There Is Nothing To Fear

by Tess

Walking on water
Creative Commons License photo credit: BadrNaseem

Today I’m posting some favorite quotes on being fearless. And some of my thoughts as well with each quote.

“If we can let go of our own fear we can remove fear from the world.” unknown
This resonated with me. I realized the world is a better place without my fear. My question to myself is,” Where is my focus? Am I projecting fear or love today?”

My friends daughter is pregnant with her third child. She is worried because her daughter is struggling financially. I asked her if she was willing to look at it differently. What if this baby is coming to make the world a better place? What if the baby has a skill or talent we desperately need right now? This moved my friend out of her fear. She now has an open heart.

“He who fears he will suffer, already suffers what he fears.” -Montaigne 

This quote shows me how ridiculous my fears are and how they rob me of my present moment. Unless you are on a battlefield fighting for your life there is no need to be afraid in this moment. Yet we create our own battlefields in our mind where none exists.

“Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive — the risk to be alive and express what we really are.” Don Miguel Ruiz

If I am who I really am someone may reject me or love me. Either one can be a bit frightening. I believe this fear is universal. Today I am going to be and express who I really am reguardless of someone’s love or rejection.

“The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.” Anne Frank

Will everyone who is afraid please go outside and enjoy the day? It’s that simple. I woke up this morning, drank my coffee and did a four mile run. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and I am healthy. No fear!

… without darkness
Nothing comes to birth,
As without light
Nothing flowers.
May Sarton

No need to beat yourself up for being afraid. It’s part of life. The only way to move through it is to embrace fear and head towards the light!

“I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.” William Allen White

I have solved all of my problems thus far in life. Anything I fear today I will move through as well. I am who I am because of my yesterdays and today I am happy to be alive.

What are you afraid of?
What holds you back?
What would you attempt to do today if you  had no fear?

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{ 31 comments… read them below or add one }

Davina October 13, 2009 at 11:04 pm

Hi Tess. I love this one… “He who fears he will suffer, already suffers what he fears.” -Montaigne. What I’ve come to notice is that when I find myself feeling out of sorts, I’ve just been listening too much to those fearful voices echoing in my head. As soon as I realize that, they loose their power and it’s like the sun comes out again.
.-= Davina´s last post…9. Thyme Out On A Mountain =-.


Patty - Why Not Start Now? October 14, 2009 at 1:26 am

Hi Tess – What a great line: “Will everyone who is afraid please go outside and enjoy the day?” Well done! Sometimes I’m afraid of nothing, sometimes everything. It is what it is, and I go forward. My biggest insight about fear so far came from a book by James Hollis – Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life. He said: “Anxiety is an elixir that keeps us on the edge of life.” So I’m lumping it all together, fear, anxiety,etc., you know? His point is that depending on how we perceive it, fear can be a magic potion that opens us up to lead a life larger than we could have imagined. So I agree with Eleanor Roosevelt: “Do one thing that scares you every day.” (And now I’m going outside to enjoy the day!)
.-= Patty – Why Not Start Now?´s last post…Seven Ways to Bring On the Epiphanies =-.


Positively Present October 14, 2009 at 4:01 am

I definitely hold myself back more than anything else and I need to work on that. Thanks for inspiring me with this post!!


Stefan October 14, 2009 at 5:34 am

This is great quotes. When it comes to fear you truly should be care of what you are saying and doing when raising a child. If you as a parent are afraid of dogs your child will probably become it as well. If you are afraid of spiders, your child… You see the connection.

As a kid I disliked spiders because of my mother and dogs because of my father. I managed to get over the fear of spider quickly since they are a lot smaller then me. Now I love dogs but I still jump when someone barks unexpectedly.
.-= Stefan´s last post…Todoist Saves My Day =-.


Stefan October 14, 2009 at 5:35 am

By the way, I highly recommend you to add threaded comments. By doing so it will become much easier for both you and others to answer comments. :)
.-= Stefan´s last post…Todoist Saves My Day =-.


Jay Schryer October 14, 2009 at 5:46 am

My favorite fear quote comes from the Science fiction story (and movie) Dune: “Fear is the great mind killer.”

When we let our fears rule our thoughts, they take over our minds and control us, almost as if we were mindless puppets. Fear robs us of our free will, and our happiness.
.-= Jay Schryer´s last post…Memories Best Left Forgotten =-.


Jan Lundy October 14, 2009 at 6:35 am

Tess, you are just the best coach! Ah, fearlessness, that one bodes large lately and I am doing exactly what you said here–and what Anne Frank suggested–going outside—a lot! Breathe, look at everything in its perfection as part of a divine plan. All of nature is well AS IT IS, and we can be too. I have 3 major fears lurking right now, all around 3 dear loved ones. They involve income, addiction, and well-being. I have re-rooted myself in some serious spiritual practice, because each time the phone rings my stomach gets in a knot. In fact, I am listening to Tibetan chant this morning, burning incense, and wearing my new mala beads as a necklace to keep me centered and clear as I write this! And breathing!

