photo credit: LeSmouis
Joy is the winner of the Starbuck’s gift card. Check out her blog. She is living on a sailboat with her two children. What an adventure!
“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Elliot
It’s never too late to:
Learn new things
Sing new songs
Think new thoughts
Count your blessings
Explore new places
Find new friends
Begin again
Dream bigger dreams
Reach new heights &
Love at a deeper level
Are you up for the challenge?
Two-thirds of 2009 is nearly over! I invite you to reflect on your growth thus far and determine how you want to spend the next four months.
Since January 1st, what has happened that you are you most proud of?
Where have you succeeded?
How have you changed?
What do you have left to accomplish? How do you want to proceed?
If you could change one habit that would make a big
difference in your life what would it be?
If you could visit one place where would you go?
If you want to make a new friend or business contact who would it be?
If you could increase your income what would it be?
If you could be of service to someone who would you help?
If one dream could come true what would it be?
The next four months will be as happy as you choose to make them. big, dream happy, run, laugh and leap into big bold action. Let’s finish 2009 strong!
What is one thing you can accomplish in the next four months and why?
How would it impact your life?
Who can you ask to hold you accountable?
Please join The Bold Life for free and receive my free guide, Peace, Love, and Connection. Please share this post with a Tweet and a Like.
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Really eye-opening post, Tess. The one thing I really want is to do well in college. I’ll putting up video during that time and I’ll let my readers and subscribers hold me accountable. There are so many other goals I have though… but this one is my most important.
I would really also like to get my blog linked to an authority site. It’s a stretch, but hopefully things will turn out okay. Keep your fingers crossed…
Hi Tess. Well, I’m starting off September with a special 5-day retreat at a B&B — can’t wait! Have had a wonderful year… lots of changes within. Accessing inner strength that I never knew I had. Have reconnected with a more playful side of myself that I couldn’t be more thankful for, and riding on the edge of self-employment where new jobs are magically appearing JUST when I need them. I’m content to continue riding this wave and not pushing myself too hard. I seem to be on a roll
I love this post! Four months and counting…
So far, I feel transformed in some really big ways — like I finally stepped out of my shadow self and am (slowly but surely) walking away from it. Old, unhealthy habits and coping mechanisms just aren’t floating my boat anymore. Finally! I’m laying new trackwork in my head and finding healthier ways to be – alive, in-love, full of joy, at peace, and everything in-between.
I’d like to finish out the year having more fun and spending time with more people I love, and training my brain to leave silly worries behind.
All in all, 2009 has been my best year ever, and good golly Miss Molly, it just keeps getting better!
Thanks for letting me air that out. (smile)
Hi Tess .. I started off with such high hopes and met an appalling brickwall in early February to do with my mother, which inevitably took my energies and which is nearly over now though not quite re the investigation etc – my mother lives on and will do for some time I guess.
However out of darkness comes light .. and it has for me, the blog has ‘taken off’, I feel more comfortable with the concept, I can see a future for it and I’ve found an adjunct learning project that will ultimately enhance the blog and my life.
So all in all .. it’s been a terrible year, but surprisingly now it’s all panned out into a glowing dawn – and if February hadn’t happened, I’d probably be doing something else, not knowing what I’d missed. Amazing how opportunities just hit at the right moment …
So all in all .. yes I’m way behind, but you know what .. I’m really looking forward! I do hope everyone else is too .. and all good fortune and luck, with some hard work thrown in for us all …
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
Hello Tess,
Wow! This post certainly comes at a good time for me. 2009 has been a very good year for me. I’ve experienced a lot of personal growth and have been able to help and influence more and more people.
I was absolutely pumped when I read your closing statement “The next four months will be as happy as you choose to make them. big, dream happy, run, laugh and leap into big bold action. Let’s finish 2009 strong!”
Great advice that I will happily follow! Thank Tess!
