A couple of weeks ago I bought a new baseball cap from the “Life is good” store for running in the hot arizona sun. I love the products and have always thought those guys were brilliant for coming up with this happy stuff.
It makes me smile just looking at it. I started to wonder why my life was so good and how it got that way. I believe most of it comes from the following life lessons or core beliefs I believe in and live.
Learn to want what you have
Before making a decision ask and listen for guidance
Refuse to waste anything
Be original and authentic
Pay yourself first and put it in your savings account
Life is too short to be mad at anyone about anything
Create personal boundaries
Learn how to calm yourself
You have a right to be different and think differently than others
Be generous. You can’t out give God.
What others think of me is none of my business
Use deep breathing to reduce anxiety and worry
Believe in yourself
Treat yourself like your own best friend
Exercise & eating right will keep you healthy
Accept and love the size and shape of your body
Heal your past
Tell others you love them often
Give up being a victim
You can love difficult people from a distance
Don’t wait to be rescued and don’t rescue others
Take 100 % responsibility for your life
Give up entitlement
The world doesn’t owe you
Less is more
Changing your thoughts will change your mood
Always have big fat dreams for yourself
Learn to lighten up and enjoy life
One expensive piece of chocolate is better than an entire box
Don’t be afraid to ask for and receive help
Simplify your life
Eliminate clutter
You learn more by listening than talking
Everyone has a story
Nature will heal you
Lower your expectations of others and you won’t be disappointed
Comparing yourself to others creates suffering
Your thoughts, words and actions will come back to you
Never stop reading, learning or growing
Having an affair won’t solve your problems
Feel your emotions and allow others to feel theirs
Love your children enough to allow them to hate you
When you reveal a secret you can count on someone telling three others
Choose happiness over being right
What you judge others for today you will find yourself doing tomorrow
Always leave a generous tip
Make others feel important
Everyone wants to know they matter
We are all here learning how to love and be loved
Difficult people teach us how to love unconditionally
It’s all about love…tell everyone
What would you add to the list that makes your life work?
If I asked you why your life is good how would you respond?
I’m going to put my new hat on and go for a run now! Life is good…
Please join The Bold Life for free and receive my free guide, Peace, Love, and Connection. Please share this post with a Tweet and a Like.
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{ 26 comments… read them below or add one }
Tess, that’s a lot of words of wisdom! What a beautiful list! Thank you for sharing it with us.
What would I add? Why is my life good? For me all goes goes back to a verse in the Bible in the book of Psalms that makes my life wonderful: “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Funny thing is, often the desires of my heart change as I delight myself in Him, but it’s always better.
Jennifer’s last blog post..The Power of NO
What a wonderful list! I would add “Think positively” and “Live in the moment,” two concepts you may have captured but not in those exact words. Loved this post!
Positively Present’s last blog post..3 simple steps for conquering unhappiness
“Life is too short to be mad at anyone about anything”
Yes, and yes to many of the others too. What a fabulous list.
Vered – MomGrind’s last blog post..40+ Activities For Kids That Do Not Involve TV, Computer, Wii, Or Any Other Screen
I love the thought of delighting myself in the Lord. And I have received the desires of my heart and more!
Yes on those 2 as well. Isn’t life grand?
Thank you for complimenting my list. Once I got started it was easy to do.
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..51 Tips for Living The Good Life
This is such a great post. Do you know that I named my blog, Awake Is Good, after this product line? Your list is powerful. My favorites line is the last one: Tell everyone about Love. Yep, the Beatles had it down. In the end,”Love is all there is.” I am sure that is one of the thoughts/energies that will waft in when we die (change form). How well did you love? Love of self, of others, of community, of nature, of the world as it is, even in its suffering. Thanks for these great reminders.
Jan Lundy’s last blog post..Today’s Joy Guide, Author Cindy La Ferle
Hi Tess -
Some additions:
When searching for something, look inside yourself first

Life is not as random, or chaotic, as we think it is – there is a rhythm to life
When in doubt, smile
You don’t have to be afraid of what is
Amanda Linehan’s last blog post..Acceptance
Life is good! I say that all time! I truly believe it too! Its good because of the gazillion little things and the bigger things. Life is good because God wants us to be happy. Life is good and its all in the way you look at your life! Today I have many reasons to say life is good!
(made me smile reading your list)
My reflexology appointment
An appointment with the a holistic allergist
Lunch with a business partner/friend
Book shopping
Kids last day of school
Few clients tonight
this blog
LIFE IS GOOD!!! I love it! thanks tess for reminding me
jenn’s last blog post..Happy Father’s Day….
I love what you added. It’s clear you are a happy and wise person.
It pleases me to make you smile. I appreciate your comments and your addition to my list!
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..51 Tips for Living The Good Life
WOW…what a list! I love “learn how to calm yourself” oh boy is that true for me! I also like “what others think of me is none of my business.” That alone will save everyone loads of stress. I learned that lesson long ago…like me don’t like me…it’s none of my business.
Wish I could add something to this..but you pretty much covered it all.
Caroline’s last blog post..Happy Birthday to “The Zen In You”
Wow, an extensive list. I’m at a stage where I need to heal the past, struggling to achieve this but I know I will eventually
George Serradinho’s last blog post..2009 Soccer Confederations Cup – I watched Brazil
Hi Tess. Excellent list. We bloggers love lists!