I do love the book about fear by Frances Moore Lappe? It always helps. Are you familiar with it? It’s right up your alley. You Have the Power: Choosing Courage in a Culture of Fear. Blessings to you this day, my friend!
.-= Jan Lundy´s last post…Bird Bliss =-.


Daphne October 14, 2009 at 9:53 am

I have definitely let fear hold me back. Fear of failure, mostly. For some reason I grew up being aware of consequences, and I often spend a lot of time thinking about the “ifs” – If I do this, then this might happen. Then I don’t do anything. I don’t move forward. Instead of having curiosity and adventure fuel my choices, I let fear rob me of opportunities. Thank you for writing about these quotes. The fear stops now.
.-= Daphne´s last post…Own Your Way =-.


Chris Edgar | Purpose Power Coaching October 14, 2009 at 4:41 pm

Hi Tess — like you said, it’s amazing that most of the time our fears stem from fantasies about what might happen, or reliving old problems, that have nothing to do with right now. A while back I caught myself lying in bed feeling anxious, and I said to myself “wait a second, I’m lying in bed right now and I’m actually pretty safe and comfortable,” and that was a real a-ha moment for me. :)


Evita October 14, 2009 at 5:24 pm

Such a good one Tess – there really is nothing to fear.

Now of course having said that are we all able just to let go of all of our fears instantly…probably not.

I feel like you, that I have dealt with everything I have needed to and today really have no fears. I don’t mind what comes – I know I will be able to deal with it and get through it.

But having said that, I do have a bit of some hesitations… they do of course stem from fears. The main one that I can think of is saying exactly what is on my mind. Of course we “fear” how others will react. Now I am probably there about 90% of the way on the web through my writing. Maybe holding back just a teensy winsy bit. But in person it is harder. I attended for example a session at a town hall yesterday dealing with sustainability and did I participate vocally? No. And why not…simply because I knew that what I wanted to say was too passionate and I had some inner fear inside of how that would be received by the strangers there. But I am aware of this, and working on it. I know what I will say is nothing bad, but can probably help some people, so I just have to get past that last block and let it all flow :)
.-= Evita´s last post…Our Search For Purpose and Meaning =-.


Helen October 14, 2009 at 5:26 pm

Tess: your messages are always so timely for me. I can so easily get mired in my fear, especially fear of the unknown. Once I remember to breathe, slowly and deeply, life is not so fearful. There is a certain curiosity for me about the unknown, too, which once I’m breathing again, I can experience fully and move on in the present and fully enjoy today.



Wilma Ham October 14, 2009 at 5:39 pm

Hey Tess
I love how you share your experiences with each quote. You are so bold and generous in saying how it is for you.

I resonate very much with this one;
“the risk to be alive and express what we really are.” Don Miguel Ruiz
If I am who I really am someone may reject me or love me. Either one can be a bit frightening. I believe this fear is universal. Today I am going to be and express who I really am regardless of someone’s love or rejection.”

I dare not make requests that help me to express what I really am.
I am fearful of the ‘no’ that can come my way and what I am making of it and what to do with the ‘no’.
Very limiting as their are so many resources out there that are not accessible when you cannot ask.
So bold woman, you have given me the push to boldly request and to also boldly deal with ‘no’.
And now I think ‘ darn, why did I say that?” and I feel myself want to wiggle out and that is of course being fearful, darn.
THANKS Tess, you are having me sweating behind my computer right now and dealing with this.
I guess I have to love you for this?
.-= Wilma Ham´s last post…What happens when instead of an old fashioned partner I become a sponsor. =-.


suzen October 14, 2009 at 5:41 pm

Wonderful blog topic, Tess! Who hasn’t struggle with fear? To me, it’s like weeds in my garden. I get rid of ‘em and before ya know it, there they are again! So I’ve learned to be vigilant. If I even smell fear creeping up on me, I acknowledge it and send it on it’s way. Look, at my age I don’t have time to waste being all afraid of doing something! I’ve actually become fearless and it’s a real hoot!
.-= suzen´s last post…Monkey See, Monkey Do =-.


diantha October 14, 2009 at 6:03 pm

This is a great post Tess. We have all had to face our fears and you have come up with some perfect quotes and wonderful first hand experiences! You are fearless in your posting! Thank you for that!

One thing about getting older is that fear seems a waste of energy. I love that. Bye bye fear!



Char (PSI Tutor:Mentor) October 14, 2009 at 6:28 pm

coffee intake before the run?…hmmm… ~:-)

What are you afraid of? Not meeting my financial responsibilities because this month it is POURING, is my slow season for online work, and I have family with kids on the edge emotionally and financially and I want to help them out too.