“It’s never too late,” those words always brings a refreshing relief. It doesn’t matter where we are or what we have done, what matters is that we can start again. At 30 plus, sometimes I wish I were just in my 20s, but already with the realizations I have today. But I guess what matters is that I’m here now and there is so much more room to journey forth from where I am today.
In the next four months:
1. Enter the Good Housekeeping short story contest (deadline 9/15) and WIN
And find an agent for my book and sign a publishing deal
2. I want to spend the rest of my life writing, teaching yoga, and practicing Thai Kickboxing. I’m so done with the corporate thing…I want to impose my terms upon life because I’m tired of dealing with the professional career life offered me (and I accepted it because I thought I had to…)
3. I’m in a mastermind group – they are so awesome at holding me accountable…!
Hi Tess!
Great questions. I love, love, love reviewing my life every few months and taking note of all these things. Am I still on my path? Am I living my purpose? What is working? What isn’t? It’s so much better to do this consistently, rather than waiting for the dreaded New Year’s Resolutions list!
I have had a great and very busy summer with my kids home from school. It has been a little disorienting, personally. I always look at September as an exciting time filled with new beginnings and fresh energy. Next week when my kids go back to school, I will be asking and answering all of these questions. I look forward to living strong through the rest of the year and making each day count!
Yay for Joy! I have recently been reading her blog and I think she’s an amazing person. I’m glad she has won. Congratulations Joy! :]
As for ending 2009 with a bang, I’d really like to have all my immigration paperwork finished and have an exact date for moving to New Zealand. It’s the biggest thing I’d like to accomplish in my life right now and it would make both myself and my husband very happy. I think my husband will be able to hold me accountable for that one.
Daily goal setting and achievement creates success. Developing a persona of a goal achiever drives out fear, anxiety and insecurity. Major improvements within ones mind will create positive momentum towards a dream. Dreams are what kept Walt Disney from giving up and Oprah Winfrey from letting her dysfunctional childhood keep her from being the first African American billionaire.
How do you reach your dreams? Create a list of at least 5-6 things you can do each day , which will cause you to reach your dreams. Make sure you complete your daily goals each and every day. Consistency is the key, mixed with a positive mental attitude. Start to focus on positivity instead of negativity. Be happy for what you have and what you want will come unexpectedly.
I’ll hold a vision for you and your college year. Your hook up may be a stretch but remember we have infinite possibilities! The world is in need of a wonderful talented guy like you. I wish you well!
The work you’ve done within is attracting your work appering magically. It sounds like you’ve had a playful and magical year thus far. 5 days at a B & B… you glow girl!
I’m happy for you and your abundance and wish for you more.
There’s no stopping you now. You are on fire with life, change and love. There’s no doubt in my mind about you finishing strong…and happy and prepared for 2010. Your growth is evident in your posts. I’m happy to know you and glad we’re friends.
I admire you, your caretaking and your love for your mother. Can you tell I’ve been there! It’s amazing how the tables turn isn’t it? I’m so excited for the success of your blog. It’s very apparent you work hard on your research. I celebrate with you your glowing dawn. You are an amazing writer.
It’s been great getting to know you this year. In fact I’ve got many new friends because of this blogging thing we put ourselves into! I’m excited to watch you grow right into your new position and self!
Enjoy those 30’s. That decade was my favorite. As the saying goes bloom where you are planted! You’re amazing so don’t be too hard on yourself. As a creative right minded person I admire accountants.
What amazing goals! And good for you for having a mastermind group. You’re amazing and inspiring. Thanks for stop by.
You go Megan! I looked at September the same way and each year for 9 & 1/2 years I signed myself up for more classes when my kids were growing up and finished my bachelors in that time! You’re smart putting your children first. They grow up so fast!
