donald began their blog after facing unemployment. Here they chronicle their xperiences, struggles, and hopes for our life ahead.
Again, thank you for sharing your joy and for being in my life. I love you, I appreciate you and I bless you.
Thanks again! Tess xoxo
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{ 38 comments… read them below or add one }
Hey Tess, you rock and that is why you have so many friends sharing the love on this blog.
May you and your blog go on for many many more years to come, the world needs you and your friends, I’d say.
And lets do a group hug everybody with a yeaah for Tess, the bold one
(I am pleased you are not a man, you could take offence.)
.-= Wilma Ham´s last post…All conversations are not equal in intimacy. =-.
Oh Tess,
Yes even the others who are on the lovely list above..and the ones who are gonna comment after me.
Youre a darling!!! I could just come there and give you a big hug
Thank you for being YOU sweetie..and for being the supportive and loving soul you are. You help us all understand life and keep us hooked to the beautiful essences of living always.
As Wilma has said…BIG GROUP HUG ALL!!
Three cheers for TESS…hip hip hooray! hip hip hooray! hip hip hooray!
{ok enough of me shouting all alone……
Lots of love , big hugs and blessings to you too
.-= Zeenat{Positive Provocations}´s last post…Multiple Personality By Choice! =-.
What a wonderful list Tess…such amazing bloggers here! And congrats on 2 years! Your blog is such an inspiration to me. I look forward to reading more of your thoughtful posts!
.-= Caroline´s last post…Simple: comfort =-.
Thanks much, Tess. I can just feel the warm embrace of that group hug.
.-= Patty – Why Not Start Now?´s last post…A Large State of Fear =-.
what a fabulous way to wake up this morning – Group Hug! Here’s to many more years of your awesome blog and your message!
Rock on Tess!
.-= Peggy´s last post…Belief =-.
Thanks, Tess. It’s good to have friends – no matter where they live! It’s been a pleasure “getting to know you”.
Best of luck in year 2!
I’m actually changing my tag line to “guiding you towards feel good living” and this post certainly fits that bill!
You’ve stared something! Yes I love group hugs and you! It’s been so fun getting to know you and Ann-Marie. I’ll be in New Zealand some day so you better be prepared. I want to bunge jump like my daughter did, get ready!
Same back at you and I look forward to more wisdom from you .
Thanks fo the hug and love.
I’m just beginning year two! Thanks for being the photographer you are…you bring beauty everywhere.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Hugs to you too.
It seems like Iv’e known you forever. See you in Vegas baby…oh did I tell you I don’t gamble? But there’s a ton of other fun to be had!
That tag line is so great and who doesn’t need that! Yeah for you…xo
.-= Tess The Bold Life´s last post…Thank You for Being My Friend =-.
Hi Tess, I’ve been stopping by here for some time now and thought it was time to say hello! Thanks for all the inspiration and positive thought that you share here…the world is a happier place for it.
.-= Kate I´s last post…Simple Things =-.
You have a wonderful community on this blog. It shows how caring you are. It’s not easy to keep a blog going strong and you’ve done that. The best part is thinking about all the people you’ve helped through your words.
I know this coming year is going to be your best year yet.
.-= Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last post…Be One With Your Work =-.
Hello Tess,
I am very happy that you are here!! Your blog serves a great purpose as it literally helps people. Your love, compassion and willingness to BE the difference in this world IS making a difference. In the past you have said that if you help just one person it is all worth it. Well, I am that one person Tess. Keep doing what you’re doing, keep growing like your growing and keep the bold heart you have. I am absolutley certain that I am not the only person you help on a regular basis. From the comments that are left on your blog, it is obvious many others benefit from what you give. I say all of this not because I’m attempting to give you a pep talk, but to encourage you. I know that you give, give, give and people who do that need to be refilled; to know that what they are doing is affecting people for good.
I am glad you have this blog and I wish it to continue!!
Happy Birthday, again, to The Bold Life!
.-= Keith´s last post…Dreaming Or Drifting? =-.
Kate I,
Just went to your blog and loved it. Beautiful photograhy and the layout is awesome. Nice, creative and unique.
Karl and Karl,
I “heart” you both! Thanks for the support and insights you give me. It’s nice to be on the same journey together. Life’s easier with friends.