What holds you back? Me worrying deep in the night that I will not meet my obligations and/or be able to be there for family.

What would you attempt to do today if you had no fear? Walked my talk; packed what foodstuffs I could share, bought milk, added some cash and gave to family; still had cash for rent; rang a company to get extension which allows me to cover the costs of two housemates shares of the bill which pays them back; the same bill was halved because I have been prepaying; two other large bills are still a week away~
and look what happened this week:
vet didn’t charge, two extra shifts at work,
two clients, asked times available for a short-term job so is a maybe,
eligible for free home insulation worth $1600 and am confident landlord will sign off on it (12.5 degrees cooler = easier to keep housemates and less pc probs so less money out on it).

“Go outside” is my number one suggestion to Self and to others when stressed.


Mary B Sheffield October 14, 2009 at 6:49 pm

Hi Tess,
What a great post ! Some times when fear is sneaking in the deeper you go the more alone you feel and it just intensifies ! I Love that you Boldly
post your ways of dealing with fear !
My biggest way of dealing with fear is to write it out .. Every wich way
the out come could go . A little obsessive but if it really bothers me it has to get out into the open and be cleared of my mind.
Have a fearless week ! :)
Mary Beth


Amanda Linehan October 14, 2009 at 6:58 pm

Hi Tess – My favorite quote here is the one from Don Miguel Ruiz. The things that I fear usually point towards some growth in my life, but in order to access that growth I have to be courageous. I’ve found that fear magnifies areas of your life that need some attention, and though that doesn’t necessarily make them any less scary it does motivate me to look at the things I am afraid of. Also, I’ve found that anytime I’ve used courage I’ve never been disappointed. :)
.-= Amanda Linehan´s last post…Breathe =-.


Patricia October 14, 2009 at 8:45 pm

I am not big on being afraid – I just have a routine to let go…

Today I did all my tricks…but I was afraid all day….

no relief.

no release….

Love the quotes…Thank you
.-= Patricia´s last post…Jeepers Peepers – Where Have You Guys Gone? =-.


Jannie Funster October 14, 2009 at 8:55 pm

Tess, your insightful commentary is just as good as the original quotes.

Wonderful topic and beautifully stated.

I just love how you moved your pregnant friend out of fear. What a joy! Just the nicest thing I’ve heard in a while — and believe me — I hear some very nice things on a regular basis. Makes me want to have another child ASAP, but I’m 45, and hubby is 67. Adoption?? Jim?? A little soul needs us, we need them and the world needs him or her.

And this one… “He who fears he will suffer, already suffers what he fears.” -Montaigne… holey-wow, Tess. Can I get a 100th tattoo on me, with that? :)

I LOVE YOU and your awesome-awesome blogging , Tess. But awesome is too trite a word.
.-= Jannie Funster´s last post…Goin’ For The Page Rank Juice =-.


Lance October 15, 2009 at 3:48 am

Hi Tess,
Ah…fear…that things that sneaks in and puts his grip on us. I’m not so sure that fear is ever going to go away. If we can embrace it, and move beyond, though – that can be so good for us. The quote you’ve shared about nature…Tess, I love that one, and know exactly what you mean about how just getting outside can be so good, and connecting to what really matters.
.-= Lance´s last post…Escaping Adulthood =-.


Tess October 15, 2009 at 5:37 am

I agree…it’s all those voices or the choir singing in my head. One would think I could just turn down the volume however when my ego takes over I lose control. It’s my whole reasoning for my quiet time, journaling, meditating and exercise. I shut down the voices for the day.

Oh yeah the E. Rooseveldt quote. I forgot about that one. The days I do the thing that scares me the voices are quieted. My grandson is here and I’ve been enjoying every moment. Go to the pool twice a day. We are having lovely weather!

Thanks for stopping by. I loved your post on hope and cancer the other day.

Well how true that is…I still continue to hear my father’s fears in my head. Then I remind myself that those are his not mine!

That’s a great quote, “Fear is the great mind killer.” Wow powerful.
Your so right and it’s silly to give away our freedom to something that doesn’t even exist. Crazy ego stuff.

You certainly are doing all the right things. It’s hard not to get in other’s stuff when the people involved mean so much. Katie Byron says to realize “it’s not your turn to suffer.” Thanks for being authentically you.

Also remember that they all have a Higher Power, this too shall pass and all is well. Because it is!

You’ve just inspired me to make a sign for my office, “The fear stops here!” Thanks so much my fearless friend.

What an excellent example! It’s all an illusion the fears we keep so close to our heart. I’m breaking mine open today and shaking them out of there. More room for love!

Yes yes don’t hold your wisdom back. We all need it…in fact we’re all in dire need of wisdom these days. Thanks for being honest!

You’ve got the secret. All is well!