Tess — I feel like the first half of 2009 has been a time of great transition for me. I’m learned to like myself much more and to share myself more with others. I continue to love writing and blogging. Also, I’m in a great relationship with a man I absolutely adore. He always makes me laugh and I feel very lucky to be with him:~)
But I’m not one to sit a around and enjoy my garlands, so in the next four months I plan to sign up and start Yoga classes, as well as begin working with another ESL student at our local library. This is something I’ve been doing for several years and really enjoy it!
@Caity. You will love New Zealand. I moved here 27 years ago and it has been the best move I have ever made.
I want this year to continue how it started when I really became aware that there are infinite possibilities, that loving what you be, do and have is more important than I ever thought it was.
Thus I will continue to do just that; be love in action and trust that that is the magnet that will bring the right things at the right time.
I will continue to love life and that is not hard if you live in a nature environment that you cannot but love.
Hi Tess – Gosh, I feel like not too long ago we were all talking about new year’s resolutions. So far this year, I have been through a few transitions that have been pretty successful, and some valuable lessons learned along the way. For the next 4 months I want to continue to focus on my “word for the year” – “receiving,” which means I want to be better at receiving people and things into my life.
Hi, this is my first time here…..I like this blog, loved this post, and all the comments. Thank you.
2009 has been a hard row to hoe, I had great expectations at the onset, I always do…..still do, so far there have been lots of challenges though.
I am a freelance children’s book illustrator and artist creating images for licensing.
For the rest of the year, 4 short months…….I will complete 2 picture books and finish my first two fabric collections.
I love my work. love painting and will focus on this and the happy outcome of seeing my very best work to completion.
4 months
better get back to painting!
I hope to get started on a new project towards the end of this year. I have not had the time nor know how it is going to happen yet. So if I do, I know that I will have ended my year really strong.
At the same time, things have been truly amazing for me this year. The business that I started just six months ago is doing extremely well. I managed to pay off my course fees and finance myself on an overseas trip. Thanks for the reminder to be thankful and also to pat myself on my back!
Great post Tess! I love to be inspired to DO things!!
This year marks 30 for me and a real eye opener that it is time to get on with living my life. The last couple of years has been a time of plain sailing as it were with no major accomplishments or reasons to celebrate my life.
This last 12 months has been fantastic with a new business and now stumbling upon some fantastic resources (such as this blog and John’s) to help keep me motivated to enjoy my life.
It has also helped me pass on these resources to others who have also been sailing along perhaps a little less happily than myself.
I might just have to sit down and actually write down the answers to your searching questions!!
Thanks, K
The next four months will be as happy as you choose to make them. big, dream happy, run, laugh and leap into big bold action.
I love what you’ve said above, Tess. It brings to mind a quote by Abraham Lincoln: Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
I choose…lots of happy!
Tess, this is such a wonderful post! And I so believe your words! So here is the thing about getting older: I am newly 63 years old and in reading your post I was amazed at how content I felt with my answers. I am so happy with the life I have (took 60 years of scrambling but here I am!), with where I live, who I live with, how I live, that I feel no big yearnings, no big “gee I wish I could….”, just gratefulness for all my blessings. Until this morning I was unaware of just how totally contented I am so I thank you profusely for this wonderfully illuminating post. Many blessings to you….xo
Thanks Tess! It’s really nice to hear that from you
Well you can’t lose happiness if you continue to give it away. It’s a wonderful thing you do with ESL. Your man is lucky to have you. But then like attracts like, eh?
My daughter was an exchange student in NZ and I’ve always wanted to visit. I know it’s beautiful and I love nature. And more sheep than people? Is that still true?
Amanda, Great word receiving…sometimes we wonder where our abundance is when all along we’re the ones turning it down! Yeah for you.
Are you amazing or what! I’m coming to your blog for a visit. I love your projects and get excited over artsy and creative people. Thanks for helping me out and spreading the word about my blog!
Congratulations on the success of your new business. It sounds like your focus is right where it’s suppose to be! Thanks for stopping by!
You go girl! Thanks for stopping by and yes do write out the answers. It can make a huge differece on the next four months. Reading is one thing doing makes all the difference in the world!