I would add Compassion to this list… for yourself and for others. That paves the way for many other roads to happiness and fulfillment. And, listen to and connect with nature. Birds singing, trees in the wind, rain falling; those really help me to remember to be in the now.
Davina’s last blog post..It’s All About Me — Or Is It?
Whoa, what an incredible list! I wish I could have written it so concisely (I felt like your list was my list, quite frankly!). The only thing I could think to add was “never say never.” The minute I say “never” the Universe proves otherwise and makes me eat my words.
I may send this list to others with a link to your blog. It’s too good not to!
Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord’s last blog post..This Too Shall Pass
Excellent list – I am printing it off to add to my first reads on my mirror! Thank you.
I just wrote a post for July 1,2009 based on your words and Tom Volkars and I thank you for that inspiration too.
Love is all there is – really
Patricia’s last blog post..Stop Packing Your Suitcase
Our band, The Funsters wore pink “Life Is Good,” tees!
– Can I be mad for just a minute or two at someone?
– You can’t outgive God is right!
– Dont rescue others, a hard one sometimes.
– less IS more, yes!
– Comparing yourself to others creates suffering– that’s a fact, jack!
–Love your children enough to allow them to hate you. Whoa, deep!
– Choose happiness over being right, but what if being right makes you feel happy?
And one to add that makes my life work?
– Do the hard stuff first, the rest will be gravy.
Jannie Funster’s last blog post..Guess where I am today?!
Another way to say it is “learn how to hold your own hand.” Well maybe that’s a bit different but close. Wasn’t it freeing when we decided we didn’t care what people thought?
I love your thoughts on nature. Love, love, love em!
Yes I like never say never as well. The joke is always on me when I do.
Healing the past is a choice. Once you decide all will accelerate and you will be free in no time.
thanks so much for caring enough about my writing to print it off. I’m coming over to your blog now.
Why do I have trouble with the one you add?!?!
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..51 Tips for Living The Good Life
Hi Tess,
My life is good because I’ve connected deeply with myself. That may seem like a pretty “grey” answer, but I really believe that when I have moments where I’m fully connected with my inner soul, this is truly the good life for me. And it’s not something I can just put my finger on…yet I just know when I’m in that moment…and life is indeed very good…
I love your list..and I can just tell from our visits, that good life lives within you, my friend…
Lance’s last blog post..Sunday Thought For The Day
This is why everyone loves you. You are deeply connected not only with yourself but everone. It shows in you writing and in your comments.
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..51 Tips for Living The Good Life
I’m glad Lance posted before me – he expressed it so well! I feel life is good when I’m connected to my soul and when my soul is able to connect with everything and everyone. I feel reconnected to the love we all came from.
Writing lists is definitely one of your stellar gifts! This one’s awesome. I also like what I call your ‘brain-frying questions’, the ones that bring up so many responses in me, I don’t know where to start! I agree with so much of what’s been said above. Like Davina, being aware of nature is huge for me.
A few that popped into my head:
~Don’t react – respond.
~Let go and let God.
~ Have the curiosity, presence and openess of a child.
~ Change your thoughts, change your life.
~Don’t assume.
~Separate the symptoms from the source.
Thanks, Tess!
janice’s last blog post..Take Time to Treasure What’s Important
Hi Tess.. great list ..
* love is everything &
* be positive &
*take your opportunities
Good to have your ideas and everyone else’s notes too ..
Thanks so much ..
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
Hilary’s last blog post..Great escapes – or not? … cows, swine, swans, owls
I dunno? Because it’s… hard? And we humans like to avoid that?
Jannie Funster’s last blog post..Guess where I am today?!
3 out of your are challenges for me. Thanks for your praise. I’m thriving on it.
Take your opportunities…that’s great and I’m going to do just that!
Oh wise one I’m bowing down to you!
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..51 Tips for Living The Good Life
I really liked the points about paying myself first (maybe because I’ve done this for years and love the results!), telling others we love them, and that everyone has a story – a thought that occurred to me just yesterday when I met a stranger and wondered about her life story.
It’ll take me a lifetime to master all this wisdom for living, and that will be time well spent!
Daphne @ Joyful Days’s last blog post..Your 24 Possible Personal Strengths
well , what else can i say this is the reality man see we often look for happiness but it lies by our side
As it is said when one door of happiness closes , another open but we keep looking at the closed door for a long time
Yeah! I found this post again. I wrote down about 10 of these, brought them into the class where I’m a teacher and had the kid’s copy them down and then translate them into Italian. It was great fun.
The kids loved it and asked me for more, so this blog has been bookmarked. Thanks again. Great resource.
.-= Julie ~ jbulie’s blog´s last post…Lessons from my Yia Yia ~ most beautiful woman ever. =-.
I’ve been reading your posts for the last couple of hours, and it all has been very informative and well written. I did want to let you know that for some reason this post doesn’t appear to function in Internet Explorer. On a side note, I had been wondering should you wanted to swap blogroll links? I hope to hear from you soon!
hi Tess
Awesome tips
Would like to add one – Living an Inspired Life
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