Hello today is Magic Monday!
Lance was last weeks winner. He knows how to put magic in everyday!
This week our gift comes from Laura Thomas. Laura is a Bold Entrepreneur and is Boldly committed to God, You & The Planet!
Castle Baths specializes in creating Natural Organic Spa Products for Skin and Bath with Therapeutic Aromatherapy and Botany Ingredients.
For the person who leaves the best comment:
Tre’ Yours 3 Bar Box Gift Set of Natural Spa Soaps for Face & Body:
Dead Sea Black Mineral Mud Bar with EO of Ginger
Thee spa and bath products are:
- Natural
- Pure
- Made to Order as fresh as possible
- Mostly Vegan
- Handmade- never factory or machine made
- Shipped daily to preserve the shelf life
- Never tested on Animals!
“As a Christian Spa and Bath Product, Aromatherapy Company- we strive to offer YOU excellence, witnessing God’s word, and using what God gave us to keep us at our best. We believe in Social Justice and the essence of Fair Trade and we require our suppliers to also support Fair Trade.
Unlike many mainstream spa and bath products, Castle Bath brands are primarily made of natural ingredients that are safer for you and the planet.
Castle Baths creates its spa and bath products carefully, responsibly, and respectfully. We are committed to using ecological product creation standards and business practices. We are an ECO friendly Business!
At Castle Baths- we are committed to using organic ingredients, ingredients without any pesticide, and or chemical compounds.
Therefore, even though your products from us will not be certified as 100% organic- you can rest assured we used the best organic and or wild harvested ingredients we are able to purchase for our products.
What changes have you personally made to put more magic in your Mondays?The person who leaves the best comment will win the gift set of natural spa soaps. Happy Monday!
Please join The Bold Life for free and receive my free guide, Peace, Love, and Connection. Please share this post with a Tweet and a Like.
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Hi Tess – it’s great to hear people are making such pure and natural products, which are not teeted on animals. We have an organic shop near us, which has a lot of really interesting organic and fair trade items for sale. Cheers – R
Robin’s last blog post..Sondra Ray – Rebirthing And Physical Immortality
I hope this doesn’t sound icky, but I enjoy knowing that I’ll always find something uplifting here on Mondays. I like routine and ritual.
janice’s last blog post..A Patchwork Post: Authenticity Quotes, Book Giveaway Winners, Link Love and Spiritual Pioneering
I love being good to the environment and my body! It’s the only one we have (like our body) so taking care of it involves so many areas. I just had an open house this past weekend and chose only paper products to serve with, (no styrofoam coffee cups!) then made 3 containers for waste – paper, plastic (plastic silverware and small water bottles), food scraps.
We burned the paper products (can plant more trees) so it didn’t go to landfill and recycled the plastic (after rinsing silverware with the hose), minimal food scraps to the compost. The garbage man won’t even know we had a party! It offered people some good laughs (apparently a new concept in the open house circuit) and helped us tread a little lighter on the planet.
Yes I agree. I think it will catch on more and more and have a snowball effect. Good for us and good for the planet.
Not at all. Routine and ritual are good!
Wow what a party. It’s apparent you honor the earth and future generations. Way to go!
I read your blog on mondays and I’ve started referring to Mondays as Marvelous Mondays!!!! Even saying that out loud makes me feel better about them!!! Different attitude too. Mondays are a fresh start for a new week for me! I love it!!!
Thanks for your part in my attitude change!!!!
jenn’s last blog post..weekend fun…
Hi Tess
I always enjoy your magic monday. What a great idea and you sure are helping putting more magic into people’s live everyday.
P.S. Cheers to Castle Baths. Natural and Organic Products ROCKS!
Thanks for sharing.
Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action
Giovanna Garcia’s last blog post..Stop chasing for Perfection.
I put more magic into my Mondays by starting the day with a warm breakfast, like oatmeal, and taking the time to savor it while watching tv. It is a nice relaxation time before the start of a hectic day. It puts me in a good mood and fuels my body so I am ready to face the world.. and the rest of the week!
Hi Tess,
Woohoo, I’m a winner! That’s some magic to my Monday (and well…Tuesday too!).
We had a motivational speaker in at work recently. And one of her focuses was on being excited about the Monday’s in our life. And I try to be. In fact, I see everyday as exciting. And after hearing this a few weeks ago – now I actively remind myself that it IS Monday (well…on Monday’s) – and that I’m here and doing things I get much enjoyment out of – and that’s magical right there – especially when I focus on that!
Lance’s last blog post..Sunday Thought For The Day
I like that Marvelous Mondays! It’s amazing what a shift in attitude can do. I’m grateful I can be a part of that.
Thanks for the compliment and for stopping by. I agree natural products and fair trade rock!
I agree oatmeal and relaxation is a magical way to begin your week. It’s great for your body, mind and spirit! Happy week…
Good for that motivational speaker! And it doesn’t surprise me you pick up on their message and energy. Not only do you spread it around in your world but you do it in cyber space as well. See why you’re a winner~
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..Magic Mondays with Castle Baths
Hi Tess .. the first day of June – gather my thoughts, get my act into gear and make sure I achieve my list .. I just like your idea of leaving something behind each month, though I’ll try each week .. I need to do a catch up if I can – circumstances allowing.
Thanks for the timely reminder and for letting us know about Castle Baths.
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
Hilary’s last blog post..Slippery customers ….
“What changes have you personally made to put more magic in your Mondays?”
I stopped complaining about Mondays! Instead of viewing Monday as and end (to weekend), I see it as a beginning.
Vered – MomGrind’s last blog post..10 Ways To Love Yourself As A Woman
Every Monday in Graduate School we would get out papers and exams returned, I learned to hate Mondays….when my youngest started to school full time, I only took work where I could have Mondays off….because my life was so 24/7. Most Mondays now I can guarantee myself a walk, long bath, and time to listen to my favorite music (Jannie Funster right now!) and Monday became a day of renewal and Ahhhhhhh day….
I just thought I would let you know that I one Monday won a music CD from you blog. I sent all the information and a time later a woman called to ask if it had arrived and to check the address. I gave her all the information, but now can say that no CD has arrived – I am sure it will arrive on a Monday in time for some great listening ! FYI
Patricia’s last blog post..And The Winner Is!
I have no doubt you finish your list. Thanks for stopping by and your welcome!
Yeah, you’ve taken back 1/7 of your life!
Gratuate school did a real number on all who experienced that! I’m glad you’ve changed your Mondays. You deserve the best.
I’ll check into that CD with Karen and get back to you! Sorry about the delay!
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..
and I guess if no one was IN I could still give away!
Miz’s last blog post..Viewer Mail: Oils 101.
I dreaded Mondays coz it meant going back to work! haha. To put magic in it, I have a very simple formula: I just think of a way to make somebody smile at the end of the day, or better yet, even before the day ends. That gives me something to look forward to, something to make me smile myself!
Jocelyn of I TAKE OFF THE MASK’s last blog post..Bear Children Begotten of Love
You are so right you could! And so happy to inspire you for once!
Good for you! I’m sure your work place is happier because of you. I hope they know how blessed they are!
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..Magic Mondays with Castle Baths
Ooh, Lance! Enjoy your spa bath! Congratulations!
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