.-= Tess The Bold Life´s last post…Thank You for Being My Friend =-.
2 years!! That is an awesome milestone.
…especially when you realize that it’s 2 years of connection, 2 years of being engaged, 2 years of encouragement and leading by example.
Congratulations, Tess!
.-= Hayden Tompkins´s last post…The Power of Negativity =-.
Hi Tess – I missed your birthday & I like parties bo hoo!! But now yea .. I can join the big hug and say congratulations on your 2nd year .. you’ve done masses in this first one – so your 2nd one should be tremendously fulfilling for you and for us. Your wisdom and down to earthness is just what we all need ..
Fizz and bubbles in your direction and everyone’s direction whereever we are in the world .. as you say Life is so much easier with friends ..
Thank you x0×0x0x 0 Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
.-= Hilary´s last post…Iron Curtain or a rich Green Natural Wilderness =-.
Tess, I LOVE this idea for a post. May I please steal it? The idea, I mean??
You are one of my all-time bestest peeps in the whole great universe and I can’t imaging my blogging life or trip though the stardust without your shiny fun-loving presence.
And we are down to 4 fish now
must update that. But soon we will be adopting more, a couple of blue guppies I think. 
.-= Jannie Funster´s last post…3 Photos I Took 3 days Ago & 3 Photos I Took 5 years Ago =-.
Thank YOU for your wonderful blog!
And thanks so much for linking to my site today!
.-= Positively Present´s last post…living life with purpose =-.
Tess, you are so creative to think of such a generous way to celebrate your blogging birthday. You’re spirit infuses all of us here with the vibrant joy of life and the fun of going after it. Thank YOU!
.-= Julie´s last post…More in Love Than Usual: Celebrating Fall =-.
Thank YOU, Tess. Wow, what inspiring thoughtfulness you provoke. It means so much to me.

I plan on stopping by everyone’s link.
.-= Angelia Sims´s last post…I’m blaming hormones =-.
This is a great list and I am honored to be included, thank-you!
.-= Mark´s last post…Distracted? =-.
Hey there Tess.
Here’s to many many more wonderful years of you being you and your blog spurring us on to live a bold live . The world needs it and I need it.
Thank you making this celebration something that we can all be part of, you’ve created something bigger than you. That is what community is about.
You rock Tess. Lots of group hugs to you!
p.s. So looking forward to your visit to NZ and your bungy jump. Yeeehaa!
.-= Ann-Marie´s last post…Ann-Marie on Intimacy on Blogs =-.
This is really cool, Tess! A treasure trove of great reads!
I love this! I remember visiting your blog that day but I opted out of picking a post for you – I really appreciate what you’ve done here, though!
Thank you for hosting an awesome blog.
P.S. I’m 3/4 way through your ebook. You rock, Tess – it’s great! Thanks for offering this to use at no cost. Hugs to you, my friend!
.-= Lori´s last post…Proof: Extraterrestrial Life Exists =-.
No…1 year…I’m in but 2nd year but I’ll take your congratulations anyway;)
Oh I love fizz and bubbles, it sounds so fun and I couldn’t have done it without you!
You can take the idea and run. Didn’t anyone ever tell you we really own nothing in the universe? Silly….
Thank you for inspiring me.
I’m so happy you are part of the celebration and you do the same for me with you fabulous writing.
You are so awesome to do that…it shows that you have a genuine interest in people.
You’re welcome!
Thanks so much for the compliments and I hope you’re joining me in the bungee jumping.
Thank you for taking the time to read my book. I’m happy to share it and help anyone who needs it. I continue to get orders from those who read the ebook first! It’s a win-win situation.
.-= Tess The Bold Life´s last post…Thank You for Being My Friend =-.
Hi, Tess!
As someone recently said to me, you can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. In that case (as if we didn’t already know!), you’re a shining star! You’re easy to love, and it’s been a pleasure getting to know more about you through each blog post on this awesome site of yours. You are BOLD and you are BELOVED! Shine on!
.-= Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord´s last post…Read. LAUGH! Repeat. =-.
Tess you are such a sweetheart!!!!