Don’t ya hate it when ya know better;) Yes my dear, I can feel the love! Now go forward my fearless fan.

Yes our age…did I tell you about those fears lately? I’m busy enjoying my beauty with and am spending less time on my aging without! Fear fear go away and don’t come back another day!

Fear is a waste of energy. I knew that about guilt and now I’ll add that to my list.

Thanks for being so real…it’s a blessing on my blog! I love that you want to help others. Make sure you take care of yourself first, my friend.

Mary Beth,
I think writing out your fears is great and don’t forget to tell them you’ll get back the second Tuesday of next week!

“Any time I’ve used courage I’ve never been disappointed.” I’ve never thought of it that way. I love the wisdom my commenters share. Who said I was teaching them?!?

No no don’t have a baby!!! LOL and yes I need a tatoo as well. 2 4 the price of 1?!?

OK Lance let’s go for a run. Will is count as going together if we synchronize our times? LOL


Karl Staib - Work Happy Now October 15, 2009 at 6:08 am

Fear is what we create to hold ourselves back. I truly believe when I stopped being afraid of a certain thing that’s when I was able to let me true self out. I was afraid of blogging when I first began, but now it’s one of my favorite activities. I was deathly afraid of public speaking, but now I love it.

I think fear is there to show us what we really need to be doing.
.-= Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last post…Who Do You Admire at Work? =-.


Stacey Shipman October 15, 2009 at 6:41 am

Fear is a beast if we let it be. Three years ago I got so tired of my fears I asked out loud “Where is all this fear coming from!?!?”

I see fear in a new light – it is what protects me from doing something that may cause harm, and it can hold me back, if I let it. Just this morning on my run (after my coffee!) I was thinking about fear – I had a conversation about it yesterday. This quote resonated for me (for the same reasons you stated)

“Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive — the risk to be alive and express what we really are.” Don Miguel Ruiz

Excellent round up of quotes.


Tess October 15, 2009 at 8:10 am

I’m sending you love and happy thoughts today!

You rock! A great example for all who fear speaking in public and blogging. Your intentions and authenticity stand out in your blog posts.

I’m off to run now…had my coffee and glad we share the same thoughts on the quote. Have a great Thursday!


Keith October 15, 2009 at 10:17 am

“He who fears he will suffer, already suffers what he fears.” -Montaigne

I LOVE this one Tess! If we live with the fear of something, then we may as well have what it is we fear because the suffering is ours already!

Great post Tess, I am a serious quote fanatic!
.-= Keith´s last post…Overload Your Life! =-.


Patricia October 15, 2009 at 1:28 pm

Thank you Tess….maybe I am making a big change finally…but it is a strange fear..
.-= Patricia´s last post…Jeepers Peepers – Where Have You Guys Gone? =-.


Joy October 15, 2009 at 3:08 pm

Excellent quotes to deal with fear–something we’ve all faced at one point in life, and all managed to move past at least a bit, or we wouldn’t be reading a blog challenging us to be bold and fearless:)
I’ve found when I am most afraid it is because there is potential for growth and it is my choice how to proceed once I’ve identified my fear. I can hide behind fear as a barrier, or use fear to motivate me past where I am. I absolutely love listening to others stories, words of wisdom, moments of inspiration because that proves that people can excel in anything, all areas, regardless of circumstance, and if they can face their “big” fears surely my little ones should be inconsequential:)


Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord October 15, 2009 at 3:15 pm

Tess, I love what you told your friend about that new baby who’s waiting to be born. What incredible encouragement you gave her! We don’t always know why something’s happening in the moment, but hindsight usually reveals it. I remember my college boyfriend telling me that his mom almost aborted him. She was in the waiting room of the woman’s clinic and then spontaneously decided, instead, to stay pregnant. If she hadn’t, I wouldn’t have known my first true love. My life wouldn’t have changed like it did… I wouldn’t be here typing this comment to you.

I told myself today as I drove home that the older I get, the easier it becomes to live courageously, believing that everything works out perfectly. Your post reminded me of that, so thank you!
.-= Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord´s last post…A Study in Sibling Reverie =-.


Carolynn October 16, 2009 at 4:28 pm

Excellent post! I especially like the quote by Montaigne.
.-= Carolynn´s last post…M.I.A. =-.


Aeve October 22, 2009 at 9:29 pm

Tess, I love the way you turned around your friend’s fear about her daugher’s financial situation and expanded the world a little more. Very beautiful work.


bingo no deposit November 1, 2009 at 8:33 pm

This is really beautiful! I’ve been blessed with a care-free spirit: I really fear very little. It does worry me though that some in my family have so much perceived stress: as though everything is so hard and to be feared: though as the quote above, it’s just the acceptance (and invitation!) of those things that make them fearful.
.-= bingo no deposit´s last post…Cheeky Bingo offer 10% cashback =-.


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