My license plate says Happy! I only want to be and spread it. Rock on!
You too! Celebrate all year long!
Hi Tess,
What challenging thoughtful questions ! I am a floater . One that is always more worried about the happiness of others instead of myself.
My challenge for the next four months is to finally write just for myself . If it turns into something great ? fantastic ! If it is not so good then I will make myself be ok with it. Because I am my worse critic ! I usually write up a storm and then read it and hit delete. Plus I never share it. Maybe its time ?
I also want to take the time to help in our community . I am not quite sure what but I think Habitat for humanity is a pretty wonderful program.
Some where for a family to call home and a place for someone to lay their head at night is pretty incredible !
Thanks Tess ! I can hardly wait for tomorrow to start !
Life is Good ! Plus all 3 kids left for college ! This past weekend the last 2 left ! Yee Haa ! One more to go !
Mary B
Tess, as you know I’ve had a couple of remarkable years with my book being published. Dream come true time, I’ve had a blast. But I’ve been completely avoiding something. I am a true techno slacker (and I never ever call myself names, but this one is so true) and have stayed away from much of the technology that could help me get the word out about my work, spiritual mentoring, etc. It scares the #$%&(@# out of me. I am a completely right brained person, I swear. I feel sick inside when I have to deal with technology.
So for the rest of 2009, my vow to you and myself, I am dedicating much (seriously, much!) of my time to stretching my techno wings and flying with the eagles in cyberspace. I am going to learn how to do a podcast and maybe a video. I will learn to make mp3s and post them on my sites. Right now, with the help of a friend I am learning how to make my own website so I can change it anytime I want and not pay someone big bucks to do that for me. Yes! So I am flappin’ my wings and I am not quaking any more. I am going to do this!
BTW, did I ever tell you that I was the last person on the planet to get e-mail and the second to the last person to get a cell phone? Tis true!
Tess, this is one of the only times George Eliot has made me smile and not grind my teeth:) You’ve done the impossible. Bravo!
You need a blog. Then the world can make happy comments on your writing! Yes now you have time with those kids off to their own new world.
You’re a woman after my own heart! I used to feel exactly like you and still do sometimes. Take one day at a time and baby steps. It’s our ego that wants us to feel left behind and in a hurry.
Call if you need help.
I’m proud I released my CD.
I want to record more songs. To proceed I must get my laptop fixed, or so I think.
I would do more butts lifts, or SOME butt lifts as a habit changer. And I will. School starts soon, back to my exercise schedule.
I would go to Paris for 10 days with my family.
I could help some one less fortunate, that would send good energy to the ever-loving cosmos.
Over and out.
Thank you Tess! I do live quite an adventure and it’s very fun to share!
So many thought provoking questions…my main goal to finish this year and begin next with a healthy strong spirit is to remain open to all of the good and abundance in life. I find if I remain open and set what I consider a small goal, the results can lead me in directions that are amazingly wonderful, and at times far past what I could have considered for myself. Most days remaining open is effortless, some days remaining open requires thought, and few days remaining open seems impossible. But I try, and the process of trying seems to be the best part of the journey.
I think my two young children hold me accountable because they are with me every step. I know they are watching and learning, and I want them to experience all that life holds; to know love, and laughter, peace and fulfillment. And to teach it, I ultimately have to live it.
Well I have to say finding your blog has been a very rewarding experience in 2009. You have great style, Tess.
I have many learning experiences in 2009. My marriage for one. The first year complete of blogging and looking forward to many more
I would have to say in the next four months being more patience with my spouse and his work habits is priority. He needs to relax more.
Nice post, Tess.
I’m going to be a balanced (and more technologically adept) blogger so that my life is simpler and my focus laser sharp. I’m going to revamp my house so that I love it more and I can move quickly if we have to. Most importantly, I’m going to be a more engaged mum and a better wife.
janice´s last post…The House of the Thousand Horrormoans