Thank you to you for being such a great person. You are one awesome soul and all these things that you do to share the talents and lights of others, just magnifies your ever giving and loving soul!
.-= Evita´s last post…5 Evolving Bloggers Who Have Touched My Life – 2 =-.
Cheers, mom, to you and The Bold Life. You have taught me throughout my 33 years to live boldly. Here’s to another 33 years of bold living. Rock on!!
This was such a great idea Tess. Giving a gift on your birthday. Looks like some great reading for the weekend!
I’ve been enjoying reading your tweets — powerful stuff. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in your blog birthday celebration.
.-= Davina´s last post…A Yogi Twists A Business Pitch =-.
What an excellent list…saving it to check out the new ones I do not know!
Congratulations to you ! Thank you for your courage, your openness, and for being here! It is great getting to know you and i look forward to being a regular visitor in 2010! Keep on rockin’
.-= Katie West/The Levity Coach´s last post…And End Your Week Even Better! =-.
You are a sweetheart, and I know this through our many conversations we’ve had. I love how approachable you are, and how you always seem to be wearing a smile (it shows!). Keep smiling, keep loving, keep shining!!!
.-= Lance´s last post…Following The Blissful Brick Road =-.
I’m going to cry. What a wonderful thing to say. I feel the same and yes I’m happy to hangin’ with you as well!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, soul sister!
Yeah and I’ll see ya in Vegas baby! Can’t wait to see the marathon and meet your new man;)
I wouldn’t celebrate without you! xo
Yeah to our paths crossing. We’ll thank Lance of the Jungle for that.
OK Lance…one…two…three…we’ll sing together: Keep smiling, keep shining that’s what frineds are for…Hugs to you!
.-= Tess The Bold Life´s last post…Thank You for Being My Friend =-.
It seems to me that your first year was pretty big and bold; I can only imagine how much more you will inspire, challenge, encourage each and every one of us. Your blog was the first I came upon– and now one of my favorites–that is refreshingly candid and inspiring. I look forward to each and every post, to what emotions your word swill invoke, what personal steps will evolve after I’ve read. Thank you so much for your time, energy, emotion, thought…..absolutely amazing in so many ways:) Big Hug:)
My PS would be that the post I referenced seems to have been the turning point for this part of my journey. I had no idea when I was experiencing it, just how huge it would be. Quite amazing, and it was such a short time ago….
Congratulations Tess – I love seeing bloggers reach these milestones. So many give up too soon – it takes a lot of determination to get through your first year.
Hi Tess!
Gratitude is a beautiful thing! And YOU are a beautiful person! Thank YOU for sharing so much on your blog! I really look forward to reading it – you mean a lot to a lot of peeps!
.-= suzen´s last post…Tears of Fears – Part 2 – The Candle in the Window =-.
Thanks for everything, Tess! You’re my friend too! Your boldness inspires us all…
.-= John´s last post…It’s Almost Thanksgiving: What Are You Thankful For? =-.
Oh dear I just realised I missed your birthday post – haven’t been reading my feeds for weeks and it must have fallen during that time. Happy belated birthday!
When I saw your article title in my reader I immediately thought “Oh no, it is I who should be thanking HER for being in my life” and so here I am to say just that. You’re a shining example of who I want to be when I grow up!
.-= Daphne @ Joyful Days´s last post…Can You Pack Your Life Into Two Suitcases? =-.
About once a week I pick a new blog to ramble to. I am very glad it was this one.
.-= christina´s last post…MOM! Haven spilled the food! =-.
What a beautiful gesture, and such a great collection of links!
.-= vered | blogger for hire´s last post…Genetic Testing for Children: Would You Do It? =-.
Tess, congratulations on this fine achievement! And thanks for sharing all these great sites with us. Such soulful people! How many of us are there anyway? I am so heartened when I see a list like this that “the change we wish to see in the world” (ala Gandhi) is really happening. Blessings to all!
.-= jan´s last post…Thanks for the Memories =-.
WOW! This is very inspiring! I can’t wait to check out some of these sites and the rest of your site.
Tess, I am so flattered! I almost fell out of my chair when I saw my name on your list. Thank you SO much for including me!
.-= Daphne´s last post…Patience and Waiting =-.